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Posts posted by xpress

  1. Not any of those. I prefer Avira AntiVir personal. It is powerful and free as well. Actualy I used AVG before and it works very nice until I updated for its 8th version, The worst of all. It slowed down my computer dramatically. And booting was a long process. It used almost all of my resources.So, I changed to Avira Free version. Its working very well. The best part of Avira is it uses very little resources of your system.

  2. I belive you can use somthing as simple as Notepad. If you don't already know how to save PHP Files in Notepad:

    Insert your PHP coding into a Notepad Document

    'File' 'Save As'

    Save the File as 'whatever.php'

    Change the 'Save as Type:' to 'All Files'

    Then Open your intenet Browser

    Click 'File' then 'Open...'

    Locate your File saved as 'whatever.php' and Open it

    Then theres your coding.

    That would probably be an easy way to test your PHP coding without downloading any programs :)

    No No Evloke. PHP doesn't work in the same way as html file. These two are different. You cannot run the php code by simply opening it through Internet Explorer. You need to run it through the web server(like apache). For that you need to point your php file to the web server.


    If you are running it in your local computer you can do this by entering the following address in your browser.



    Before that you must have a web server running. And the file should be placed in the respective folder of the server (for example www folder in the WAMP server) . Hope you got it now. If not ask me.

  3. I assume, if I embed PHP into a HTML file and then save it as a .php page, the server will parse and execute the PHP correctly, but it will also show the HTML code that is in the page correctly.

    Is that right?

    Yes. Actually the server only parses the php code only. It has nothing to do with html directly. Even when you echo or print in php, that output is html. For example try

    echo "Hello <br /> There";

    you'll see Hello in one line and There in another line. It is because, the web server treats <br /> tag in html

    as html tag and simply ingnores it. The html will be rendered by the browser itself. Your web browser renders all this html code and show you the page. No involvement of web server in this. That is php is processed by Web Server and HTML is processed by your browser.

  4. However, sometimes PHP is embedded in a HTML page, and that usually works.So, what do I do then if I ever have to include a piece of PHP into a HTML page?
    Do I just put a link to a PHP page?
    Or is there another way to make the server parse the PHP correctly?

    When you embed php code into the html file you should save the file with .php extension. If the file is saved as html, the browser simply ingnores everything in between <?php ?> tags and process the rest of the page. Because, it doesn't know these tags. Thats it. When the server process the php file, it process the php elemetns and generates the output simply as html. That's why you won't see any php code when you view the source of the page in browser.

    I think this is your problem. If not, please more clear.....Actually I didn't understand your problem clearly.

  5. I don't like it, but i don't mind if I have to. Recently I had given my blood to my grand father. No other person's blood was matched to him. Finally I had to go for blood test. This was the first time in my life. Really, I didn't like it at first. I thought it would be painful. But it was nothing. No pain. And after the tests, they told me that my blood group is O+ve.So I am universal donor. Since no others blood was matching I gave it. It just completed in 5 mins. But I vomited immediately after that.

  6. Yes it made me proud too....but I would have been prouder if ..India had done something new in this area...We are doing the same thing what other countries did decades before....

    We should be proud, because we did it. Not some one else... :)
    Suppose you got a new job...You informed it to your parents.
    "So what?, Already so many people got jobs and some even retired. Whats special?" :P . How do you feel if your parents ask you like that. But they don't. They feel proud of you. This is just like that.......Hey I'm just kidding...... :P

    Anyway, There is something we did for the first time, and we all should proud. This is the cheapest of all missions to moon.
    Cheap, even in these costly days....Isn't it special? ;)

  7. With Oriented-Object Programming (OOP), you can encrypt data making it safe with encapsulation? Can you also have an object access a general class of attributes/elements? I am confused on what an object is..

    Objects like cars, houses, people, creatures, etc.?

