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Posts posted by xpress

  1. Hi 1ngame....Welcome to Xisto. As jlhaslip said, hosting is really good here. You won't get any problems you faced before with other hosts...Best service as well as best support....and the best community as well. Many people are here to help you...come join us...and share your knowledge. Enjoy your stay here...

  2. If it counts all the credits he ever made (all 220+ posts) like you said, those credits would be enough that those negative wouldn't make much of a impact on how much he gets to his Xisto - Support account.

    No, It doesn't count credits. It counts all his previous posts, and those 700 myCents he got was awarded as per the quality of those posts (yes, number of posts is not important, only quality is important)....please check my post carefully. There'll be no more credits in future.....

  3. I notice my balance is 700 mycents, is that from the big post I made or is that what they give everyone for switching over...?

    Your account balance 700 myCents equalts to $7. This is the amount you got from all your previous posts (yes, the amount calculated from all your 220+ posts upto now), not for your one big post. And the amount in your Xisto balance will only increase as you post more, it will never decrease like hosting credits. It will decrease only when you spend them at Xisto - Web Hosting. And about the negative credits, I don't know about that, but may be shadowx is correct.

  4. I have a different idea guys.....How about an Awards committee? They award commitee will be formed by legends of our Xisto community like OpaQue, BuffalloHelp, Saint Michael, jlhaslip, galexcd etc......So, Instead of normal voiting and electing, the awards committee will verify all nominations, and check all the posts of the nominated members. Then the committee will decide who deserves the award and will announce with explanation, why that member should be given that award... :) Of course, Committee members cannot participate in the awards :P ... So, if they didn't participate, all new members like us have some chance to win awards ;) ...I bet, with the present awards system, almost all awards goes to them....and a very few awards left for others :P With the awards committee system, guys like us(new to trap) will be benefited. Nice idea, isn't it? So come on young guys and gals....support my idea....Hey...I'm just kidding.....You guys deserve the awards, because you're contributing a lot to this forum....But please leave some awards for us...... :o

  5. I am addicted to watching sports, but not playing. I love Cricket. I uded to watch every cricket match our team(India) played. But due to lack of time, I stopped watching cricket. But started watching again after IPL (Indian Premier League) started....and I am addicted again :)

  6. you can use Macromedia Dreamweaver for designing your page.

    You can use Dreamweaver for PHP, but just as an editor. No drag and drop features available for PHP. But you have one advantage, when you type php functions or keywords, word suggstions will appear, so you can use them easily and also you can avoid any syntax errors.


    And its no more Macromedia Dreamweaver, Its Adobe Dreamweaver now :)

  7. my program will transfer data from one computer to another computer.I have no idea in using ftp under linux. :) ...

    Do you mean, your PHP program will connect to another computer using FTP to transfer files? Or you just want to transfer your files to remote server using a FTP client in Linux?

    Because, FTP functions in PHP will work same on all platforms. They are platform independent.
    Please explain your problem or clearly, so that we can help.

  8. i've never heard of windows 7 until now lol. is it like an upgrade for vista?

    No. Its a new version of windows that is currently under development. Microsoft is plannig to release it in 2010. It has many features that Vista lacks...And probably, a new look also. And many hypes are there that it uses very less RAM also. Lets wait to see what Microsoft will say about it.

  9. Kotla is very lucky place for Kumble......No one can forget his 10/74 in one innings against Pakistan at Kotla statdium. And you know, he had taken 55 wickets at that stadium. So, we couldn't drop him at Kotla...Mishra has a bright future....he just have to wait... I think 2 spinners are enough for this test. Because Australians are facing more problem with our pace bowlers than spinners. And of course....as per pitch curator, the pitch will be heaven for spinners....But two world class spinners are already in our team....and Sehwag is a part time spinner....so no need for another spinnner. May be batsman is preferable.Definitely more entertainment for us at Kotla....

  10. I like this myCent system very much. Now I can buy my own domain very easily. Actuall I thought that I will never reach 250 credits to buy some domain name. Even though I somehow managed it, it would be impossible to renew that next year with credit system v2 except I post excessively. But Credit system v3 made it easy. Now I can buy my own domain with my present balance. No need to wait for long time. And also, with this mycent system we can buy our favourite package as per our needs.

  11. Yes....You can protect your computer without spending any amount. Most of these free antivirus,antispyware etc... are providing optimal security for your computer.....The only thing is these are not All In One packages. You need to install them separetely. But they provide better security than some paid ones, I think. And about the all in one packages, they are headache and resource hog because they install everything they bundled with. Of course, you can customize them if you are an advanced user. But most users don't do it. So they occupy most of your ram running all unnecessary processes. For antivirus I recommend Avira Antivir Personal. It uses very low resources. Daily updates available. And also its detection rate is very good. My next choice is AVG. Only problem is, its 8th version uses huge ram.For firewall, Ashampoo firewall free is good. It uses very very low ram. Only one running process. Kerio firewall is also very good, but uses more resources.For Anti Spyware, AdAware is good. All of the above is free...and powerful also.

