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Posts posted by xpress

  1. Prince Of Persia (Warrior within) is my favourite game. I like the introduction of the Prince very much. And its theme and difficulty is very good. After Prince Of PersiaMax Payne 2 is my hot favourite. A very intelligent game. Simple Love story. And interesting fights etc...After thesemy most favourite games are1. Recoil2. Spider Man3. The Mummy

  2. I am using Opera.......The worlds fastest browser. I am using opera for 5 years...and still using

    it. Now I am using Opera 9.52. Their latest version.


    I simply love opera for its fast, and simple user interface. And its cache management is really

    excellent. If you click back button, you will see the page instantly because it is loaded from cache.

    I tried many browsers and convinced that opera is the best. I am using Firefox as my secondary browser.


    Some very good features(in my opinion) in opera.


    1. Speed Dial....you can access your 9 favourite websites with a single click(with image preview).


    2. Mouse gestures. (We can do things by just moving our mouse)


    3. Duplicat the tab...with a simple mouse gesture you can duplicate the currently using tab.


    4. Session Manager.


    5. Crash recovery...You can recover the current session of browsing automatically after a system crash

    (due to OS , or power failure etc...)


    6. Inbuilt bittorrent client.( But in my opinion it is better to have other bittorrent client, as it is not possible

    to control the in coming and out going speed of torrents in opera's inbuilt client. And not as much fast as

    other dedicated torrent clients like utorrent, bittorrent etc.., in my opinion)


    And Opera has widgets, like extensions in FireFox. Almost all extensions for firefox are available for opera

    also as widgets..


    And many more features. Of coures, many of these are available as extensions in Firefox, but they are

    inbuilt in Opera. So you don't have to download them as extensions. And the latest feature, ad blocking

    and built in bit torrent client are very handy. Security is very good also. Thats why I use Opera.


    After Opera I like Firefox . But I don't like IE at all. It may be the most useless browser I think.

  3. Caution:


    1. Do not practice meditation when you are ill or when your body feels lazy and tried.


    2. You should not meditate when your mind is extremely upset or grief-stricken.


    3. Avoid meditation when you are hungry.


    4. You should not meditate with a full stomach because it will impair your digestion. After a heavy meal

    there is more blood circulation in the stomach to assist digestion.


    In all these situations it is hard to concentrate your mind.


    Ideally, your stomach should at least be half-empty when you meditate.



  4. Cricket. The most favourite sport in our country and the most Professional sport in the world.I am playing cricket since my childhood. A very interesting sport. No equipment needed except a bat and a ball, and some of our friends. We really enjoy the game. Cricket is heart beat for 100crore people in India. Its simply a religion in our country.

  5. The First 2 steps, Yama and Niyama, purify and strengthen our minds through

    moral and ethical exercises.


    The 3rd step, Asana is assuming postures that allow us to sit comfortably and

    meditate for at least an hour.


    The 4th step, Pranayama, is a breathing technique to control our mental and physical energies.


    The 5th step, Pratyahara, is withdrawing our minds from all objects other than the objects of meditation.


    The 6th step, Dharana is holding our minds with great concentration onthe objects of meditation.


    The 7th step, Dhyana, is a more mature form of Dharana.


    And the 8th step samadhi, is concentration par excellence.

  6. Meditation and Patanjali's Yoga


    In this topic I will give you details on


    1. What is Meditation?

    2. What is Yoga?

    3. How to do Meditation?

    4. Best time to do Meditation

    5. Obstacles to Meditation etc.....


    I will give you all these step by step, so please wait


    These meditation techniques are from India, my motherland. These were written by Patanjali, an ancient sage

    of India.


    So let us start....


    What is Meditation?

    Dhyana is intense mental concentration. It is also called MEDITATION

    It is seventh step in Patanjali's Yoga.....


    Patanjali's eight-step discipline to Yoga


    1. Yama: Restraining harmful thoughts and impulses.

    2. Niyama: Cultivating good habits.

    3. Asana: Learning sitting postures suitable for prolonged contemplation

    4. Pranayama: Learning the technique of rhythmic breathing.

    5. Pratyahara: Withdrawing the senses from thier objects of enjoyment

    6. Dharana: Fixing the mind on the object of contemplation

    7. Dhyana: Uninterrupted contemplation, also called meditation

    8. Samadhi: Total absorption of the mind in the object of contemplation.

  7. Hmmmm....In my opinion, No, man is not a slave of technology.


    But he is depending on technology very much. He can't do anything without technology



    This is just like A Manager who depends on his employees to complete the work.

