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Posts posted by xpress

  1. Welcome to Xisto. The best free hosting service.Answers for your questions,1. The version of the wordpress in our Fantastico is 2.5.12. MySql database size depends on your free space. And the number of MySql databases are 99(as per cPanel)3. Usually every shared hosting has CPU limitations. Even if you are using Paid hosting you'll have CPU restrictions becausemany others are sharing same CPU with you. If you use most of the resources, others will be definitely affected. So restrictions must be there. But I don't know how much the limit here.

  2. I use AVG too, people say avira is better but I use AVG since it is light, don't know how avira is? What do you think about best and free anti virus?

    AVG light? I don't think so. It is resource hog. I had been using AVG for 4 years and changed to AVIRA recently. Avira is lighter than AVG. And of course free. But one annoying thing is there with Avira. When you update, it will display an annoying browser window of their ad. And another one is you need to sit before your computer if you want to perform a full system scan. Because, if Avira find a virus when you are scan your system, it stops scanning and prompt for action. Of course, you can change settings it in settings, but its settings are not that much user friendly. By the way, its Real time monitoring is very good. So no need to perform full system scan frequently.

    Really I prefer AVG concerning user friendly ness, and its speed of scanning. But its latest version made my system sluggish. So I switched to Avira which is using low resources of my system and doing nice job in detecting viruses.

  3. I too think Joomla is the best. I tried Joomla, Drupal, Mambo and XOOPS. I like Joomla among those. Joomla is very easy and flexible CMS. It can be tweaked to your needs easily. You can find tons of templates for Joomla. And many useful extensions are also available. They can make your development process very easy and fast. Even a beginner can easily install and manage joomla and its templates. I vote for Joomla.

  4. Here are some very very useful extensions for your firefox browser...They can make your online experience easy...


    1. Session Manager

    Continue your browsing session even after a system crash, or just next startup....It restores your last viewed tabs or windows.

    Inbuilt in Opera....Hope FireFox will also make it inbuilt.


    2. Adblock Plus

    Really very useful extension. Blocking almost all annoying ads...I am very happy with this extension. With this extension, you

    can surf internet without ads. And automatic updater extension Adblock Filterset is also available. It periodically

    updates new advertisements and blocks them. Must have extension.


    3. WebMail Notifier

    Yes...its working.....You check your gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and some other mails without logging in. It will automatically checks time to time for new mails, and notify them to you. And it can check multiple accounts of the same mail provider....For example you can check multiple gmail accounts at the same time.


    4. Speed Dial

    If you use Opera you know this extension and how useful it is. You can access your favourite websites with a single click.

    It will show you nine thumbnails of your favourite websites for every new page you open. You can even see the preview

    image of the website. Just click on it, and the website will be opened.


    5. FireFTP

    Now you can access FTP from the browser itself. Very handy and useful. Run this extension and access your files through FTP

    without an external client.


    Try these extensions and you'll never leave them. I will add some more later, if I found any useful extensions

  5. Yes. The Maximum file size for FAT32 is 4GB(It is a single file size, not the partition size. Max partition size is 32GB). But I don't think you'll never need a file that is larger than 4GB. But of course, if you don't like these limits, you can go for NTFS. By The Way, I don't know anything about Mac.

  6. Opera...Always Opera...The worlds fastest browser. I love Opera, due to its speed and functionality. And its built in features like Speed Dial, mouse gestures, inbuilt torrent client, ftp client, mail client and many more features. My most favourite among these features are speed dial, session manager and mouse gestures. I can open my favourite websites with just a single click. And coming to mouse gestures they are very handy. You can do many things with just a single click of your mouse...For example if you want a new tab, just hold the right mouse button and draw a vertical line and a new tab will be opened...very easy.And its inbuilt torrent client is working very well now.Now I am downloading all my torrents from my browser itself. And a latest feature Content Blocking allowing us to block any image or ads with a single click. Opera is just an amazing browser. Most of these features are available as extensions in firefox. But they are inbuilt in Opera.And my second favourite browser is FireFox....Nice features and security. Got some nice extensions. I mostly usefirefox for my development purposes. Extensions like HTTP Live headers, and Leet Key are very useful for development purposes.

