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Everything posted by Diffusr

  1. All you need to do is fly up to around 30,000 feet on a clear day, see the arc of the earth's curve. Now it doesn't take a maths genius to figure out that if that arc remains constant throughout your journey from LA airport to London Heathrow, then from there to Tokyo Narita Airport, then from there to Honolulu, Hawaii, then back to LA, then you have travelled around a huge sphere (which actually isn't that huge relative to the size of stars, galaxies and the rest of the universe.
  2. I'm just going through this right now, it's a fassle. It was fortunate that I found this thread otherwise I would have been stuck. I can access the forums here at the moment and the Xisto homepage but the support page doesn't load.I would have had to get access to a different network access node and attempt a login from there. It seems a little excessive though for a free 500megs.
  3. If there's already a thread on this topic, apologies because I didn't see it and please show me the link.Trafficswarm and other traffic exchanges have the ability to boost hits to your website by quite a lot. Most of the traffic you get though is just people surfing for credits for their own websites, so you'll get thousands of hits before getting any genuine visitors. I have read some reports and some say they get worthwhile promotion frm traffic exchanges, others say it's a waste of time.At the first instance it seems like a cheap way of generating traffic and after all, online promotion is a numbers game, it's all about throwing enough mud at the wall until some of it sticks (in this analogy, the traffic is the mud, the sticking mud is the genuine visitors).Because of the supremely fickle nature of such traffic, it brings up issues with things like google adsense. There are all sorts of paranoid conspiracies that say Google "knows" when you're using a traffic exchange and will punish you accordingly. I don't think they are overly concerned or see it as a crime though. If you get any adsense clicks from the traffic exchange it may be because the clicker is genuine. They don't gain anything (traffic credits etc) by clicking your adsense link. Google does though.The question is whether the adsense advertiser would be happy knowing you are using traffic swarm to promote your website, with their ad in tow.I was wondering what Xisto's policy is towards such programmes, if there is one and what experience users have had...
  4. Although there is no doubt google is massively significant in the field of online advertising, I think it's a good idea to put your feelers out into other areas. Google are so huge and dominant they get to pretty much do as and when they please. Your adwords keywords have been puttering along fine at 20cents...now it's $5 and what are you going to do about it?Relying too much on just Google for your online promotion is quite dangerous. Have a contingency plan to get you out of the heat.It would be good to see some more of the smaller search engines used and promoted more.
  5. I would just like to say that it is really worthwhile reading the instructions before attemping to get hosting. I came to this site knowing I would have to make posts in order to get credits in order to get the free hosting and sailed through the hosting application. It really doesn't even take that long to get the required number of credits.I cant believe how many people get denied applications (you can actually see them) because of the simple rules they didn't stick to. Don't be one those, folks, be smart. p.s. you dont even have to be all that smart.
  6. That sounds similar to the time I soaked my 3G mobile phone with walnut oil. Needless to say it didn't work very well after that. If I were you I wouldn't turn it on at all until you have dried it out completely. You will probably have to take the whole thing apart in order to allow for complete evaporation. Start with the obvious stuff like taking out the hard disk, RAM and CPU if you can get at it easily enough. It should then just be a case of unwinding a few screws but be careful of the order in which you do it and note where the screws came out from as some of them will be differing sizes. De-assemble as much as you are sure you can put back together, lay it all out somewhere out of direct sunlight and let it all sit there for a few weeks (I know that sounds like a long time but some components will be mostly sealed but not enough to keep water out). To speed up the process - be careful with this one, take all your disassembled pieces and put them in the oven. Set the temperature to between 45 to 49 degrees and leave it all in there for as long as is practicable. These kinds of low temperatures will not damage the parts but will cause evaporation to happen a lot quicker. If you are careful and meticulous about it you will have fully dried out your precious technology, then you will have to be equally as careful and meticulous about putting it all back together. You could follow the notes you made as you were taking it apart. You did make notes, didn't you? Be glad it was water that saturated your laptop and not oil!
  7. I like the philosophy. I got into linux when I built my own desktop with various parts. My project was to build the best pc I could for as cheap as possible. So when it came to os choice, well, aside from pirating Windoze a linux distro was the best choice. I installed it and it worked smoothly. I've been hooked ever since!
  8. I think it works as they say it does but you have to get people to click on the links. You just have to use your know-how to drive traffic to your website. Goodness knows there are plenty of products that tell you how to do that! (I recommend The Pirate Bay)One supposedly viable business plan is to use adwords to get traffic and adsense to pay for it. This is hard as usually you will pay more for the clickthroughs than you will get from adsense. There are plenty of tales of people making millions from adsense but they don't tel you how many millions it cost to promote.