    It doesn't mean that he is a slave of his employees, does it?


    But one thing for sure is,at present we can't imagine our life without a mobile, without a computer etc..

    We are depending on technology more than we needed to. ...

    This made us think that we are not in control of our own life.


    Well, this is just my personal opinion, what do you think of it guys?



    Whatever it may be, read these famous n funny quotes...Just For Fun :)


    All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness. ~Mark Kennedy


    The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do. ~B.F. Skinner, Contingencies of Reinforcement, 1969

  8. Yes. I also tried KGB archiver. Actually i downloaded a file of 2mb kgb archived size,and the source claimed its decompressed size is above 500MB. I tried to decompressit but it took ages and almost all my computer resources. After waiting for some hoursI left it. I tried to compress some small files to test, in normal mode file size is almostsame as that of other compression softwares. But to compress in high ratioit is taking very large amount of time(not just large, but extreemly large).

  9. Ubuntu Linux would be best. Eventhough its minimum configuration requirements for RAMis above 256MB it runs pretty well on 256MB system. I am having 256 MB RAM on my system.And it won't take more than 3GB to install. You need to have more space if you want to downloadany additional softwares. But those inbuilt softwares are mostly enough. Your 1.8GHz processor isalso enough. And also you will be amazed with its user interface. Its Really very good free Linuxdistro.....try it. If you want very very light distro then consider Damn Small Linux. Run fully in RAM with as little as 128MB and very very fast. You can run it from a pen drive(usb drive) or from a live cd.

  10. Just To Test Which Is Best. I am a Windows XP user for 4 years and still using it.And running Ubuntu Linux and XP in dual booting mode. Some of the reasons forusing linux include its free availability, its open source community, and free of viruses. Plus a large amount of applications are available for free of charge on Linux like Gimp image editing tool, Open Office etc... and are built in in linux.

  11. Well, I am using Avira Antivirus personal. It is also free. Previously I used AVG anitvirusfree, but it is lot of resources in my system, it got worse with its 8th version. Then I looked for an alternative and found Avira. I am really satisfied with its protection as well as itsusage of system resources.

  12. Really? I never thought that some people doesn't like dreams. Well, a different concept.But personally, I like dreams. I believe, Today's dream can be Tomorrow's reality. Hey, I want to mention some interesting facts about dreams.1. Blind People Dream.2. You Forget 90% of your Dreams.(Within 5 minutes of waking, half of your dream if forgotten)3. Dreams Prevent Psychosis.4. Everybody Dreams.(except in cases of extreme psychological disorder) Don't think that you have psychological disorder if you can't dream. Actually some people forget their dreams and they think that they are not gettng dreams. Its common.5. We Only Dream of What We Know.(Our dreams are frequently full of strangers who play out certain parts - did you know that your mind is not inventing those faces - they are real faces of real people that you have seen during your life but may not know or remember?)6. Not Everyone Dreams in Color.(A full 12% of sighted people dream exclusively in black and white. The remaining number dream in full color.)

  13. Eventhough most of the Nokia phones doesn't have inbuilt viewers for pdffiles, most of the them like Symbian Series 60 phones(e.g, Nokia 3230) have 3rd party applications like Adobe pdf reader for SymbianOS and Pdf+ etc...You can read pdf files on these mobiles if you install any of these 3rd partyapplications.

  14. Almost all people who have some knowledge with browsers hate IExplorer. Its a fact.Thousands of threads in different forums have the same opinion. IE is worst. And most of the people who hates IE are lovers of Firefox, One of the best browsersavailable today.Personally i love Opera. I am using opera for 5 years, and never think to change mybrowser. I use Firefox as a second choice. Opera is the fastest browser in my opionon.Now i am using Opera 9.52, the latest release. Opera is the only browser passed all thestandards tests like ACID test etc...No doubt IE is worst. The only advantage for IE is it is integrated with Windows. That is the only reason for its huge share in browsers market. Its sandards are worst. But mostwindows users doesn't know about this...and still using IE.But due to the reputation of MicroSoft, we can't say that IE will disappear. MicroSoft will difinitely do something to keep its market in internet browsers. Just let us wait.......

