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Posts posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. I may not be able to fully understand God, but we don't even fully understand this universe, though that obviously exists; so it cannot be said that ignorance and lack of understanding is proof of non-existence. It is true that the Abrahamic God is sought out for comfort many times, but people seek out money for comfort, children seek out their blankets for comfort by hiding under it, et cetera, but these objects obviously exist; so it cannot be said that comfort is proof of non-existence.

    You hit the nail right on the head there.

    I may not be able to fully understand God, but we don't even fully understand this universe

    Nobody understand it. they say or think they understand it but they really don't. They only have a theroy of it. they do not know how things really work. I mean look back in history. Take Darwin. He thought that we came from apes. But even today are we 100% sure he was right? no we really are not we are close but not at 100%. Man will never be 100%. Just as we are not sure of what God really is. Just as in all these posts so far. everyone has there own thoughts and feelings. And I know this is not the spot to add this but I am anyways. This is what I love of Xisto. Everyone here has his or her own feelings from God to Microsoft. Maybe Bill Gates is god? :D

  2. To break down onto your South Park view, it actually has some truth behind it, but it is not about humans.
    With what I found during research a couple years back when I had to look this up for an English class, cows' gas releases methane gas. This methane gas helps deplete the ozone.

    lmao I love your way of thinking there. And your right. people do not think of cow beeps into all this too. Not just that but landfills even something as little as roadkill, will put out methane gas.

  3. I am in the USA, and really I disagree with a national health care system.
    I do understand where people come from, regarding the "I can't afford it" train, but at the same time, look around. People abuse any government system we have. It's even as deep as people scamming the government out of college funds. (A school near me requires 90% attendance or they will kick you - this is a college...Because too many people sign up to school, get their grants, and then quit going after they get the money).

    So really, I do not feel that it is worth our money to take care of people who *could* handle themselves, but refuse to because there's an easier route - our pockets.

    And yes, I understand that some people need the help and could not get it otherwise, but there are so many that abuse the privlege that at least to me, I do not find it worth helping anymore.

    There really should be some kind of system though RPG. With how things are not just in the USA but all around the world. People are getting to where they can not afford to pay to go to the hospitals are a doctor. There some be some kind of health care system

  4. I didn't know that they use a car for this, I thought they were using satellite imaging. I have checked out hundreds of locations and everything has perfect street pictures of it. I can go all the way from our house to buildings 30 miles away - solely by following the roads on Google Street.
    I just think it's inefficient to drive every inch of every street to take pictures..

    And this gives me mixed feelings. When I first saw the street pictures I was thinking "Man, they are spying on everything using satellites.' Now I'm thinking "Man, they're driving up and down our streets taking pictures too."

    They are using both Satellite and that Autos for this. Using the Car for street shots.

  5. We had a huge discussion in my science class(Geology) about global warming, and we were told that it is true, but humans have no impact on it whatsoever.
    With what we learned the atmosphere changes on its own. Along with this, the earth is slowly getting closer to the sun.

    You know RPG, you and me think alike. I honestly feel that this whole Globle Warming Bunk was something cooked up by Al Gore and the Goverment to try and get people to stop using so much energy and making such a mess of the world with there garbage. If what your saying is correct and it is. This is just a phase that the earth is going through. Like tonight I found this. January Temperature Slightly Above Average for U.S.
    I do not know about where you live. But here in New Jersey it was a very cold Jan. I have a friend that I talk with daily also and he is in Fla. They even had a large amount of days that was well below normal. Again look at all that cold and snow they had in the mid west during Jan? Yet that says that the temps was slightly above normal? I think not. To me this is sounding more and more like a ploy from someone to get people to stop using so much energy. If it is they are going about it the wrong way. They are lying to us. All they need to do is to tell us the truth. But that wouldnt be Washingto DC would it.

    The Facts are there my friends. all you need to do is to look around not only in the internet but around you. Man Made Globle Warming is a down right lie.
    The Earth does this every couple of million years. Some are worse than others and some are well. killers. Hence when the Dinosours died. Some say it was a Astroid, I think it was due to one of these Phases. If you do a search of the internet. you will see that at times the earth has become warming and cooler. even a mini ice age at time.

  6. This is something that people have thought about and wondered for years. Just who is God. Is God a Man or a Woman. if man was created in the likeness of God would God be a man and a woman? Myself I belive in a higher Power. not a God in general. But someone or something that created Earth and Humans. So if God did Create the human race, and it is so that we are created in God's image. Is God a Man or a woman?