    No No No...Encapuslation is not Encryption. Even they have no relation at all. Encapusulation is hiding data. It is the mechanism that binds the code and the data it manipulates.... OK, I will make it clear with an example.


    First let us see what is a class, object etc...later we will see these definitons relate to our example. Later we will go to encapsulation.


    Class: A class is a logical construction. It defines the structure and behavior (data and code) that will be shared by a set of objects.


    Object: Object is the physical reality of the class.


    For example, As you said, we can call cars, houses etc....as Objects. Then what is a class? It is logical construction of the object. That is for example, A Four Wheeler is a class. It is logical. Four wheeler can be anything. A car, a bus, a jeep.


    So The Class FourWheeler defines that a FourWheeler has Four wheels, It has a steering, it has breaks. This is the structure of the FourWheeler.


    And, The behavior of FourWheeler is, it runs when you press accelerator. It stops when you apply break. So we can call accelerate and pressingBreak as methods(or functions).


    And A Car is one Object of FourWheeler. It has 4 wheels, it has steering etc...It runs when you press accelarator.

    So the Object Car has all properites of its Class FourWheeler. A bus is also an object of FourWheeler class. It has the same properites. If you change the behavior or structure of the class, all of its objects will be affected.

    I think, it is clear to you now, what is object and what is class.


    OK, lets move to Encapsulation. I already told you, encapsulation is hiding data. But how? With encapsulation, data in a

    class can be kept private and cannot be accessed directly outside by its class. So, with encapsulation data can be kept safe from corruption. You can access this data only by well defined methods(or functions).


    Lets see it by taking our Forum as an example. As a normal member of this forum, you can make a new post. You can also edit your post. But, can you edit other's posts? No. Why? That is encapsulation. Your posts are private to you. Others have no access to edit your posts. Edit button( simply Edit function) is well defined function for your post(data). But Editing to your post is visible to you only. Others cannot see it. So the data is hidden from them.


    I hope you understand it now. Ask any doubts you have, if you don't understand this.


    And about our concept, Why must we learn Object Oriented Programming....

    Object oriented programming is meant to manage the complexity easily. For small programs, the procedural programming (structured programming) looks easy, but as the program grows longer and logner (complexity increases) it is very difficult to

    write and manage the program. Object oriented programming makes it easy. And also with OOP it is very easy for teams to work on a single project. Procedural programming is based on flow charts and top down approach. OOP based on Objects.

    Pesonally I prefer Object Oriented Programming.

  8. Installing Joomla on local computer (localhost)

    First to install joomla you need a webserver, php and mysql installed on your computer. If you don't have these installed..download WAMP (Windows Apache MySql PHP) server and install it. I am writing this tutorial using WAMP
    as my server. But these steps are almost same in all other servers.

    Follow the steps below

    1. First you need joomla package. Goto joomla website and download the latest version of joomla.
    Follow this link download joomla. This tutorial is based on Joomla 1.5.x

    2. unzip(extract) the file and rename it to joomla.

    3. Then place it on www directory of the WAMP server.(or htdocs directory if you are using XAMPP server)

    4. Now type localhost/joomla on your browser address bar. You'll see the installation page of joomla...

    5. select your language and Click on next.

    6. you'll see a pre-installation check page. Click Next.

    7. You'll see the licence page. Click Next.

    8. Database(MySQL) configuration page.

    Database type: leave it mysql

    hostname: type localhost

    username: type root (or your mysql username)

    password: type password of your mysql account (the default is empty for root)

    Database name: type joomla (or anything you wish)

    (Now the database joomla will be automatically created in your mysql.)

    Click Next

    9. Ftp configuration page. Leave it and click Next.

    10.Main configuraion page.

    Site Name: anything you like

    Your email: type your email address.

    Admin password:type any password you like (this will be the password for the admin account)

    confirm password: type the above password again.

    Next, click on Install Sample Data. You'll see Sample data installed successfully.

    Click Next.

