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Everything posted by kobra500

  1. Well, erm, this is arkward... When a mommy and daddy love each other very much... oh you r talking about it mythically, okWell there is no "why" there is no reason for us to be hear except to contiue the species, thats all we are here for and all we will ever be here for. The same with any other animal, all we are is developed animals.
  2. But the default skin is part of Xisto, it links us together, I am part of Xisto, taking away the skin would be taking away a part of Xisto thereby, taking a part of me. So please don't change it! :DSeriously I don't know whats wrong with it, It does everything needed, its reasonably good looking and is easy to naviagate and it works, so why change it?
  3. I never realised your both in the same year, same country as me as well as only and hour-1h30 away from me : D

    We're both athiest with little chance of changing, we're so simular except i'm cooler :P

  4. I will, I'm coming back in 6th form, I like the teachers but some of them really need to get a life, most of them you can have a laugh and a joke with and don't care if your shirts untucked!
  5. Thousands of Years ago we beliefed that smells caused illness, we know that they were wrong, they believed it because they didn't know about germsThousands of years ago we all would have believed in God, they believed it because they didnt know about evolutionary theory. Thats what I believe about belief.
  6. Have you made sure to point the domain name servers at ns.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com you can do it through your domain name registrar.
  7. The problem is that no people aren't equal, but it's nothing to do with race, colour, religion etc. There are some people who when you insult them will say "you think your better than me" and the answer you want to say is, "I know I'm better than you" of course these are the people who make everyone elses life a misery. I don't believe we should judge anyone on anything but who they are. and I don't me black, white etc. I mean who they are inside as a person!
  8. As many of you will know today is the last official day for year elevens sitting there GCSE's in the UK. Because of this many people today, okay most of the year decided to sign each others t-shirts. A few were told by their tutors to bring spare t-shirts however there was no formal announcement, no assembly or letters home so the majority of people didnt know.Anyway I got kicked out for wearing a signed t-shirt, by my obviously facist headmistress: dr owen, and her army of the four or five staff in the school that nobody actually like whom were patroling the school looking for people doing it. So she talks to a handful of year elevens who she has found and says "im dissapointed, do you think it's acceptable" to do so. Now normally I would have a good debate... ok argument why the person is wrong and I am write that it is acceptable, but so close to the exams it wasn't worth it. The funny thing is that 98% of the staff don't care, hell I even have a signature on my arm from my science teacher who by the way is a legend! So here I am last day of school at home.I wanted to hit dr owen, the stupid cow. My mum agrees with me, my dad made the joke "who signed your t-shirt? - bin laden" which I thought was funny. It's stupid, there was a member of the governers there as well I had half a mind to ask him what he thought of it all. Or even better, get another teacher get all the year elevens to write "you are a cow, facist etc" and then send it to her.I have half a mind to write an anonomous letter to her asking how it feels knowing that the parents and realatives of 200 odd year elevens all think she is a stupid cow. Asking her wether this is a school or facist dictatorship and wether or not she was bullied as a child really unpopular and no-one signed her shirts.Anyway thats my rant, if theres anyone who agrees with her point of view then please tell me so I can take out my feelings on someone who can't do much about it !!!
  9. The Spam bits are a trap17 thing that we all all put in comments

