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Posts posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. okay some of you are gonna laugh at this one but trust me it is so good that you will want it all the time. Spam and Eggs1 can of spam opend and not drained2 2 fresh eggs3 some fresh shredded cheese. which ever you like the best. to me its a sharp chedder.4 butterSlice the spam as then as you can without it breaking up. in a hot frying pan pour the juice from the spam into it. this wil help keep it from getting too dry. If there is not enough juice you will need to use some of the butter to also keep the spam moist. Brown on both sides. After you have your spam nice and brown remove it from the pan and fry your egg. Not Scrambbled but firedWhen they are ready place them over your spam. Spinkle the cheeze over the hot eggs and spam. then Eat until your happy.

  2. What I would like to know though, is this? Indoor or outdoor test of this. You have forgot one very important factor here. Mother Nature. Not only winds but humity and temptures. These will also effect the object being thrown into the air. True in theroy it will stop at the upper most point it is thrown. but will it come back down on the same path? If this is done outdoors no it will not. Maybe very close but on the same path it took to go up. No it will not. reason is this. the slightest wind will knock it off its path. Now if in a controls area with no wind and anything like that. Then in threoy yes it should come back on or very very close to the same path it had when going up. If you have been to any Airshow and seen a plane go up straight into a stall you will see how it stops for just a breif second then comes back down trailing his smoke. Then again your outdoors but you will see he is very close to the point of which he left.

  3. I think that the true problem is the price of oil and gasoline. Americans are forced to pay the prices as they depend on gas for cars, and the increase in cost hikes the bus costs, and in turn the taxes. As Americans or even the world itself is forced to pay these insane prices, discretionary income decreases, also because minimum wage hasn't gotten a hike in the past year. The amount of money isn't inflating at a proper rate. People don't have the money to spend on entertainment, like movies, food and all that great stuff. Because of lower income, more hours are necessary to help supplement the income, so that explains the current amount of people spending some extra money for the time being. The way to get this problem down is to increase the minimum wage, and to find ways to subsidize the gas, by increasing the taxes slightly so people won't feel bad about the taxes if gas prices are decreased. As America is a nation fundamentally powered by the middle class, a social revolution is not what will happen. Instead it will be that people will be encouraging openness, and more democratic reforms. The government though will respond with a tighter fist, adopting a communist manifesto over an open democracy. That is the first problem to take over, instead of tightening their fist. They have to encourage democratic reforms appealing to the larger cities and the middle classes.

    I don't think the true problem is the price of oil and or gas, but everything in between. Everyone here in the USA is effected as I am sure everyone in the world is, with the high prices of everything. Obama and his Stimulation plan may work here in the US but not everywhere. I feel it will take world wide help, not only America but all other countries of the world to get things back to Normal. But we all know that will not happen. and if it does it may be too late. So many say that we are in a Recession I don't think so. We are in a Deprecession. And this has been in the making for a long time. Even before Bush. Try the Nixon Ford Era. Of corse I do not remeber the great Depression of 1929 I am not that old thank you. But it lasted until almost the end of WWII. I am worried that that maybe what it will take to get us out of this matter. Who really knows the answe to stimulate the the world to get going again. There many ways they could. all they have to do is everyone get together, and look back at what worked and what did not.

  4. how do you know if someone you like or someone you want to ask out is taken?
    i don't want to go up to her and ask

    what is a good way

    Well without just going up and asking, which is the best way honestly. You could do a couple of things.
    1 you could ask some of her friends. Ofcourse you then take the chance of her finding out and making you look to scared or shy to find out for sure by not just comming out and asking her.
    2 you could just be around her and she if she talks of some other guy alot. But in all honesty your best bet would be just to ask her yourself and dont be such a chicken.

  5. U just checked out this Noobing, you have to buy ad's. so in my book sounds as a scam, just as I kind of figured it was. Best way to get members of any site is simple. 1.SEO your site, keeping it up to date and easy for people to find what they want or need.2. word of mouth. If one person has something good to say of your site or forum, then they will tell a friend and so on. 3. If your making a site or a forum give the people what they want not only what you want. take suggestions from friends to see what they would want on a page or forum.

  6. Ok yes they do take care of you but them do become a pain in the *bottom* a lot now a days, That's why we kind of hate them but then I have to love them a lot some times because otherwise I wouldn't have all the things I have now, A big house, Pets, 42" tv in my room, Mac pro and a great pc I built :D

    Yes Ash and someday they will teach you better Grammer skills too. :P and maybe even get you a real computer and not a mac lol
    But as I said they may be a pain but there they only parents you have. so love them.