  7. - Workshops on college/school where a teacher tells about virusses and anti-virus software.- Make a digital leaflet and mail it among friends, like a chain mail.

    Nice ideas friend. Already I'm using chain mail. I like your workshop idea.

    Its tough to stop viruses. Because some are made and some come by mistake. So... its not easy to stop them.But its possible to be safe from them.

    Install a very good antivirus software and update it as frequently as possible with the the new virus definition database and keep your system secure.

    No. I don't want to stop viruses. Its impossible, I know. I just want to educate people about viruses.
    Its difficult to differentiate very good antivirus and bad antivirus. Everyone has its advantages and disadvantages. And
    most of the antiviruses are paid. Very few are free(with free daily updates). We have to choose from these free antiviruses.
    But they are not giving optimal protection.

    I teached myself to see what's a virus and what not, I have to admit I download lots of illegal stuff, and I don't even run a Virus scanner because I know I'm not downloading any viruses. And like once in a month I run it, only to see that I still don't have any viruses.
    My advice is: Cut those people of the internet lol.

    Or have advertisements for them. Though most people won't read those. It's not like everyone wants to learn about viruses..

    Me too. There is no course available to teach about these viruses. Everybody is learning on their own. My humble request is,
    share your experiences and your tips on how to find viruses etc...And of course, we are not here to teach everyone. Just for
    those who are interested. I just want to make people aware of these viruses.

  8. On a similar note, this is also why only hosted members can transfer credits. Because if they could, you could send off 90 of your 120 credits and reclaim them later, effectively removing the point of the credit reduction to under five.

    Pretty yes...I never thought of this. :lol: But I didn't understand the point of hosted credits and non-hosted credits.Whether he may be hosted or not he got those credits just by posting in our forum, and not by any other means, right? So he contributed to our forum. Then, I think, they are as valuable as hosted credits. There is nothing wrong in his worry about his credits.

  9. No need to change to NTFS. You can work with FAT32. There are no big advantages if you move from FAT32 to NTFS.They both works as same. One advantage of NTFS is it doesn't have Partition size limitation, where as in FAT32 you can have only 32GB partition. NTFS is somewhat secure. If you want to compress your disk or allow disk quota you have to go to NTFS. But as a home user, they are meaningless to you.

  10. Yes I am using XHTML. Don't worry about it. Simply think XHTML is latest version on HTML. XHTML is based on

    XML(EXtensible Markup Language). XML allows web developers to specify what things are (for example if you want to create an employee, it concentrates on his structure name, branch, salary etc...) rather than how to present them( what is its color, font etc..). XHTML is mixture of these two technologies XML and HTML. Don't worry if you can't understand this.


    Simply XHTML concentrates on structure of the page, rather than its presentation.

    XHTML and HTML are almost same, but XHTML is some what strict. Just use these tips to convert HTML page into XHTML


    XHTML rules

    1. All element names must be written in lower case.


    2. All tags are paired or have a /> ending tag.(That is why <br /> because in HTML <br> is an empty tag).


    3. All attribute values must be surrounded by double quotes. (e.g, color=red is incorrect. color="red" is correct)


    4. All attribute values must be presented as name=value pairs.


    5. DOCTYPE statement must be used.


    Some advantages of XHTML over HTML are,

    1. It makes your source code is clean. So easier to maintain.


    2. A well structured XHTML page can be easily displayed on mobiles and handheld divices. So it is future ready.


    3. No browser incompatible issues. No worry.

    and many more advantages are there. They are somewhat more technical.

  11. I hate viruses (just like everyone does). They are getting worse these days.They are disabling system administrative features, Deleting files etc..They are common these days, if we don't have an upto date antivirus. But the sad news is no antivirus is perfect in detecting viruses. I hate some antiviruses more than I hate viruses. :lol:

    I never even thought I could count on AVG this much. I've had it now for 2 months, and it hasn't played up on me!

