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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. My biggest issue in turning my website into a money-making one is that I have a hard time with the marketing of it. I can get the site up and all, and even get a few hundred people to take part in visiting it daily or bi-daily, but actually growing it into one that gets hundreds of thousands of hits a month is rough.Does anyone had advice for doing that with a website about a specific nature, like gaming? That is what mine are about - gaming clans, various gaming information, etc.
  2. Rofl, exactly what I'm talking about. There are so many things that it could misconstrue. I'm assuming that you would have to say "Wheelchair Forward" though, but that would just make a lot of people feel awkward in social situations. Just think about being out in the store and this guy keeps saying "Wheelchair Forward" and "Wheelchair Stop" all the time. Not only is it annoying to others, it may cause them to think the person is deranged. Honestly, I hate when people are near me in stores talking on phones and stuff, just because it confuses you - you wonder if they are talking to you or themselves.
  3. I'm pretty happy that someone experienced this before me, and I will definitely keep that advice in mind.Luckily, I don't really prepare foods and so I have never experienced that before.Is it worse than onions?
  4. triple - out of curiosity, do you get paid to advertise or anything on your radio station?I think it would be an interesting thing to get into if there was any way to actually make something out of it, rather than just do it for fun.
  5. I've actually had this talk with other people before, and we all came up with the conclusion that these "UFO's" are people's minds playing tricks on them.To begin with, think about where they are seen. They are almost always seen by farmers in the USA. What other country has ever "seen" these "UFO's" before? Are we really that cocky here to assume that we mean more than any other country, and the aliens would come to *US* before anyone else?Second of all are the fact that doctored photos are very easy to make. In fact, there are even doctored videos showing these "UFO's" as well. Therefore, there is no solid proof other than "I saw it!" But then again, people "see" Elvis Presley every day as well.Now let's assume that aliens were coming to our planet. What purpose would they have here? If they were capable of coming here via space crafts that hover and whatnot, there would be nothing to fear. They would do what they want with us regardless as to if we tried to stop them or not, so there would be no reason to even think about it.Regardless, until there is physical proof of these "aliens," I will not believe in them.Although in a sense there are UFO's, classified as anything in the air that you can not identify. This could even be a toy helicopter.
  6. Maybe, but even if they did...A 7" screen isn't a phone anymore, it's almost a mini-laptop. If you remember the phones they had back in the 80's where they were huge(when only business people had them), multiply that by 2-3 and you will see how big these would be. I just couldn't justify the size. Granted, on a positive note, it'd be harder to lose than the small cell phones we use now, .
  7. A video cell....I don't even use a normal video phone,lol.I wonder how often people will use them though. With a 7 inch screen, not only is it huge, but it will drain your battery fast as well. Honestly, aside from a very few people, I can't see this as being a normal item to carry around.I would much rather carry around my normal 2 inch cell phone.If they were to shrink the screen by about 5 inches, and increase the battery life, I could see it as being a normally used item, though.We'll see how it goes!
  8. I did a lot of reading up on Dolphin lately, and found that it is not a stable system.Now, it has a lot of features, and will do most things Youtube, Myspace, and others will do, but their whole call-home feature seems to be a big negative. Many sites are claiming that when Boonex's servers go offline, as do their sites. Because of that, it has the possibility of a large downtime. Not to mention, as stated by Africa, it can be slowed by that feature.The free script seems to be bogged down with ads too, with what I was reading from others. To get the ads off everything, it is ~$1,000Now, if you have an awesome community up, and everything is going great for your site, it would be a perfect system to purchase, but with call-home I would not recommend it.
  9. I think we may be able to do unlimited or close to unlimited emails using our domain itself, through cpanel or something. Honestly I've never tried it myself, I'm currently using Google Domains, but still haven't even started using that email yet, .I would love to hear how to make an automated system as well, if anyone happens to know.
  10. Great idea on that. Don't we only get like 5 free emails though unless we pay extra?You are talking about name@yoursite.com emails, right?
  11. I'm adding a new post here so that you can see that it's new(hopefully double posting isn't against the rules being that these are completely different posts). I'm having issues with Joomla now. More or less I am unable to wrap text on the main page. To better explain, you can check out the website here. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (I put up that folder just temporarily - first question is, if I move the site from /joomla to the home folder, it won't screw up anything, right?) And second is...How can I text wrap? If you notice, the text on the top "News" report stretches all the way to the right side of the page, and you get a scroll bar. It looks horrible. But if you click on the link at the top, you get a perfectly formatted version of the same text. So I'm interested in two ways of doing this, if possible(or any way you can think of). 1)Wrap the text on the main page, leaving it all there. 2)Putting 3-4 lines of text on the main page, with you being able to click the link to see the rest. Maybe with a link at the bottom saying "Continued here." or something. Sadly, I do not know how to do either, and searching the Joomla site it seems many others have the same issue as well, yet are getting no help. Anything would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  12. Lol, skip the Apple laptop and go for something much more high-end. You can build custom laptops for $15k that have dual 3.4 ghz quad core CPU's, two 1 gb video cards, etc. If you're going for the laptop, take it all the way!
  13. For me to switch to Linux, or at least to try it, it was because I wanted to learn how web hosts work.Aside from that, I really have no use for the system right now. I mean it would be nice to experience something new, and open source, but at the same time I'm a very hardcore gamer, and sadly Linux doesn't support the games that I play.I think most people switch because Linux has more control than Windows. Not to mention as far as I know Linux is much more secure.
