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Posts posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. Well I suggest C++ because it's easy and friendly :P and not that complicated..you should try it.. or you can start with C but starting in C++ doesn't need to start with C
    because C is the basic language of C++ but i recommend learnin C++ without learning C first..
    but you can learn C first if you want to understand more easily in C++

    I really do have to disagree to 1 point of the C++ and C yes they are easy to learn and understand but I feel you could really learn by hands on with a cheat code editor like say coffeecup. they show you some easy coding that you can play around with and get to know the basics 1st. then move onto something like C and ++

    Good Luck

  2. Well all I have found Facebook and it's games. Everything From Mafia Wars to Texas Holdem. All Free and very addictive I must say. I am using good old slow Dialup so some do load slowly, but once they do they are fine other than the normal Facebook Errors. They do need to work out there bugs still. There is one game however Texas Hold'em that is very very slow in loading it's graphics. For the ones of you that do love to play and have not tried them yet, there Apps are great. Just remember this though. Think of your friends who do not play them that are also on your contacts on face book. They can get annoyed of your postings of leveling up and so forth, so be kind when posting them, it will give you the option not to post.Have funJohnEcho_of_Thunder

  3. Today I opened my E mail to find a renew notice from CH for my domain name. No big deal I thought. So went to the link given and low and behold Bingo. There is nothing there of Mysents only Paypal, which I refuse to use being it's real money and not the mycents which I have worked so hard to get. Question is, will this renewal of my domain name echoofthunder.com be taken out of my mycents and I need not worry of this e mail or will I just have to do the PP Thing, which I really hate by the way.ThanksJohnI got it. should have asked around 1st. my bad. thank you though.

  4. In my region hurricanes are unknown of, but I know how devastating they can be. But I have to admit that the weather is acting strangely this year in my part of the world too. It's supposed to be the rainy season here but it's stifling hot during the entire day, and instead of getting cooped up within blankets at night, we are being forced to use an air cooler everyday! Strange indeed!

    Maybe not Global warming but Global Cooling. Starting to remind me of 1977 with that bad winter all over the world. And you do have hurricanes there, but known as Typhoons, or Topical Cyclones. and yes they have been low this year too.

  5. My best opinion is to not rush anything. Continue within the same manner and see if these feelings continually expand. For instance, you somehow feel the need to always be around her etc, these are feelings that show you really want to be with her. Perhaps, if she really does love you she will come out and tell you, not saying that is always the case with girls as some may prefer for you to be the first to initiate the relationship to start.
    For instance her asking you if you like her could perhaps be a sign but could also just mean if your comfortable being around her. Perhaps she may feel shes being bothersome and just want company from breaking up from her past relationship. These are some things to look into. Hence why my reason stating not to rush within any relationship.

    I really have to agree 110% on that. just be cool and things will fall into place
    Good Luck

  6. Tonight I was cruising around a few weather related sites and noticed so many people complaining of how the 2009 Atlantic Hurricane season was dead already. (runs from May 1st to Nov 30th) Yea we have only had 6 named storms this year. the NHC National Hurricane Center was calling for near normal storms. which is 10 or so. The peak of the season has just past Sept 16th, But we still have the rest of Sept Oct and Nov to go yet. How can they say that the season is dead. We are heading into a El Nino year which keeps hurricanes in the Atlantic low. We have not really had that kind of year in a while now. What scares me is that these people that say it is dead will get caught with there pants down so to speak. 2 and a half months to go still. a lot can happen. Myself? I believe in Oct we will have at least 3 named storms to form. All from the Caribbean or the Gulf of Mexico. The SSTs {water temps} are prime for it down there. but that is just my own feelings though. If any of you are into weather and things like this I am wondering of your thoughts about it. what you think of it all. I will have to admit it. it has been a rather strange season.

  7. Well my friends. the summer of 2009 is just about gone. I was sitting here tonight thinking of how nice it was. remembering the things that I did and loved and also hated. I was curious to know what you did over the summer and what you liked and disliked of the summer of 2009My likes are very easy. I live here in New Jersey USA and have for 10 yrs now. You would have thought that I would have done this by now but I have not until now. I went fishing in the open Atlantic. About 10 miles out off the coast. Did not catch a thing but sunburn and a slight case of sea sickness. But I honestly had the best time of my life. Just may have to do it again next year too.As for what I liked least? I guess it would be as much rain as we had this year. that and the cool summer. just 1 or 2 days at 90F what about you all? what was your summer like

  8. Hello Akira..
    From my experience :lol:, the first thing that you should do is make her smile/laugh. If you can do that, you're already on first base. Because if you made her smile, that would mean thats shes comfortable with you.

    Flirt a little bit, and the rest will follow.


    I have to agree with Dolrich to a point. Yes is you can make her smile and laugh, great. but flirt? no that might make you sound as your after more than well you know. Also you may want to see if any of your friend know the girl, maybe if they do they can help by introducing the 2 of you. Not knowing your age or her's is a little tough, but I feel as once the ice is broken the 2 of you might just hit it off. but honestly I would just try talking with her. what's the worst that can happen?

