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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. That's my understanding too, but though a lot of work many people have gotten some games to work.It's something about copying the directx files over into linux or something, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.Like on a few games they installed the game on Windows, then copied all the files to linux(since you couldn't install on Linux obviously), but on most of the newer games even that does no good.
  2. Yeah, regarding Wine, it supports almost none of the games that I play. They have been working on getting my games up on it(AOC, Warhammer, Lineage II, etc.) but keep having issues either getting past the beginning screens or logging in.I was going to swap over to Linux a long time ago just because I heard it's a lot better/more customizable than Windows, but I never could get the games to work,=/
  3. Why not just choose one and customize it? They are all really about the same overall, the only difference seems to be the default settings. In terms of space, bandwidth, etc. though you can choose those upgrades when you order
  4. Best online games are...1)Lineage II2)UT2k43)Warhammer OnlineAll 3 are awesome games, each in their own way. UT2k4 is the best FPS for sure, .
  5. Bookmarked that one as well.Is it possible to do actual 3d imaging with any of the Adobe software? Or what would be used to do that?It's something I've wanted to mess with for a while now, but didn't even know where to start. So I decided to start with 2d, .
  6. There are bots that still work. Even on private servers and all. Just like with other games, the hackers always win. It will never change, . It's like C&C Renegade. They are "botless," as it's impossible to bot. But there is a bot now. It integrates itself *after* the anticheat mechanisms kick in, so that it remains undetectable. And in that game there's even commands to check and see if someone's using cheats, and with the program it will always come back negative. It's a huge game of cat and mouse.
  7. Researching it on your own wouldn't do any good. All research is done for the monetary benefits. They get government grants and stuff to find things that are unknown. I am positive there are many studies that are "proven" to be true that are false, and are only said to be true for the government money.
  8. Bookmarked that one. Looking at even the main page it seem that it has what I'm looking for. So is the creation of 100% fabricated graphics what you mean by "rendering?" Like making your own house using PS - no real pictures. I was under the impression that "rendering" was just the process of turning things into graphics that the PC knows how to interpret.
  9. I would love to have a more in-depth tutorial as well.Something from the beginning to end type of thing. I am 100% a Linux newbie, but am looking into getting a VPS...And honestly I don't even know where to start regarding getting a web server set up or anything,=/. Or even how to install programs.
  10. I think the guide is pretty thorough for a relaxing workout, really.I'm on physical recovery though so most of that stuff I'm not allowed to be doing right now.
  11. I agree with some, but not all of this. Your general message was "Don't be self-centered," which is the big thing I definitely agree with. But then you go on about things like not doing embarassing things. That's the fun part. If you can't have fun embarassing yourself, how could you possibly get along long-term? Some of us are fun people, we like to have fun. Tripping or something is probably funnier for me than it is for the people who laugh, . The noting the anniversary, huge +1. It seems a lot of people forget that, .
  12. You just...Alienated those aliens, LOL. Sorry, I had to say it. Anyways, what if there *is* a world with aliens like Mike Wizowski or something?(I know it's from MONSTERS Inc. but regardless - those are aliens)
  13. Cool topic here. I've been looking for Photoshop tutorials for quite a while. So far everything I find is regarding picture(photo) touchups and stuff.I am much more interested in the "let's make our own custom banner" or something. Hopefully at least one of these will have more 'creative' tutorials.
  14. I think I used swishmax a long time ago...Now I would prefer Flash though.I don't really use either right now, it was more of a "cool, a new thing, let's play with it" than anything.I vote Flash for having the most features and all though, considering it's clearly a more commercial program.
  15. This whole "cancer" thing has gotten out of hand, and has been for a while now.I've heard the weirdest things regarding cancer, including these causes:Hot dogs...WATERCokeSeriously?How can they really expect us to quit drinking WATER? They say it's the flouride or whatever it is in it that's cancerous,lol.So me, I don't really pay attention to what they say anymore. They are going to hit the point where they just say "Everything causes cancer. You're all going to die!" or something.