    like this: SPAM

  10. Hey SPAM don't worry your signature isn't against the rules : D so your okay

    and this is your 1st comment ! SPAM

  11. okay last post all im saying that if one had a disease then it would be passed down to all, and that if one had a bad nose it would become more obvious and worse over time, leading to disfigurement. Am I rebeling agianst god, can I rebel if i do not believe in him. Isn't it that I just disbelieve and choose that because I disbelieve I needn't worry. Thats not rebellion thats logic. Also one question, if in deed there is a heaven, what are the rules of sinning in heaven? this is something i've been wondering about for a while though this isn't an arguement against thiesm.
  12. Hidden There we are, you can thank talking snakes for all pain and suffering! also noah's ark, well thats genetically impossible, that would suggest we are all decendants of noah, incest alert, also then we would be horribly disfigured and would all have terrible diseases, it's things like these that make me question the bible.
  13. Kansuke, In all seriousness list all the advantages belief in god will have for me over athiesm. Also I suffer from gluttony which is a deadly sin? It's also an eating disorder. Which means i have limited control over it. Seems a little unfair don't you think.
  14. A lot of the stories have been scientifically disproven as well, also remember that things happen in real life can be considered miraculous etc.also the bible isn't one book, its a collection of scripts which were decided by important religous figures, who chose the most important relgious texts.The reason people sin is because of nature, we are animals after all, pre marital sex is only a sin to us not to a donkey, we just evolved into a more intelligent creature, also adam and eve in my opinion is the most stupid story in the bible (no offence) I seem to remember a talking snake somewhere.
  15. But look at judaism, they don't believe jesus is the son of God, also I don't tell peoples there no santa, he asked, I answered, we're all adults or mature enough at least to know people believe differently. I myself beleive that we shoud follow many christian morals except a few. Of course athiests will find reasons to contradict the bible, if you read a horoscope you will notice things that it may say, because you are trying to find it. it's like in "Thats So Raven" - i have sisters, whenever Raven saw something good in the future it didn't happen because she saw the future, tried to make it happen and changed circumstances. Why would dieing in anyway help me, he died for my sins, why couldn't he live and my sins be forgotten anyway! thats like stealing a watch to stop global warming, there completely irrelevent! The bible to me is a book of stories, with morals we can learn from , much like the guy who wrote the tortoise and the hair and other simular books (essop?) The truth is I could debate for hours, I love debating but i wont!
  16. Well america won't be on top forever, look at britian, we were the top dogs in the 1900's now the USA, my bet personally is that india will be next, or china but we will see! Anyway who's on top is irrelevent, some problems with America is the way, I don't know where it's comes from, there are soo many patriots, in other words a lot of people who think there better than anyone else, of course every country has them but there are surplus amounts in the US. I get on with the people on here, we're mostly people who are quite intelligent and know how the world works but online on xbox live for example you have to mute about 3 people who insult you because you have a few less points than them or because your not from the same country, which is wrong, no everyone isn't equal but equality isn't based on anything but the person. and it's a shame to say the majority of people are from the US, and it makes everyone else look bad.Of course I'm not defending my own country, the british are still quite bad. All i'm saying is that there are alot of people that don't understand the way the world works and america has some of the largest media's in the world, its quite funny on tv when you see these girls screaming when they see a celebrity, thats why quite a few move down here, because of the cultute differences. and culture differences is what causes all the problems in the first place.Anyway thats my views anyway!
  17. Well Done . Never heard of a colour guard, I don't think we have them over here, the assossiation with the president may be a bit embarrassing but its a magnificent of achievement i gather from what everyone else is saying!
  18. Well, I compared myself to god when i was pissed once . I don't believe in God, it makes sense that way to me, I couldn't imagine my life with god, well I could but really he isn't worth an hour every sunday even if he does exist, after all I am but one man, why should god care about 1 man, as long as he doesn't go around killing people, I believe you should live your life right, that way if there is a God you will go to "a better place", but you should follow christian morals anyway! If there isn't oh well.Why does he let bad things happen, I don't know, no one knows for shure, christians and other religions have their beliefs, you won't find out until the end I'm afraid, and if I'm right then your be far to dead to find out!But don't worry, death doesn't matter, your going somewhere better and if not well then you won't need to worry about it then because you'll be dead!
  19. If the genre has the word rock in it the chance are I listen to it:Indie Rock, Rock, alternative Rock, Hard Rock, I'm a goofy goober.. ROCK! and a bit of the more tasteful metal.
  20. I'd move to america for that job! Not actually anything to do, ?35000 a year, hell yeah. Seriously that is ludicrous, thats like me paying for the internet without a computer!
  21. I am assuming he means what rvalkass said, I think he wants to know if you CAN, and if so How can you. As for the answer I assume yes but don't know how!
  22. Hey JJ, your 1st comment :) - SPAM

    and your first SPAM

    from you friend,


  23. wheres Kobra500 (N00B Programmer) :Das for the rest , there's nothing wrong with a bit of competition !
  24. What time will that be GMT? since I don't actually no what PST stands for time wise!
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