  7. As a lot of you know I am a real non believer in all this Globle Warning stuff, and when I saw this I had to kind of laugh.

    Researchers examined the consequences of CO2 building up beyond present-day concentrations of 385 parts per million, and then completely stopping emissions after the peak. Before the industrial age CO2 in Earth's atmosphere amounted to only 280 parts per million.

    To me that is bunk. mainly because they say Present-day. Hello there a lot more people on earth now than way back when. Yes the CO2 will be up. I will say that yes there is more industrial use now. But you have to look at it this way too. Industrial use is not the only problem if this Globle Warming is true and not just a cycle that the earth is going through. I still say it is a phase. but I will say this however. I think the 1000 years is saying a bit much. things can change if we wanted them too. But trying to get people to stop using there cars suv's and things like that would be like drilling for oil in a sandbox full of mud.

  8. What type of connection does the monitor use to connect to the computer with? Perhaps your graphics card isn't powerful enough to drive it.

    To me that sounds as it could be your problem. or the pins may not be matching up with the newer PC. Honestly your best bet would be one of 2 things.

    1 try another monitor.

    2 Contact tell. Just dont let them bumfuzzle you into buying a new monitor as they will try and do.

  9. Great points there for anyone looking to get a job or a new job. But best thing to do is just hunt hunt hunt. Leave no stone unturned. Ask every place you can think of. just don't try for your dream jobs now a days you gotta take what you can get.

    After getting denied at a few jobs, I just created my own business and I am making some nice money. It worked out nicely, I have to say. Entrepreneurship is a wonderful thing. Try it sometime, you might be successful.

    and as for your own business. That's all said and good but to be very honest very risky. I tried that once and ended up owing more than I made.

  10. The pirate bay is illegal anyway, I don't see why they haven't been shut-down already they don't host there server's in Hong Kong so there are no excuses for the police not to shut them down for good....

    Thank you Ash, for once someone I can agree with 1000% and more. it is sites like this that have killed downloads as we know it. Music and movies. Now we are having to play more and more for download due to sites like this. I hope the owners get thrown so deep in jail we will never hear from them again, Then they need to open the files and go after the offenders. IE the Downloaders ever last one of them. Fine them XX Amound for ever download they did from TPB. If any here did that I am sorry but just how I feel Pirates. All downloads from sites like that do is to put more of a cost on me and you at the stores.

  11. Interesting picture of the car. I've always wondered what kind of rig they've got set up to take those pictures.

    I am just suprised that they use a car for this. you would think that a Van or a truck would be a lot better. I dont know of the weight of the cam on that mast or just how high it really is, or even if is mounted as they are mobile. I would love seeing more photos of this though.

  12. I never quite understand stories like these. I mean come on. How does an 11 year old, first of all, get access to such a weapon,

    I so agree. and if the gun was own by the father he should also be charged with aiding and abedding. If the gun was in his home and he was the owner then He too should be charged even though he did not pull the trigger. Just how I feel though. I know right after I 1st posted this I had to go cool off I was so upset. and honestly things rarely upset me like that, but this did.

  13. i was close to ask her, but i saw her talking to a guy while changing class
    I'm pissed now :D hope shes not taken

    Dude if I was you I would just break down and ask her. if not your just headed for a heartbreak. If she is seeing someone now it is best you find out now than later after your feelings that you think you have become stronger. so in 2 words. ASK HER

  14. I guess they won't ever come to my country, though. My guess is that they are using them to pick up pictures and insert them into the Google Earth program right?I once saw some pictures when you clicked in some kind of 'open image' thing in the map. I don't think they are going to invade privacy, since it might only take pictures for their map (correct me if wrong).

    I think how they may do this is like a Panaramic shots. Maybe and this is only my thoughts but, maybe like when you use the flight but you will drive.

  15. wow that is way cool. you will now be able to not only get a sattilite view but a street view as well. I remember reading something about this a few months back but forgot where :D I will have to look for it. But I do think it was in one of the posts or something with google maps. Myself I do not think it will be any problem as long as the Only do street shots and not true vidieos.

  16. wow that is a little overboard but in a way I can see why they, Facebook has had to do this. So many people put things such as some photos :D lets say of an adult nature or very close to it there along with every saying things that just anyone can see or read. Rather than making Facebook a Ault Only Site they have had to update there TOS. Yes it is a little over the top But I bet they will modifie it even more in the comming weeks and months.

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