  15. Many arguments are still going on about the effect of mobile on health.But many studies have shown that excessive use of mobile can cause cancer,but scientificall not proved yet. Many governments issued a warning against excessive mobile phone use, especially by children, though it recognized sciencehad not proved cellular technology was dangerous.Whatever it may be, one should use a mobile phone with good judgment.Avoid calling when reception is poor, or during high-speed travel because when thesignal is poor mobile emits high radiation to connect to its network. Keep the telephone away from sensitive areas of the body by using a hands-free kit.Always remember, moderation is safe.

  16. I recommend power defragmenter.(its free)

    You can download it here


    Download Power Defragmenter


    Power Defragmenter description

    Power Defragmenter takes defragmentation process to a whole new level

    Power Defragmenter is a very advanced GUI for the Sysinternals core application which takes defragmentation process to a whole new level.



    Power Defragmenter is a GUI (Graphic User Interface) application for program Contig by Sysinternals.


    Contig is a very powerful defragmentation application designed for Windows NT/2000/XP operating systems.

  17. I usually reinstall windows everymonth. I do it for performance. I am using many programs toclean up my registry, disk, and for defragmentation. Even though they work for some extent, the system performance won't be as faster as fresh installation.Thats why i like to reinstall windows everymonth. And sometimes i need to do itfor virus attacks also. Eventhough i am using a latest antivirus(free edition) and updatingdaily, some viruses are keep attacking. pchhhh :) so fresh installation will be a best solution for me.

  18. Yes. Most of them are illusions. but some of them are well trained tricks like cutting a human etc.
    Well its like hypnotism, but not completely.

    Here is something i found in some website

    "The great disappearing of an Airplane, an Elephant, a Car, a Building or even the Statue of Liberty has been achieved in front of the eyes of a bewildered audience. The massive scale illusion has given the impression that magicians can make anything vanish. Disappearing feats of this nature have been televised in front of an audience. It's easy to wonder how did they do that? Well here's how.
    Televised magician shows will suggest that there are no camera tricks involved in the illusion. Some magicians will do a continuous camera shot to expel any doubt and cast more mystery over the whole of the performance. The basis of the act is for the audience members at home to assume by suggestion or word that there are no camera tricks used.

    If a magician is going to make a building disappear it won't vanish in front of watching eyes, but behind a curtain, a box or anything that can cover the building from view so it won't be seen when it goes poof into thin air. For the basic of the trick lets assume the audience is sitting in some bleachers outside in front of the building.

    The magician talks up what they are about to do. A curtain is raised up and when its is lowered the building has vanished. The curtain is raised up once more and when it is lowered the building has returned. The audience is in on the performance.

    The audience will be facing the building from the bleachers. If a curtain is raised when they are in this position and lowered the building will still be there. To make the building appear to have vanished, the audience will have to move to another position. The bleachers will be moved to another spot usually just out of camera range of the building. The background will have similar characteristics as the audience's prior position so that the move won't be noticed. The curtain will also be moved to face the audience so that when it is lowered the building will be gone. When the building reappears it is because the audience and the bleachers have moved back to the original starting position. The camera will film the illusion from both positions of the audience involved in the performance to deceive the audience at home."

  19. Yes. Learn HTML(then you can move to XHTML) and CSS. Then go to JavaScript.Sources given by our friends, like "htmldog" and "w3schools" are really good.Further if you want other books, just google for HTML Ebooks and you will getplenty of them. Pick one and start reading and practicing.A simple Notepad and InternetExplorer browser(assuming you are using Windows)are enough for practice.But Remember Practice Is More Important Than Reading. That is the only way tolearn and remember the techniques.All The Best....Ask me if you have any doubts.

  20. Yes. I too like GMail very much. Its simply superb. The main feature i liked is its browser integratedchat. We can chat with them whenever and wherever we want, no need to install those worst messengers(I hate them, but I don't know why). Now other mail providers like yahoo also integrating its chat serviceinto its website, but it is even worse than their messenger. For now, there is no competition for gmail, atleast in my opinion.

  21. Forums are very good place to share your knowledge, your feelings, solve your problem, asking an advice

    simply everything and anything. Even though there are some backdrops with it they are negligible.

    You can easily find similar minded people here and share your opinions with them. Because everything

    is open here. So, if you like something you can post. If not just skip it. That's all. That's why I like online

    forums very much.

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