  9. If those cards are actual VISA cards then it would work. You can also get a pre-paid debit card and use that if it is mastercard or visa sponsored. Most pre paid cards are cheap to set up though you may have a monthly fee.
  10. First impression is it's a nice, clean webpage. My major concern is THE HEAVY USE OF CAPS on most of your homepage text which looks noobish and will put a lot of readers off. A minor quibble is the "reach for the stars" graphic seems a bit too close to the header graphic, cluttering it slightly.Navigating through the content is very smooth and instant which is a plus - and you dropped the ALL CAPS approach after the homepage. Actually it's a well laid out website with only a few minor details to pay attention to.
  11. I quite agree. What you refer to is a "computer hacker". Hacking actually covers a much wider subject field than just computers. In fact, ANY subject field can have hackers, from DNA hacking, aeronautical hacking, diesel engine hacking. Hacking is far more than merely gaining access to restricted cyber systems, though doing this can quite easily be part of a hack.
  12. The whole situation has certainly been purpousely manipulated. The power elite are buying up stocks and assets at low prices as we speak to greatly increae wealth and control. The enemy, though, is not on a faraway continent. Look within your borders and ranks.
  13. Can this be confirmed? I only know the cpm as being part of adwords statistics. i.e You don't get paid for the impressions, cpm just tells you how much you are paying per thousand impressions, working alongside your click through rate.
  14. Like someone's already said, racing itself is not cruel. The horses actually enjoy running flat out in a herd. They are bred to run. However, the treatment of racehorses by some ruthless trainers and owners is what needs to be looked at. I believe on the whole the horses are well looked after, they need to be in order to win races and make money.If you beat and starve a racehorse he'll slow down on the course.
  15. If you start your own internet then you can have all the domain names you want, though you may have to wait a while before getting global coverage.
  16. Wow that is news to me! You guys are gonna get used to my writing now that you told me that! Genius idea whoever thought of it.Domain names aren't usually given away free as they are a kind of commodity in their own right. It's a bit like asking for free gold.
  17. The way to lose weight is to limit food intake and increase activity. Do lots of aerobic exercise such as jogging for a long time, swimming, cycling. Also going for long walks is really good for conditioning. Also the type of food (that you have limited) has an impact. Steamed vegetables will lose you weight faster than cream cakes.
  18. If you're trying to gain muscle mass then eat lots of protien. Don't bother with those body-building weight gain powders as they are mostly powdered milk and eggs sold to you at a high price. Just get real milk and eggs, soya, fish, meat and if you're hitting the weights at the same time then you should see yourself build some bulk and strength as well.When you are at the gym, don't try training on fancy, muscle isolating machines. Stick with basic movements like bench press bar rows and squats. Literally dont do anything else. Then you should gain weight.
  19. I use a kodak easysgare cx7330. It's smaal, light, compact, jammed full of features and takes great shots from landscapes to closeups. There is a pretty good zoom function and the design is fairly sturdy. I've taken it on holiday abroad, taken hundreds of ebay shots with it and it's always in use. It uses aaa batteries so two sets of rechargeables do nicely to keep it topped up with juice.I can actually recommend this product.
  20. It's entertaining but not exactly something the brightest brain in the country would come up with. The only control is one click button and the gameplay is somewhat predictable after the first run through. But still, if it wasnt trying to be a "game" and just a diverted entertainment concept then it would sound cleverer.
  21. It sounds as though you went about your project quite reasonably and if you were making money AT ALL from a standing start like that then you were doing pretty well. If you stuck with it and continued to tweak your campaign I'm sure you could have have been successful.
  22. That is awesome business and that amount probably offsets his own advertising costs to some degree. However, i doubt that the 1 million from adsense alone comes to any kind of profit for that organisation.
  23. I've not heard of any advertising site that pays you per view you generate. This is probably because if they set something like that up they would very quickly go out of business, unless the payments per view were very small i.e. fractions of a penny.
  24. It depends on what you want to use them for. If you want an adbar that sits there hoping for clicks that you get paid for then adsense is the way to go. However adsense does private advertising and you can call your price. If you have a high traffic site then people will want to advertise on it and YOU decide how much for.
  25. It's not the spell that does the magic(k), it's the "faith" of the individual doing it. The method could be anything from spells to prayer, but actually the magic is coming from inside the person as they are comfortable with the way they are doing it.Everything exists because we know it exists, that is opposed to We know everything exists because we can see it.
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