  12. BSNL broadband topic at Xisto. I never thought of it. I am also a bsnl broadband user. Really nice broadband. My plan is 500c night unlimited. So all my downloads between 2am to 8am are free. And I am getting very very good speed. I am downloading at a speed of 2mbps. The only thing I don't like is their customer support. They are not responding quickly, whenever I had some problem with network.

  13. 1. White-Hat Hacker: These are ethical hackers. They work to improve system security.


    2. Black-Hat Hacker: Unethical hackers who exploit systems for their personal use.


    3. Grey-Hat Hacker: There are many arguments about these Grey-Hat hackers.


    factory standard or your perception.

    Hmmm...Its not my perception. It is of some security industry experts. Actually there are no factory standards for hacking. If there is a standard in hacking, it is only Ethical hacking, since many certifications are available in ethical hacking. Hacking is not a small topic. Its vast area. Hacking is not just related to computer industry. Hacking, at first some hardware related.


    I read in some book that, in the late 1950s, many people donated parts of old telephone equipment to the MIT model railroad club. The members used this equipment to create a new complex system that allowed multiple operators to control different parts of the track by dialing into the appropriate section. They called this hacking, and many consider this group to be the original hackers. I don't know how much its true.


    Coming to the Hacking in computer industry, Hacking is a term used both by those who write code and those who exploit it. Of course, their goals are different. So, at first it was related to programming. A person with great programming skills was called as a hacker.


    But later the term hacking was changed. Now it is related more to security industry. New terms came like cracker, ethical hacker and many. A cracker is a person who reverse engineer the code to break a software. Usually these crackers are not highly skilled. Because most of them use similar techniques or some tools created by others. And I think most ethical hackers also not that much skilled. Because they are trained. Not naturally learned.

    Leaving aside whether they are evil hackers(blackhat) or good hackers(whitehat), a hacker is the person who is highly skilled.


    For example, we can call those the real hackers, who can find holes and weaknesses in software to create their own exploits.

    (I am just talking about the skill, not about their evil purposes). Finally these hackers help software vendors to create patches.

    But when a hacker finds some hole, attackers use it to attack. They are not hackers.

  14. Hi Jelly. Welcome to our Xisto. The best free webhost ever. You'll find best hosting service as well as best community. Just share your knowledge and opinions here. Your contribution to our forum will give you free web hosting. By the way go through the credit system v3 carefully. Enjoy your stay here.... :)

  15. jlhaslip covered them very well. I will just give some examples for them.

    Assume you have yourdomain.com.


    A sub-domain is is just sub division of the domain name. If you have a downloads section in your domain name, you can specify download.yourdomain.com. download is the sub-domain of your yourdomain.com

    For example, mail is the subdomain of the yahoo domain (mail.yahoo.com)


    If you want to add another domain name to the same website you can use parked domain. Supposes in addition to yourdomain.com, you have anotherdomain.com. If you set this as parked domian, it will point to the same website. That is , when a visitor enters yourdomain.com or anotherdomain.com they will give the same website.

    For example, mail.yahoo.com and yahoomail.com will gives you the same page.


    If you want to add different websites to your same hosting account, you can use addon domains. You can set yourdomain.com to one website and anotherdomain.com to another website. You just need to point them to different folders. Thats all.

  16. I prefer AVIRA AntiVir Personal. Its free. Using very low resources and working very well. AVG no more fast. The latest version of AVG is rosource hog. It will occupy all of your system resources and also your startup will be slow. AVIRA is better in these and its detection ration is also very nice. AVG is also one of the best free antiviruses but the only problem is its RAM usage. Otherwise I will give 1st rank for AVG for its user interface. About fastest firewalls I prefer Ashampoo firewall free edition. I had never seen any firewall this much small and powerful. It occupies very little RAM and only one process will be there. It also giving me very nice protection. I scanned my system through some security scanning websites and they all gave me nice rating about my system security. And user interface is also very nice. Not very technical. A new user can also understand everything. When a program trying to connect network, ashampoo will ask your permission. It will give you options to allow it for this port only? or all ports? select your option and you'll be done. Simple...Overall, in my opinion, running AVIRA Antivirus and Ashampoo firewall will give your system nice protection with minimal resources of your computer. Your system will be fast as usual.

  17. I learn HTML within a very very short time. HTML is that much easy. I have been using it for 4 years. I learned it when I was in my graduation. At first, I thought it was a very difficult language when I look at some sample code. Because those lessthan(<) and greater than(>) symbols and words in between them appeared confusing to me. But when I wrote my first program, all my doubts vanished. Only one thought in my mind...Easy...Easy and Easy. I had never seen any language this much easy.Now, with my experience with HTML, I think I am very proficient at this language. Happy with my knowledge with it.Of course, updating our knowledge is important in every field, but it is must in computer filed. So, I am still learning it and its new developments. To learn html, I completely depended on internet. I Downloaded many ebooks from internet and started my learning.My journey with html is really really cool. It never troubled me. :)

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