  14. Hey guys, I did more research into exactly what I was looking for, based on what you were saying. I ended up finding this program, and it works very well for what I wanted. It's almost 2 MB's, but easy to use. /legacy Thanks again for your help. If it weren't for your ideas I wouldn't have known really what to look for! (For the record, as I type this right now I have a video playing in the background and the browser at 70% transparency, )
  15. I would use the money to help myself, as well as family and friends get through college. I know many very close friends and relatives that are hurting very bad for money, and I would love to help them out.Sadly, at the moment I'm in the same boat as them.As for what I would do with leftover money after they were all stable, I would gladly give away the rest to others who are trying, but are no succeeding. What I mean by this is those who care about their life and try to make it better, but are not in a financial situation to where they can improve themselves.There are many people who are poor because they were born that way, and for various reasons will never be able to earn more than a minimal paycheck.As for myself, don't get me wrong, there are many different things I want in life, but I find that earning it myself would greatly improve my feelings of having obtained the items. I hate when people give me things, because it makes me feel like a leech.
  16. I'm really not sure what to say on this topic, as I did not quite understand the issue.What are they doing that isn't ethically right?China wants to censor their people, for example...Google capitalizing on that is bad? It would happen regardless, so why not make money from it?As for Microsoft, they don't donate even nearly as much money to charities as a lot of others do. Microsoft could easily be donating hundreds of millions of dollars a year, but as far as I've heard they donate very little(although it seems to be a "lot" to us because we aren't making billions a year).If you look at any big companies, you can find their faults, and how they only care about themselves in terms of where their money goes, but at the same time, isn't that what makes the open market good? Imagine a company that was run by people who care not about profits, but about how they can help others with the money they earn. Now, obviously some people would do a great job still, but the matter still remains that our market goes as far as it does because of people wanting more and more money.If it were not for people going for as much money as they can get, our technology improvement would have slowed down a long time ago.For the record, even government agencies(Police Departments, FBI, CIA, etc.) care about how much money they are making.I honestly can't see where "ethics" plays a role in how the companies are run. They are not hurting anyone. If anything, they are helping us.
  17. There has to be *something* that really works.Isn't SMART just the system built into HDD's themselves? Like the thing you can see in your BIOS I mean.
  18. Yeah, that's my main issue right now...With them saying 100% it makes me wonder if they are really working or not.There is the possibility that they will show 100% when they are "working fine" and will show less as it degrades. It's really hard to tell since when I see that they are at 100% I usually just uninstall the program as I assume it doesn't work.As for this HDTune program, it's working exceptionally well. Rather than putting a % on the health, it explains the various parts and has an "OK" by what's in good shape.It also includes extra settings for HDD scanning - bad sectors, fully "erase" the drive by writing 0's or 1's, etc.The feature I do find to be the best on it is that it tells the temperature of the drive. Like right now mine is running at 46 Celcius.
  19. I'm going to vote that without makeup is better. To me, it's the natural beauty that really counts. I don't see why people are so worried about the physical nature, after all it doesn't last forever.Look at any 90 year old male or female and tell me how many of them you would date right now, or how many "turn you on." I highly doubt there's any.So if it wouldn't matter in the future, why should it matter that much right now?Personality is something that also changes, but regardless as to if you are 20 or 90 you could still have an awesome personality.
  20. Even without servers, the internet would still exist. It wouldn't be so much the "inter"net so much as the "intra"net though. So it really depends. Are you speaking of connecting to PC's not near you?(Of which you could also use BBS like they did before the "internet") or would you be speaking of connecting to other "networks" in general?(such as intranets).
  21. Wow, and to think I thought only Google had those services.Nice find to me. I mean, I'll stick with Google, but regardless, now I know where to fall back in case Google turns into the next Microsoft/Wal-Mart, lol.
  22. True, but if you're sure that you would accept adding one later, why not do it now?:PAnd if you were unsure, would you really want all that cash sitting there saying "TAKE ME, TAKE ME!"?
  23. Hey all, have any of you ever used a tool to check your HDD health?Not speaking about "S.M.A.R.T" but instead programs that will decode what it is telling you and estimate the life left on your HDD.So far I have only used one program, HDDhealth, but it seems to always show 100%, even on drives that have been used extensively for over a year.Have any of you others used that program with similar results, or different results?Or have any of you used another program?At the moment I am going to test out "HDTune" and see what it comes up with.In the meantime, any advice would be much appreciated.Thanks!
  24. I somehow missed the post about the seeds being important. Really, there can be 0 seeders and you can still be downloading at 50000 mb's a second.Seeders just mean that the person has 100% of the file.Most files have extra txt documents or whatever to let you know who uploaded it. Even some betas(like Funcom's) will have a document explaining special procedures.Now, if someone chooses not to download that extra file, they will lock in at 99.9%, rather than 100%. It takes 100% to be a "seeder."So technically, you could still get everything you want solely off of "leechers."
  25. I see what you mean by that.I had my site on the top listings in Google when searching for it via our clan name and/or website name, but the issue is that I never got any "backlinks" according to Google.With my new site, I haven't started SEO'ing it yet, so I'll be doing that shortly. Hopefully I can resolve those issues that I had in the past.
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