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Posts posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. actually all lightening shots normally should have no flash influencing the shot...indoors or outdoors since you are going to receive enough light with the low shutter speed. with a high shutter speed, you can still capture lightening, but you wont capture a lot of the dramatic effect lightening creates unless you just get lucky.


    so with the low shutter speed, obviously, it will brighten up the sky and the foreground which will make the lightening less visable and dramatic. so if you don't like the output, that's what photoshop or a darkroom is for. although i personally don't like to alter an original image too much.

    So true of the flash, and as someone that has taken his share of lighening photos, good ones and bad. You have to be in the right place at the right time to get that perfect shot, also too no matter what kind of set up that you have. be it a cheap throw a way to the top $$ cam. the photo is only as good as the lightening and where it is. But main thing and the most important thing you MUST and I mean MUST remember is Lightening can kill you. so you should be very careful in taking your photos and as soon as you take it. Get to a safe place.

  2. Wow Lil lady sounds as you had a good time. and yes we do love our food. and I know we love our French Fries, and all the other greesy fried foods. I guess that is our weakenss. But hey it's all worth it. I do hope that you will have the chance to come back and visit other parts of our country as well. Just about every place here has it's own special kind of food that they love to cook. Living here in New Jersey we love to have our fresh seafood such as clams. But I grew up in the souther USA in Mississippi where they loves to fri Catfish with hush puppies. a type of fried bread ball with onins and other goodies in it.

  3. Well networking like this I feel is a great thing. we have twitter, facebook along with all the others. I feel they are good due to you can keep up with everyone that you know and your familly and such. But I have also noticed with say Twitter, you do get a lot of people just wanting to add you that are well "Bots" and no telling if they are real or just trying to get any info they can get. So social networking can be good yet bad. I guess it is all how you wish to use it.

  4. Microsoft and yahoo officially advice their cooperation. To not be too painful for any of the parties, they have 10-year pact in which yahoo will be obliged for online advertising and Microsoft for searching .
    Both companies expect that the agreement will hurry the innovation and will create more value for advertisers and Web users.

    The first man to yahoo, Karol Bartc, says that cooperation will have to many "value for customers and the industry," while Steve Balmer of Microsoft, that TO ORDER agreement with yahoo I will give him the necessary powers for Bing compettition.

    Treaty provides prebaruvačot in yahoo to hot in the Bing, in a period of three to six months, by which company will be prefrli and its advertising platform, the platformata to Microsoft.

    gee great, 10 more years Bots, Spam and Poor mail and messenger is all I see out of this deal. Don't get me wrong. I am happy to see them getting together. But I do feel things will be worse than ever. Just my feelings though.

  5. Al Gorey Gore strikes again. I have seen so many topics here of Global warming and all these so called effects that they say that it is having. Hello People Wake up and open your eyes. There is no such thing as real global warming. The earth has phases it will go through ever now and then, such as spring summer fall and winter. This is only one of many Mother Nature has. Yes man is not helping things with all the Beep we are doing to the earth. But Global Warming? That is just 2 words cooked up by people in Washington DC one day to scare the people into using less energy, that's all.Secondly, we have only been keeping records of temps and such for less than 200yrs. We do not know what the Summer or Winter was like say 500 yrs ago. For all we really know. it could be just like it is today. Weather Patterns change not only daily but hourly. Nothing stays the same. So for GW? The joke is on us. But and this is a big one. We can help by saving what we have.

  6. hmmmmine is logitech brand and its been a year using and still working good 100%
    if you take care your item carefully, its will long last not forever :)

    Same here. I have had one of there headsets, and a quick cam from them for years, both work at 100%. could be with the headsets you my be playing it too loud and blowing them out. if that is the case, then I understand your problem. head sets are not meant to be played with the the sound set at Max.

  7. You know, for years to come there will be so many rumors of MJ just like there was and is of Elvis. Next thing we know there will be MJ Sitings at some Kids R Us some place in the country. or we will hear of some woman claiming to be the real mother of the kids. Let the poor guy RIP. Yea nether was I a big fan of him, always the but of a joke or something but God he could write. so just let him live on in our hearts, and rest in piece.

  8. I go to partys and usually come back drunk with my freinds. Now what i am concerned about is what negative effects does this have on my brain development? Is 15 to young to start drinking?

    Is 15 too young? Are you crazy? did all that booze rot your brain? YES! It is too young. and if your comming home drunk why havent your mother and father beathen the heck out of you yet. I sure would. Sorry to be so rough but I started doing that at a young age and it did nothing but cost me alot. So Yes 15 is too young.

  9. Here it is the middle of July and there has only been 1 Topical Depression in the Atlantic so far. Everyone had been predection a near averge season, so where are the storms? Well I will tell you.El Nino has come to pay a visit. When it is a El Nino year like now, you will find less hurricanes in the Atlantic and more in the Paific. this is because El Nino cools the waters in the Atlantic and warms the Paific. so you will see more in the way of storms there then you will in the Atlantic. On the other hand.During a El Nina year. it is backwards. you will see more storms in the Atlantic than in the Pac.But you will have years like 2008 which was a ENSO year. that is when your going between El nina and El Nino.

  10. Yesterday here in the middle of the usa we had a weather event called a Derecho. High winds rain and a few tornados too. I saw a radar loop of it on the weather channel. Honestly it looked as a small hurricane/typoon. Below is from the storm predection center's home page of fact of a Derecho that I thought that some of you may enjoy reading and learning of.

  11. Well it is now as clean as a baby's bottom, but still rebooting. Not as much though. Starting to feel as it could be a virus that AVG Norton BitDefender are not picking up. I have even gone as far as formatting my HD and reinstalling. I hate to think if it is not a virus but something wrong with the bios or god forbid motherboard.