    11. Finish.... Now go to "joomla" folder in www directory and delete the "installation" folder. This is for security reasons.

    Note: If you don't delete the installation folder, you can't access joomla home page.

    Success...Now type localhost/joomla in your browser and you'll see the joomla home page.

    Editing the content..
    Login as the administrator.
    To login as administrator go to localhost/joomla/administrator.

    You'll see a login page. Type "admin" as username and type in your admin password you used at registration. Now you will see administrator page. Now you can edit cms, install templates and extesnions etc...

    Installing Templates and extensions:
    In the administrators page, move your mouse over exentsions link, you'll see a drop down menu. Select "install/uninstall". Extension manager will open. You can upload templates and extensions from this page.

    After installing a template....go to Extensions at the top....and click on Template Manager from the drop down menu. Now select the template you install and click on "default" to make it the default template.

  9. Hmmm :P I too don't have a job yet. I completed my B.Tech and in searching for jobs. So I am free most of the time. In my free time, most of the time I am here on trap and share my knowledge with others. Really life with out job is very difficult...that too after completion of graduation. It really depresses me most of the time.

    any body who have great idea about this please reply i want to appreciate those who dont have job and living life just like beggar.

    But thank god and my parents..I am not living my life as a beggar :) . My parents are very supporting....
    But I don't have money to start my website. Then I spent most of my time for searching free web hosts. I found many but most of them were disappointing. Recently, 2 montsh back I fount trap. But I like trap more than for its commuity rather than hosting. Becuase, I am enjoying posting here. Now i am also a part of this great community. I am forgetting all my problems. Just helping everyone with my knowledge. ;)
    Hope, I will find a job soon. I will tell all of you, if I get a job. :P

  10. Using javascript to validate user input is nice because it doesn't require the user to have to reload the page,
    As for using regular expressions, we can't exactly give you any code unless you tell us what exactly you want to allow or deny in the string.

    Yes. I agree with galexcd. Javascript for validating is the best and fastest option. Because all the validation will be done on clients browser. So it will be obviously the fastest. And also user friendly. Why? because the user correct all his mistakes at one time before submitting the page to server. If all the validation will be done at the server side, user feels it annoying because he need to submit the page many times to correct all his mistakes. It is a time taking process for the user and is very slow.

    So validating it on client side is best. And also it saves some process haedache of server. But of course, server side validation should also be implemented. As galexcd said, it is very easy to change everything which is on client side and bypass any restrictions they have. This can lead to some security issues. So, server side validation is also needed. Since, client side validation is already done, the data is valid most of the time, and no need to repeat the process again....

    And about regular expressions, how can we give if we don't know what you and your code need? Give us complete details and we'll help you.

  11. Hmmm...I am using an assembled PC. Different parts from different vendors. Pentium4 processor, Mercury case etc...I don't like branded PCs, because these branded PCs are very costly and difficult to upgrade. They cost almost twice to the assembled pc. If I have to go for a branded computer....that will be my laptop. I may go for HCL for laptop. It is somewhat cheap and good.

  12. If you want to go for a paid one, I recommend you phpDesigner. This is really nice one. You can use to edit not only php but also many other languages as well. Download 21 days free trail from here
    php designer download

    or if you want a free editor try Komodo Edit....It is also one of the best php editors. It has two versions. Komodo IDE and Komodo Edit.....Komodo edit is free one. download it from here komodo edit download

    But, I don't know whether the free edition Komodo Edit includes debugging support. Give it a try.

  13. We can't compare PHP with the java and .net. PHP is the language used for web development only.(PHP GTK is there for desktop applications, but not that much powerful). But Java and .Net can be used to develop a small website to an Enterprise application. PHP is suitable for small to medium websites. But if the project is really large, then an Enterprise development environment is needed. Because not only deployment but development environment should also be taken into considerations. PHP may look faster because, we are testing only small php scripts, not large applications. The difference can be seen with large applications.