  7. I'm sorry but I honestly have to laugh at this post. We all get mad at our mother or father sometimes. I know I did when I was young. But here is something to remember. They brought you into this world, and they sure as heck can take you out of it too. :DBut honestly. you shouldnt ever hate them. Mothers and fathers have a way of making there child mad at them. It is called being a good parent. We may tell you it's time for bed, or go clean your room. but we do this not to make you mad but to teach you skills you will need for when you become a parent. then in turn you will be the hated one, for teaching your child or childern these things. So don't hate them. Love them. Because someday you will be a parent too and understand why.

  8. That is way too much to ask for every member. Even if we could get them to post there would be similar subjects being posted and the end result would be spam. Can you imagine how tough it would be to moderate that many topics? We don't necessary need new topics like you think it's just that a lot of current topics still lack quality discussions that's why it seems like everything's crap topics.

    I agree for the most part. I feel if they did that the forum may lose people. They may feel as they are being ordered to make posts and not making them on there own. They also might feel hurried, so I do not think that would be a good idea in that form. As for pruning them? No comment. Most everyone here knows my feelings on that from other posts. :D

  9. Hi guys!
    I remember posting this before but somehow I think the other mods or admin deleted it off. Oh well, never mind.

    For those who did not read the post that were 'supposely' deleted, my forum is a good place for general discussions, anime community and so on. By the way, we even have a Gunbound guild nesting in our forums. My forum is open to those who want to apply for using part of my forum for their clans.

    My forum is at:


    Anyway, the main intention of this thread is to ask the community about their opinion on the forum. I have recently updated my forum, in terms of looks, and content. Please feel free to browse around.

    It would be greatly appreciated if you could register as a member or at least, bookmark my forum.

    Thanks alot!


    well lets see here the post was started on Sept 2 2004. that is almost 5 yrs ago. Also in my time here I have not seen a shackman. Kinda doubt that this forum is at that address anymore or even around :D

  10. I am also self learner student of computer. I didn't go any school to learn computer classes. These days I am learning designing website, web programming. I start to learn html code with w3school and so on. Nowdays, I have little knowledge of frontpage, dreamweaver. And I also know something about joomla.
    I think online web tutor will teach me completely.

    Well some advice Puneye, w3school is okay but I have learned it hands on is the best way than from there. There many free editors around and a lot of trial offers too, even dreamweaver. And most have a tut with them that tells you how and what to do and why.

  11. well I was reading some of these pasts posts and found this, and thought that it may be the perfect place to let you all know insted of starting a new post.season 3 of the discover tv show storm chasers is scheduled to start this OCT. date is unsure of yet I was told. Talked to a chaser friend of mind you all may have seen from last season, and Reed informed me of this. I will let you all know the dates when I find out myself

  12. I spent some time working with a local volunteer Search and Rescue group here where I live. About 5 years.One item we used to carry with us at all times for starting fires was, believe it or not, a length of bicycle inner tube. Use your matches to light one end and it will burn approximately 1 minute per inch, which allows you to use "less than perfect" kindling. I can start wet wood on fire with one of those bad boys.
    We cut them into about 5 Inch lengths, folded one end, stored a package of matches inside and folded the other end over, securing it with an elastic band. Weather proof, if not waterproof, and we carried them in several places, like a few at the bottom of the pack, one in each pocket. Never left on a search without them.

    Yes that is also a very good thing to use JL. you would be suprised at some of the things you can use in a pinch if you need too. You can if you wear glasses use them as a magafing glass to get a fire going if need be. but always best to carry in your kit some water proof matches or a couple of bic lighters. when the gas runs out you can have that flint and get a spark.

    I spent some time working with a local volunteer Search and Rescue group here where I live. About 5 years.One item we used to carry with us at all times for starting fires was, believe it or not, a length of bicycle inner tube. Use your matches to light one end and it will burn approximately 1 minute per inch, which allows you to use "less than perfect" kindling. I can start wet wood on fire with one of those bad boys.
    We cut them into about 5 Inch lengths, folded one end, stored a package of matches inside and folded the other end over, securing it with an elastic band. Weather proof, if not waterproof, and we carried them in several places, like a few at the bottom of the pack, one in each pocket. Never left on a search without them.

    Yes that is also a very good thing to use JL. you would be suprised at some of the things you can use in a pinch if you need too. You can if you wear glasses use them as a magafing glass to get a fire going if need be. but always best to carry in your kit some water proof matches or a couple of bic lighters. when the gas runs out you can have that flint and get a spark.
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