  12. Nothing to do with software in total. One of the obvious cause of random reboots is due to overheating issues. Check your HSF of any kind to see if its clogged with dust / dirt. Overhaul your casing interior, clean it and redo the booting. Overheating isnt only from the processor itself but alot from the mainbaord north / southbridge HSF. Clean any air vents , airflow path to make a better flow for the air.

    Bingo. I had thought maybe something had become lose so I opened that puppy up to find so much dust cat or dog hair I could have stuffed 5 pillows. Guess I should have opened it up the day I got it to check.

    Anyways after a full reinstall of XP CC Cleaner and AVG all is back to perfect in Echoland.

  13. Help me my friends. Got a major PC problem here. My Compaq Presario which runs on XP SP2 has started to reboot on it's own free will. I have tried to reinstall windows recovery which on this PC you can get from the D drive. And it is still doing it. Also once it does go back into windows it tells me it has recovered from a serious error. I have updated all drivers and have it back in full SP mode. No I have not downloaded Service back 3 due to I had done that once before and I had a lot of problems with it. A few people have told me it could be one of a few million things from Regerty problem which I fixed and it still is rebooting on it's own. to maybe power supply problems to Processor problems.Any Ideas? I really hate that this is happening now that I am finally back online.

  14. Geocities has closed and is no longer accepting new members, and will close completely later this year. It's an interesting history for Yahoo and Geocities. As reported by the BBC, Yahoo bought Geocities in 1999, for close to $3.6 billion. That means over 10 years Geocities ended up costing Yahoo $360 million per year. Thats almost a million dollars every day for the last ten years. Thats a lot of money. Plus that doesn't include the cost of hosting and supporting all those free web sites. It doesn't seem like a good way for Yahoo to have invested their money. On the face of it this was a very bad investment decision. They could have just set up their own free web hosting service using the Yahoo branding. Although Yahoo was not the only company to make disastrous business decisions around the dot com boom year of 2000.
    I never had a Geocities web site myself. Although I remember when Geociies was all the rage, and every tech savvy person had a web site on Geocities. It was like the MySpace and Facebook of its day. I do recall logging on to Geocities and just thinking it wasn't that interesting. It was very similar to Tripod. Many of the sites were true personal hobby sites, with somtimes unusual and (sometimes) fascinating topics from model railways to collections of old Apple Macs. There was something innocent and honest about both Geocities and Tripod. They were places were people unashamedly showed off their interests, creatvitity and even sometimes eccentricities. It was like a patchwork quilt of life, a keyhole through which you had a window on someone elses world.

    Because of musical MySpace pages, Facebook friends and LinkedIn lovers we are all now far too sophisticated for personal hobby sites. That is unless they are about the hot new tech gadget, coolest iPhone app or latest Google gadget. I for one will mourn the passing of the homebrew, "make do and mend", honest and intriguing, internet hotch potch, that was Geocities. May she rest in peace.

    Yea I had also heard that they was closing it's doors. the very 1st page I ever had, I had it hosted there for maybe 2 weeks before finding another site that was less of a pop up problem. Is a little suprising though that Yahell is closing it though. Maybe they have found something better or are revamping it and just are keeping it on the QT. who know?

    As many people that use geocities you would think that they, yahoo would do something. Oh well thank goodness for Xisto

  15. Sorry to hear about the Western Union issue with the new and old ISP.Did the change save you any money? Are you still on dial-up?
    And most importantly, will you be here more regular now?

    Good to see you back in the Forum.

    To answer your question's yes yes and yes to all three of them. $5 USD fee for paying by check. yes to dial up but a faster dial up I have noticed. and as for being a reg? haha JL old friend, you should know me better than that. who would keep SM's spam all friend and on the grill?

  16. Well as some of you may have noticed, I have not been around or posting much. reason being is my ISP is giving me a load of royal Beep. I had been paying my bill by westen union every 6 months. Best way for me since I do not have a credit card. Well my bill was due so I filled out all the forms to wire them the $64.70. then went to the western union location to do the thing, only to find out that they no longer accpted that form of payment. So when I got back home I logged onto there site to see. They still had that up that they took western union payments. I told the woman that I spoke with of what I was told at the payment location and she was like Say what? Then she passed me onto her supervisor who was also like huh? he intern passed me to his boss who told me Yes they did still take western union. I told him again of how they told me that they did not take it. He nicely asked me to hold. After about 5 mins of listening to the worst music on earth, he comes back to tell me Yes they no longer took it. I told him they they need need to remove that they did from there site. That was almost a month ago. Well after almot a month waiting I decided to go with another ISP. as it turns out they are partners with the one that I had. You can guess the one's now I bet. anyways, Being a partner you would think they would have the same rules of payment. After opening a copy of the invoice they sent me via E mail they take western union, so I call them and guess what? I get the same Run a Round as I did the month before. Almost word for word too. They also do not take it. I informed them that I would be contating the BBB in this matter, that they still had all this of western union payments on there site. that that was bad advertising and breaking the law. So everyone Just be careful of what you read. if there is a phone number on the site Best call, you never know when or if the site needs a Major update

  17. Welcome to Xisto nyktovios. I know you will enjoy your time here at Xisto.com The best place on the net I know. you will find a lot of very interesting topics here in the forum, along with the greatest members and mods around. Just please make sure you read the RULES before you go on a posting spree. Good luck and again. a Very Big Welcome to the land of Xisto.com

  18. ah honestly, on a scale from 1 to 10? barely a 1. Needs a lot of work. the concept is good but the design bites the big one.things I would do. 1 a better templet or design. the colors your using are kinda dull and boring.2. You should use a better way of showing your links. maybe a drop down menu?3. a few graphics, men related the way that it looks now to me? I would look at it then leave all within 10 second. sorry to be so crule but just being honest

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