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Posts posted by sunkist

  1. I notice on c panel there is an area for hot link protection. I am wondering about this, and if it would be useful for my site. However, I have lots of links to my photomicrographs within my site itself. How do I enable it? And is there a downside to using it? Thanks for your input.Sunkist

  2. Good topic! I have meta tags on all my pages, just because I use a template when I make them. And the meta tags are in the templateWhat is the point of the robot meta tag? And what is the syntax? This is one meta tag I don't have on my site.Sunkist

  3. Hey, thinks for the info. I also like the google toolbar. You can get some of the same information from the toolbar. The google toolbar will show you the backwards links to your site. The google toolbar will also show you your page rank.It doesn't show you the google cache of the site, or the sites with the phrase of your URL within it.Sunkist

  4. Just when I am starting to learn my way around here.....I go into C panel today, and the font is much smaller. Has this happened to any body else here? I was use to a bigger a font size. I don't know it its because I added some more directories, so my directory list is getting long.ThanksSunkist

  5. I have been involved with lots of affiliate companies that pay. I have not received any money from CafePress, but then again, Histology Greeting Cards are not an item that is in high demand. I have them mostly listed as a humorous novelity, I don't expect people to really buy them. But just the concept and the ability to send a histology greeting card exists.I have received affiliate checks from a group called LinkShare. They are a third party clearinghouse for affiliate marketing. Also from Amazon.com. They sell books. I have also seen some affiliate companies that look shady, and look like they won't pay. Some have a very high threshhold before issuing you a check.Sunkist

  6. I just downlaaded a program that makes sound files for my web page. It makes them as a flash sound file. Any thoughts on any problems with this? I am going to be adding these to my web site. I have already added 2 flash sound files, and from my end it seems easy and seems to work fine. I just was wondering if there are any pitfalls I am not aware of by doing this.Sunkist

  7. Interesting. I had a much more difficult time getting listed in Yahoo then I did in Google. I submitted my site to Google, and it got listed. But getting listed in yahoo took me years! I think the problem with Yahoo was that I did not own my own domain then. Although, that is only a guess.Sunkist

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