    Good Luck

  9. okay this should also go into Venting and I may get a ban or warning on it but honestly I really do not care. Saw this and it pisses me off so very much fining for no healthcare Yea I so have some but really it not that good. So many Americans do not have any at all, Not because they can not get it but because they do not have the Blanking money to get it.
    America is turning into Amerika. all thanks to Mr Obama. I call him Mister because I refused to vote for him on the grounds of what? His Health care plan. Rip off of whos? Hitler Hilary Clinton.

    How would you like to be sick at have to go into the hospital then told at the door Oh you have no insurance, we will have to fine you $3800 on top of your $20,000 hospital bill! I think NOT!!

  10. I saw this and had to kind of laugh. Reality shows have taken over the TV of late but they have been around for a long long time, just revamped. Some of you might remember Star Search, the American Idol of the 80's. Then going way back. The Gong show. Now I am really dating my age. These so called Reality show's have gone way overboard I feel. Take MTV? you go there to see some music videos and what do you get? some show of some guy or gal trying to get a date. Bad thing is 99% of it if not 100% are nothing but a fake joke. I feel though where all this really started is with 1 person. Jerry Springer. Some of you may like his show. God help ya if you do. but He I feel is the one to blame for TV today.

  11. Honestly? 2 words come to mind. Down Grade. We all know the bad stories of Vista, and window's 7 in from what I understand a build off XP. Being a windows xp user I have to say that I think that if you can, it would be best to downgrade to XP. win 7 is still new and I feel sure will have some bugs. It's Microsoft right? If you have the money to spend on 7 go for it but until it is all proven and working at 100% I would go with windows XP

  12. I am proud to announce ALEX (galexcd) as our new member to our moderating team. I welcome on behalf of Xisto Team and request others to welcome and co-operate with alex.
    I hope you enjoy your new powers and will use them wisely to help this forum be clean and spam free. The Staff forum contains good information on maintaining and moderating the forums.

    Thank you,


    Well what good news to see today. Good luck with your new duties bro. have fun

  13. Sounds pretty unlikely to me. Getting the EIN off a cell phone isn't as easy as it sounds, and it requires some pretty expensive gear. Getting a screen shot from a satellite would be nearly impossible if you're not a high-ranking member of some alphabet soup agency.

    Don't bet your last buck on that Watermonkey, Hackers are very smart and can come up with anything given the time and effort to do so. If a hacker really wants to listen to your cell calls he can. Most Cells transmit on the 900 Mhz band and a scanner can be "cracked" to get these bands. and once they get it, it's down hill from there.

  14. Do you think that people should be able to upload copyrighted songs (e.x. I'm on a Boat by T-Pain) or should YouTube always reserve the right to take them down? For me, I think that as long as the uploader doesn't provide any direct download links to the song YouTube should be okay with it (then to the viewer's discretion on whether or not they will use free downloaders to download the videos). I know that a lot of people have been getting irritated with their songs on their videos becoming removed or replaced with different songs on YouTube do too copyright issues.

    no they should not have that right to upload it and Youtube should also not have the right to remove them. Sounds funny but will tell you why. If a song is copy written then your talking of royalty fees. You can place a song on say Youtude and copy that song or even video for free. This is hurting the singer writers and actors of the upload because the are not getting there fee.

    Now as for Youtube. They do this to get around not having to pay that royalty fee that they would have to play. They would rather remove them than charge a upload fee to the people that are using youtube. So you tell me. Would you rather Upload and be charged a fee, or upload and have it removed. Bet most would go with having it removed.

  15. Well my friends, I have been thinking about this for so long and thought that I would finally put it down here.Myspace? back in the day, not so long ago it was all the talk over the net, Now we have such as Facebook and our beloved twitter. what's next in the networking generation? Will we have a time where one can put there web cam on a site and be able to have a "realtime" network with all of our friends? Think about it. could be so nice BUT, it has a downside too. Maybe you can see where I am going with this. the draw backs of networking. Some of you may remember a few weeks ago Twitter was attacked, back in the day so was myspace and I feel sure that facebook has had this too. With as many social networking sites as there are all over the net, and more to be adding we all know. There things that we must remember.Know who or what you may be adding onto your network. It may not be what you think. I hate to say it because I do love twitter myself but it is becoming full of spammers. everything from hotels running room specials to the dreaded porno adds. Yes you may want to add some of these people, you do have a lot of local governments that are starting to use Twitter, Even Pres Obama himself.So remember Myspace, Twitter Facebook and all the others. They are all a very good tool, to use but must be used wisely.

  16. im getting married in 8 weeks to a guy ive been with for 5 years and had two kids together. many times in our relationship ive thought about leavign but have never done so as i love him but dislike a lot of things he does.

    Now this really tells the story. If your going to marry this man, you should accept his ways 100% To me and this is only my feelings but sounds as your getting married to him for the kids sake, which is good but you should be happy too. You do not want to enter into marriage and not be happy.

  17. Hi,My name's Hasan and I'm from Pakistan. I came here looking for Webhosting. My friend joined this site few years ago ;) and I'm joining right now.

    Well Welcome to Xisto Hasan. I am so happy that you have joined us here. Please take the time to go over and read the Rules and Regs before you go onto a posting spree.

    I know you will really love it here, we have so many great people and topics to pick from.
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