    I do believe in AVG but not that much. Actually I used AVG for 4 years. And I updated it daily. I like it, even though it was failed to detect some viruses. Yes. My system was infected with viruses many times, even I was updating daily. But I thought it was only the best free antivirus available.
    But I didn't like its 8th version. It consumed all my pc's resources. My system became very sluggish. I reinstalled Windows and AVG. But no use. Then I changed to Avira Antivirus. I am happy with it now. Of course it has some drawbacks like very very slow system scanning etc..but OK. AVG is better in these.

  12. Hmmm...Viruses are spreading at lightening speed. No technology in computer industry is developing at that pace.Even the security technologies itself. Hard to believe..but its a fact. Really a miracle... And none of the antivirus softwares are perfect.....If one could detect a virus, another couldn't, and vice-versa. And different companies givesdifferent names to the same virus. What the hell is this? Antivirus companies are now focusing more on making profits than eliminating viruses. Even they may be happy withthe spreading of thees viruses, without whom they don't exist :lol: People like us, who have some computer knowledge are staying away from some viruses(at least). But what about other people? They don't know what happened to their system, if some virus attacked. They don't know how to get rid of that. And finally they have to spend some money to solve their problem. They are paying for someone else's evil happiness. Why should they?But the term virus is very popular today. Even people who don't know anything about virus, thinking that their system hadinfected by virus.The funny thing is, even if some hardware problem arises in their system, they think that its due to some virus. How sad?Can we do something? How do we educate these innocent people? Give your opinions......

  13. My all time favourite sport is cricket. We all love cricket in our country. Whatever the season may be,whether it is Summer, or Winter doesn't matter. We play cricket. Easy to play and we can play whereverwe like. Yes playing cricket in streets is very popular in India. Just a bat and a ball are enough and unlimitedfun.

  14. Yes. Joomla. One of the best open source CMSs available. Joomla is very powerful.

    And many addons and extensions are available for joomla.


    Many forum extensions like FireBoard Forum, SMF(Simple Machines Forum) phpBB .

    FireBoard is one of the popular one and is free. It can be installed like a regular component

    through joomla adminstration. No bridges needed. You can find more about FireBoard at

    moredetails and download fireboad from here

  15. For me too. Really opera's punch line "The worlds fastest browser" applies here too. A very nicebrowser for mobiles. And fastest....The default browser in my Nokia 3230 is worst and very slow.Even though we can't download attachments with this browser, browsing is really excellent in Opera Mini.I can surf internet very fast now. Opera Mini renders the page and displays it as per our mobiles capacity.And its shortcuts are very handy. If you try this, definitely you won't go for another browser on your mobile.Opera is upgrading features from version to version. And I am using the current version 4.1. Now I am usingit for my Nokia 2630 mobile.

  16. If you want to start a website with paid hosting, then most of the paid hosting plans are bundled withdomain name.(either giving it free, or at low price). I think that's cheap also, and you won't face any problems.Search and find a host that meets your requirements. All the best.And about the domain name from Xisto, if its registered with your name, I think you can do anythingwith your domain name. But Xisto is such a nice service that nobody want to leave.

  17. Hi innosia...cool site yaar. And happy to see that spirituality is your main concept.I know your point. Spirituality and religion are different. Whatever the religion may beand whatever the paths they take, they all reach the same place. Their ultimate goal isknowing thyself. Cool concept. Go ahead.But I didn't understand the point about computer articles in a spiritual site. I thinkit will defeat your purpose. I mean, these two concepts computers(technology, multimedia etc) and spirituality doesn't have any relation. With these linksyour site looks like a casual site rather than a serious one I think. The visitorof your website may think that, this is just another site with some articles on this topicand not a comprehensive website on spirituality.And about the links, Insert the search bar in the home page, rather than giving as a link. So thevisitors can easily search your website.Change the link names, give proper name to every page, not just ids for the corresponding pages.This will increase the usability, and also Search Engines will index your site more efficiently.I think, the light sky blue color gives the feel of your concept to the visitor. These are just my suggestions. Apply if you like. Ignore, if you don't think so.Go ahead. Serve the world with your thoughts. All the best for your success.

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