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Everything posted by fffanatics

  1. My favorite book would have to be Dune. The reason that i love the book has to do with the character development, plot lines, the fact that is completely unrealistic and because I it just is amazing. I guess its hard to describe why a book is good but it just is something about it that made me really enjoy it.
  2. Keep in mind that the time and date that this shows will be the time and date on the server so if you are living around the server it will be the same but the actual time may differ from place to place due to timezones, etc.
  3. I think the music industry will actually be better off by doing this. The reason is that a lot of people do not buy music online because of the copy protection and the fact they can not use it on their portable players or if they get a new one, they cant use any of their music. Instead, if it $1.29 a song and you basically are buying a full cd, the industry actually saves money since they dont have to waste costs on cd's, cases, paper inserts and labels. This is a larger cost than people realized when you look at how many cd's are still sold.
  4. Wow that is very interesting. Thankfully for me i just dont use myspace since i have no reason to. This just is a good reminder for all of us web developers and internet users that it never is safe and never will be. We all have flaws on our sites because we are not perfect and someone eventually will be able to find them and possibly exploit them.
  5. Favorite game type has to be RPG. They basically just provide the most fun because not only is there action but there is a story and an actual feel to the game rather than just shoot and kill, etc.
  6. Go work out or for a run. Exercise helps relieve stress and increase your focus since it burns calories and forces your body to relax and build muscle afterwards. For me, if i cant pay attention or focus on work, i have to go exercise cause watching a movie, etc just doesnt help me focus instead it just wastes time and makes me procrastinate longer
  7. I like the site but the colors need some work. It is way too light and can be hard to see. I either darken the green color or widen the size of the border so that it is more visible. The top images is really nice but is a bit too tall since it covers a large area of a small screen. If i can tell it is larger than normal on 1920x1200 display, then it has to be on a smaller screen.Next i would edit the gradient under neath the header image and either make it a uniform color or white in the middle moving to green on the outsides so that it looks a bit more normal. Next i would add some padding to the left side of the sections since the text comes way too close to the borders.Finally, i would put a border around your link section titles. This will make them easier to see and easier to distinguish from the rest of the text.
  8. Wow sounds like you have had a much better day than me. Ok so my day started off the same as it always does, get up early go do research for 3 hours and then off to classes. Usually the research can be confusing and irritating but it went really well so i was thinking the day was going to be a good one. Instead, i then went to my first class that went for an extra 15 minutes and did get a bunch of a project that was due at midnight for it done. The problem was that right afterwards i realized i took all my data with the wrong mass values for the two particles. So this meant i had to re-record like 15 data sets and recreate 9 graphs which was going to take a little while. So i went to my second class an worked on that while paying attention. Then the last thing the professor says is "O yeah, by the way we will be having a midterm and it will be on friday". Well like every i am like this sucks. However its worse for me since i leave for Iceland for a week on Thursday for spring break so i wont be in class on friday. I go talk to the professor whom i already had told i wasnt gonna be there and he said "O yeah i forgot, you can take it on wednesday though" which basically means i get tody to study for it. So i leave that class grab some food and work on my project due at midnight some more. However, when making lunch my kitchen sink clogs so i have to get some Drano which actually only made it worse. I then was accussed of pulling a fire alarm in my building over the weekend when i wasnt even here. So to wrap this up, be thankful your day was so good and remember days like that so when you have a bad day, it doesnt seem sooo bad.
  9. Well it depends if you want to do a complete rebuild or just add the vista os as a second partition. In order to add it, you would have to get a piece of software like partition magic to change the size of your single partion to a much smaller size and then create the second one for vista. If you want to do a rebuild, just install vista first and set its partition size to what you want. Then install xp since this will put it farter away on the harddrive so performance will be a bit slower but it should be a big difference and you probably will be using vista most of the time. Personally, i just would install vista not even bother with dual booting. I run vista and have no problems with it.Unlike what ghostrider stated you will see a difference with the 64 bit version of Vista over XP. It will be much smoother and a bit quicker. Finally, one other thing is that you wont need a boot loader since windows has one built in but only works with windows os' which means ur safe. Its under my computer -> properties and boot optioons
  10. DirectX 10 is a huge difference over DX9 however, games will be released with backword compatibility in mind. DirectX 10 does not install over directx 9 but is a seperate identity. If you dont have a directx10 card, it will perform functionality it has in a compatibility mode and will do a good amount of software algorithms on the images that otherwise would be done on the GPU. The big changes in DirectX 10 has to do with the graphics pipeline since it is built for shader version 4.0. Basically they go rid of the fixed pipeline (having to go vertex shader to pixel shader) and it now can be done in any order and they have added a 3rd shader called the geometry shader that will improve the ability to edit the geometry of an object on the fly. The other big change is that the developers will not longer have to check flags on the hardware to determine functionality. Instead, the venders will have to provide cards that have all the functionality in order to be classified as DirectX 10 compatible eliminating a lot of tedious work a developer would have to do that slows down programs a good amount.
  11. Personally, i do not have time to read books for fun anymore. Between working, college, research and fraternity events and such i spend most of my time reading school books. This past week i read about 15 different research papers published in SIGRAPH about real time render of plants, soft shadows, hard shadows, prt, etc. that i need for research. They are hard core programming papers but are very interesting and the realistic graphics they produce is amazing. For me, this is somewhat my fun reading cause its much better than a book for women's studies or something like that
  12. Use visual studio express to write c, c++ and c# code. It is a free version of vistual c++ and has everything you will need. Your other free option is to downliad the eclipse ide and install the C development package for it. Both are good solutions but visual studio express is a lot easier to use and install.