    Im a PHP developer, so i say PHP is fast on the whole, Java requires a an applet to load which could take 1 second or 30 seconds depending on the user's computer speed. .net is (i think?) powered by and run on a windows based system. PHP can be run on a linux system (which is what i prefer when choosing hosting) If you consider that (i think) EVERY linux distro/server IS faster than a comparable windows system it seems that PHP, hosted on a linux server would be the fastest.

    An applet is a small java program. It has nothing to do with JSP and servlets(the java server pages, server side language of java). You can embed an applet in html..No server needed and it runs on client side . And a java plugin needed. But JSP is different. So as .Net. You don't need to have java or .Net installed on your computers. Because, it runs on server side.
    Java and .Net have richset of libraries and APIs. And are very very powerful than PHP. You can understand this with a simple example. Why companies use Java or .Net to develop their projects (even it is web application)? PHP is open source, easy to learn and train. so it is very cheap option available to them. But why they don't use it? Because of the flexibilty and power of those two development environments.

    I don't mean PHP is not powerful. PHP is powerful and secure and cheap. But it has some limitations. Basically I am a java developer, but I like PHP very much.

  14. Now, we can't even imagine a world without mathematics. No Mathematics...No Technology, so No Development. This development would be impossible. So......without mathematics, there is no computer, no mobile, no internet, no astronomy and simply no physics. Everything needs mathematics....even biology. If there is no computer and no internet......so no Trap....and finally no discussion on this topic.... :)

  15. OK. I will explain it with this following code only( The code in your reference website)
    The following code is part of the body.

    <ul id="cssdropdown"><li class="headlink">	<a href="mine.html?search_engines">Search Engines</a>	 <ul>	  <li><a href="http://google.com/">Google</a></li>	  <li><a href="http://yahoo.com/">Yahoo</a></li>	  <li><a href="http://live.com/">Live Search</a></li>	 </ul>	 </li>	  <li class="headlink">	  <a href="mine.html?shopping">Shopping</a>		 <ul>	  <li><a href="http://amazon.com/">Amazon</a></li>	  <li><a href="http://ebay.com/">eBay</a></li>	  <li><a href="http://craigslist.com/">CraigsList</a></li>	 </ul> </li></ul>
    This code should be placed in the body of your page.
    That is between <body></body> tags. You can place it anywhere in the body, as per your needs. This is just for testing.

    Next code is Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) code.
    This must be placed between the <style> </style> tags. These style tags should placed in the head part.
    So paste this code between <head> and </head> tags.
    <style type="text/css">	li.headlink ul { display: none; }	li.headlink:hover ul { display: block; }</style>

    Now save the page, and open it with browser like firefox and you will see the drow down menu(very simple, you need to customize it, if you want a professional look).

    But, the above code won't work in Internet Explorer. So you need to write a java script code to make it work in
    Internet Explorer. That is the third part of the code given in that website.

    The javascript also will be placed in between <head> tags.
    Use the following code
    <script type="text/javascript>  window.onload = function(){	   var lis = document.getElementsByTagName('li');	   for(i = 0; i < lis.length; i++)	   {	 	var li = lis[i];		if (li.className == 'headlink')		{					li.onmouseover = function() { this.getElementsByTagName('ul').item(0).style.display = 'block'; }			li.onmouseout = function() { this.getElementsByTagName('ul').item(0).style.display = 'none'; }		}	}}</script>
    and place this code between the <head> and </head> tags along with CSS code.

    So, the code of the page looks like this.

    <html>   <head>	   <script type="text/javascript>		  write your javascript code here.	   </script>	   <style type="text/css">		  write your  CSS code here	   </style>   </head>   <body>	  <!-- your body part of code -->   </body></html>

    Now you will see a drop down menu that will work in all browsers.
    Hope you understand the explanation, if these are the details you want. If not, post your question in detail and I will explain it.
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