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Everything posted by -Sky-

  1. Domain Forwarding Problem Hi. My friend bought a domain named thegtasector.net from another host, and is trying to forward it to my site here at Trap. However it's saying that the Xisto - Web Hosting nameservers are incorrect. He's tried both the NAMEservers, and the IPs, but gets an error. The error is as follows: HELP !!?
  2. Ahh, right. Now I understand. Thank you OpaQue for confirming this discussion, and now I know why it takes delays. Thank you.
  3. Exactly, however OpaQue can also use it. Though I really do think Xisto need to employ more support staff.
  4. Hi Trap. I am sorry to nag etc.The Xisto - Support Team is so slow and limited now..since velma left the team, support has been unbelievabley slow. If you guys complain that your support is small, then perhaps consider getting newer Staff to help with the Billing area support? In my opinion, I'd personally vote for haslip, SM rval and truefusion to help out. They are a big help in the community.Please don't just close this topic and warn me for this suggestion.. :/
  5. The Chronicals of Niko continues soon. When will TCoN continue?: Within a week or so, I will have many many screenshots to share with everyone!
  6. As long as your board is legally licensed, you won't have an issue with installation. We are starting to encode our modifications for IPB now, so basically any nullified or unlicensed forums will not work with our mods.
  7. Well MSN Messenger (including Windows Messenger and Windows LIVE Messenger) has had many many problems with it. People have been quite angry at it's bugs and error's etc.
  8. Speaking/reading of Family Guy, It's on right now on Sky.
  9. Welcome index. I hope you enjoy your stay here at Xisto.com, Web Hosting Powered by Xisto - Web Hosting.com! I do hope you settle in as a new member, and get posting to an Advanced member, however there is a few threads I (WE)'d like you to read-up on before you start posting. One rule is for when you get your access to our Members Shoutbox. We ask you to please do not post "Links In The Shoutbox". As this is considered; spam, advertising and thread promotion. Firstly, we'd like you to read the Xisto.com Board Rules. Secondly, I must advise you to read the Terms of Service (TOS) and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Thirdly, since there's way to many links for Xisto, simply just read the whole archive. The Xisto Readme file wll confirm and teach you everything about Xisto.com. For your Hosting account, please signup at the Xisto Billing area, and make sure to use the same email address as you did signing up here on the forums. Thank you, and I do hope to see you enjoy your stay !
  10. Anwii, how is your judgement to legend helping? Honestly, how?? I don't see how your helping him with your unhelpful, and unpleasant replies. Your making legend feel the need not to post here anymore for help. I don't think he needs your pathetic excuse of a post (JUST for your MyCENTs) to judge the problem he's having. This forum is to help the members who make threads asking for help on what do to with girls. He doesn't need you to make him feel bad anymore then he already is/has been doing, so back off. If you have nothing proper and appropriately helpful information to give him, then don't post in his thread at all.
  11. I agree. We have the right to know what's going on here as a good, helpful and loyal member of Xisto! Admins (OpaQue and/or Buffalo) should make a thread about the issue's that take place so WE can be sure everything is in good hands. I'm not saying things are bad or anything, but we'd also like to know what or why error's or issue's occur. it may not be any of our business, but as a loyal and advanced member of the community of Trap, we need to know why we are getting issue's when we do. And what is wrong with the IPS Driver Error's etc.
  12. I have a PC. Ash-Bash says that my computer would hardly even run GTA IV...well he's wrong...totally wrong! My processor doesn't even MEET the recommended or minimum requirements to run GTA IV, nor does my RAM/System Memory. However, my GTA IV runs as smooth as anything! My Specs are: Many may think or so my computer is crap, but in theory, I don't care what they think. All that matters to me is, my computer runs perfectly fine. May not have the power for new generation games with GOOD Graphics and performance needed requirements, but it's enough to run GTA IV!
  13. Yeah, very good website template there Tramposch. I like the bits of red etc.
  14. Well, the idea would be to look where the "Logout" link is...not very hard to find that, and the MyCENTs would be colored Red wouldn't it, so that'd be pretty much easy to find. Nice to know you found out about the system koolazngy!
  15. No problem Toby. Glad to have helped out!
  16. Agreed. Linux is way to complex for a gaming platform, as most of the games you'd have to ".makefile" in other words, compile the files. When I boot up my computer (on my 4GB USB memory stick) I boot with Linux (Back | Track) software. I try doing this code thing that allows me to save my stuff (can't remember what it is now) but I had to edit alot of things. I'd rarther keep with XP Home Edition, since that's the version of XP that came with my PC. NOTE!: NEVER use a pirated version of Windows XP Professional! If you get a virus, having a pirated version of this XP is NOT a good idea!
  17. What's wrong with this movie? I watched the trailer and it seems awesome...I think to myself - What a wonderful movie, got to watch it. This is most probably only my opinion (others have theirs) but good, fun looking movies like this give the earge of a "MUST" to watch. It's really looking good, I can't wait to download it.
  18. Ahh yes, the Chronicals..need to update it with new screenies...somewhat like Niko being thrown into a dustbin or something !!
  19. There's also another way of viewing your MyCENTs (if OpaQue or Buffalo edited the skins HTML templates).<div class="borderwrap" style="margin: 0pt 7px 7px 0pt;"> <div class="maintitle"> <p style="font-size: 11px;"><b>Welcome back; your last visit was:</b></p> </div> <table class="ipbtable" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <th><span style="font-size: 11px;"> Today, 07:53 PM</span></th> </tr> <tr> <td class="row2"> <p><b>MyCENTs: </b> <i><a href="https://support.xisto.com/index.php value</a></i></p> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </div> Or something simular to coding some box that has your MyCENT value in.
  20. Yeah, I think so however I don't really play Call of Duty. I used to play some ModernWarfare but that was boring. But really sure what you can do in Modern Warfare 2.
  21. Toby, make sure you have connected all possible power connectors into your motherboard. Also make sure, that your CPU and heatsink are connected correctly, if not, your going to experience a meltdown with your CPU. CPU overheat Even I wouldn't want that to happen.. Just make sure your heatsink is correctly connected to your CPU to avoid any major damage. If this is yout first time in building a PC, here are some helpful links: I think this describes your issue: HardwareHow to build a PC Hardware Information Assemble the PC How-to Guide Software BIOS Setup HDD Partition & Format Install Windows XP Install Windows Vista Troubleshooting Common Issues I hope this helps you!
  22. bux, I'm going to say two things.1. Why bump the topic?2. Upgrade your PC to fit the requirements for Grand Theft Auto IV.The topic starter (TS) was talking about GTA Vice City, not IV. (Well, I don't think he was, I didnt read the whole thread).
  23. With the arguments and hatred you've put me in Phoenix, you wont be getting download access to them..they are not on offer to backstabbers, sorry.^(My option of talking freely. Sorry to the Mods.) Updates: RSWG (Round-Start Weapon Giver): is already completed, and works effectively. It gives players weapons at some round starts, also giving them a note/message using an eventscript syntax. MugMod: WIP (Work In Progress) ServerAds: My custom ServerAdverts mod for ES is in complete stage and is working. More updates soon !
  24. No, it wont demand to format it, it'll just ask if you want to format it or not.
  25. Well I guess, you could try knocking it about a little, cause more bad sectors, and force it to fail. Other then that, it's mostly hardware failures.
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