  16. I haven't played it on PS3, as I don't have a PS3, lol. I might get it on PC(I think I saw that it's out on PC as well) later. Not quite sure yet, due to school. I hate ending up addicted to things - causes grades to slip.As for what I've personally heard about the game, everyone I know of that has played it loved it, except one person. He didn't really explain *why* he didn't like it though, just that he didn't.So although I've never played it, I would say that it is probably worth getting, .
  17. I've never heard of the Farmer's Almanac. I'm checking out the site now though.I will keep up with it over a period of time and see how accurate it really is.As for their little statement about how they don't think anything happens spontaneously...I kind of agree with that, to a point.If weathermen can predict things a week before they happen(tornadoes, storms, etc.) then it's pretty obvious that there are many signs that precede the events. The trick is learning what they are and how to interpret them.Based on what I'm reading though, it's not too accurate for January. It says Jan. 1-7th in my area should be a record cold, and rainy. There has been no rain near us for quite a while, and it's been burning outside.
  18. Ouch. It's kind of nice to see that IE isn't the only one being hit by that kind of stuff.I find it sad that so many people resort to making trojans and other virii though. I mean seriously, what is the point? To show off? Personal glory? To obtain something that would potentially get them arrested if used?I just really can't quite grasp it, myself.And don't get me wrong, I'm not against the creation of virii/trojans/etc. for learning purposes, but to spread them out world-wide, especially faking another companie's(addon's) name, is wrong.
  19. From a game developer's POV I would see Runescape as great, too. It has quite a bit of decent stuff in it.I, for one, have never made a game before. So to me, Runescape is a huge step up from where I currently stand, as would it be for many others who wish to make games.For the record, if we did an RPG, I think we should start with 2d. It will help learn the fundamentals and all. We would work on the storyline and whatnot, get to know each other, and then progress from there.Of course the game would not look as great as if it were 3d, but honestly I think one of the things that we're missing in this "group" that we may make, is the tight-knit friendships. We need to learn that we can depend on each other, that we can trust each other, and above all, we need to figure out who is really willing to help and who isn't.If we successfully got a 2d game up and out, then we could move on to possibly a 3d.
  20. Those of you still talking about it, read my previous post here.Also, I found out that all my posts were counted. I took the $ amount that the last email had said I've earned total, subtracted what I spent, and had more in my Xisto Dollars than I should(but I had made posts too). So nothing is missing at all.It's just a visual bug, .
  21. I don't really find the ads *annoying*. I mean, they bother me to an extent, but at the same time I think about the fact that without ads, the sites wouldn't exist anyways.So for me, ignoring the ads is well worth actually having the website up, . Think about a world with no ads. You go to Google(assuming it still existed) and search for something, only to come up with 2 results.That's not how I would want the internet to be.
  22. He's saying $1 per click for normal advertisements, not links that you set up yourself and stuff. And yes, that's possible. $1 is kind of on the low side. There are places that will show you how to get $20-30 a click for some ads depending on which ones they are. But they are all the ads that are just like "GOOGLE - YOUR PLACE TO SHOP" or whatever - the links everyone hates,lol.
  23. I'm wondering if this study would be different now, in 2009.In terms of my personal feelings on the subject, it's really hard to say. Usually I judge sites based on what they are giving, compared to what they want in return.For example, to have a personal site or something without advertisements, I can see that happening.To have a website that gives away free items or something(even if you have to play games to win them), I would pretty much instantly know that they are fake.
  24. Guys, check your xisto balance. Like for example, ignore your forum "Total earned" and compare your Xisto balance + what you've spent to what your last myCENT email says.On my end everything seems right. According to the forums I lost $12 from my earned balance but comparing the last email I got(that shows total deposited - it's at the bottom), minus what I already spent, Xisto has the right amount, .Edit : I don't think I got credit for any of my posts after 9 PM though(while I was in the negatives).
  25. I never said I haven't dated before. You assumed that. And as for whether or not my choices are "stupid," they are well thought out. For the record, not everyone is/will be married, and not everyone needs a girlfriend and/or a wife in order to be happy. Some of us are happy with ourselves and friends. It's one of the joys of being a human: not everyone is the same.
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