  13. You should be able to. I have written plenty of scripts that i tested with XAMPP that involved the php mail() function. However, this does not mean it works on a setups and configurations of ones pc. The easiest way to find out is just to install xampp and send yourself an email.
  14. It depends what software actually is included in the Creative Suite and what exactly you do. For me, i have Adobe Photoshop CS2 since i do a ton of web development and for me this makes my life a lot easier. I use it to create a layout for my site before i code it and then splice the images to save space. I also use it for picture galleries and scaling thumbnails down. If you are going to use the software a lot, then it is worth the money. If not, then dont buy it and use the GIMP which is free for your photo editing needs
  15. Favorite game ever is Final Fantasty 7. My favorite game that i currently am playing is Everquest 2. It is just like WoW and i like it better but there is a huge debate over which one is the best.
  16. To send and recieve emails i use Mozilla Thunderbird. I originally had used Microsoft Outlook Express but the spam filter was horrible. The spam filter in Thunderbird is absolutley amazing. I get soo much spam to my school account yet i might get 1 email that is not marked as spam per day. This saves me a ton of time going through what is a good email and what isnt and it rarely marks a good email as spam. The reason i have to use a client is that i have multiple emails for website i maintain, my school address, etc that i need them all in the same place so i know what emails i am getting and can promptly respond.
  17. To create games similar to commercial ones you will not be spending lots of money. There are plenty of tools our there that are free that allow you do the same things and there is no way you will be creating a "state of the art" game without being employeed by a developer. This does not mean your games wont look nice and amazing. How good your game will look will depend on how much OpenGL or DirectX you know. These are the two main langauges that are used to make games depending on the difficulty and OS you are writing for. Windows supports both but Linux only supports OpenGL. They do most things completely different so pick one and learn it. In order to write in these languages you will be doing it in either Java or C++. DirectX is C++, C# or Basic only where as OpenGL is Java and C++. These two languages will be used to do most of the visual effects of the game. They will be what displays the meshes (characters, walls, etc.) that are in your game, camera adjustments, and anything else visual. The game logic will be done just in the language you are programming in. Finally, for final touches in your game or more advanced visual effects, you can use HLSL (High-Level Shading Language - for DirectX) or GLSL (for OpenGL). These will allow you to use the actual GPU on your video card to perform per-vertex and per-pixel operations that will allow you to do things like add lighting effects, glow effects, and lots of others. Overall, you will want to start with learning C++, then either DirectX or OpenGL and then HLSL or GLSL. If you go out of the order then you will just get confused, not understand the errors, etc. and really wont get far into your game before you decide to quit.
  18. Like all elections here in the US, they start out really diverse. However, there is no point in even looking at this as something new until the primaries come around and the parties decide who they want to represent them. I am a Republican so to me the most important primary is the Republican Primary. However, this does not mean i dont care who is going to run against my canidate as a Democrat. For me, i do not support Hilary Clinton for a good number of reasons none of which has to do with her gender. To be, I never have liked her or her husband and lots of things could have been avoided economically and terroristically if President Clinton had done things differently. So, we still have like a year and half til elections and until late this year, early next there is no point in worrying about it because all the issues will change and so will the candidates.
  19. I personally never have used a download manager even when i had dialup internet. I found no point in it because unless i was downloading a OS like Linux, the files were not big enough or it was going through P2P network in which it was like using a download manager.
  20. First of all, the IPhone has not be released yet and it is only for ATT (aka Cingular also). Apple was being sued by Cisco but that has been resolved sicne they too had a name of a product currently in the market call IPhone. Search google news for the story if you want to know the details. There also is a Canadian company sueing them about the name but there is not much information on it at the moment. The phone is really nice but is lacking a few key features that they plan on adding on their second version of it. The one thing i am worried about is the touch-screen keyboard for calling people and typing text messages. I dont know how well it will work but will be something i try before i buy it.
  21. Java is good for its portability but still has lots of problems. First of all, it is very version specific. Since certain features and improved and then removed, older java programs will stop working if the older jvm is not on the machine. This is a huge issue. If you have a good programmer, they will use only the prebuilt functions and features that are not brand new and also that are not being replaced in a more recent version.The good thing with java is that in the past few years, it has become much quicker. The code is compiled again on the computer it is being run on before it is interpreted so that optimizations can take place. This is done while you are running the program but does not use many resources the way that it is implented.
  22. We will need to know what you want to do to the videos or atleast an idea of what you want to do to give you a good answer. If you just are looking to transcode them to different formats then there is certain software that is good for that. If you want to make menus and such, there is other software. These are all things we would need to know before we can give you a good answer. Plus, you definitely should check you old posts more frequently so you dont get 2 pages of posts without a response when we are asking for more information
  23. It needs a good amount of work, not to be too negative. It lacks a good structure and outline. First of all, start with adding a border around your actual site so that if it is displayed in a larger screen than it was created for, there is a constant background color on the outside that is different from the rest of the site but matches so that someone's eyes are lured to the content and not the extra white space. A border will allow a good distinction between background and content.Secondly, the block structure on the site needs some work. First of all, but the links on the left since this will be the first place a users looks to see what the content is. Users dont like having to look for links and they want them in the usual place. Secondly, add some more of a block structure to your content so that it doesnt look so plain. Finally, change the color scheme so that everything matches very well and is readable to anyone.
  24. I didnt even know dictionary.com had a translator. When i was taking a foreign language class and had to translate some words to use for a speech or something, i always used babelfish by Altavista. I will have to try it out next time i need to translate something.
  25. Well living in the US we dont get too many soccer leagues. I do pay extra to recieve a bunch of soccer channels so i do get to see lots of south american soccer and the english premier league. For me, i love the English Premier league. You get to see way better moves, more control, better shots, etc. They just are so good at what they do and they make the game not boring and slow because of their skill level.
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