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Posts posted by sunkist

  1. Hi:Thanks for your reply. I am actually looking for the software to set up the greeting card site. I already have the cards designed.I want users to be able to send a greeting card (one that is designed) to a friend. They will get an email, click on the email, and be brought to the site with the greeting card. Nothing fancy, just a standard e-greeting card site.

  2. Hi:I have done both some buying and some selling on ebay. I have only had a few minor problems. I think one way to protect yourself is to look at the feedback. If you see an item you are interested in, before you bid on it, look at the sellers feedback. If you notice that he or she has lots and lots of positive feedback from a lot of different users, it can be used as a positive indication. While a great positive feedback score is not guarantee that the transaction will go smoothly, it can give you a little more confidence in that regard.The problems I have had on ebay are minor. I had one bidder win an item and then not pay for it.I bought a pretty anklet and it broke the day I got it. I contacted the seller and he replaced it. I have never had a problem with PayPal.However, I am carefull on big transactions by looking at feedback.

  3. Hi:My website currently has a greeting card services. Visitors can send their friends e-cards that I have designed. I don't have too many cards, perhaps only 6 or so. I have my greeting card site on a free service. It is on Bravenet. I would prefer a slightly different layout and design. Does anybody have any recommendations for a greeting card software?I know that cpanel has fantastico and that has Coopermine Photo Gallery listed on it. Has anybody used this service for greeting cards? Any other links to a greeting card service would be appreciated.Sunkist

    Notice from whyme:
    please do not post this in the tutorial section, it has been moved to general questions area.

  4. I have another question regarding google-adsense. I didn't know if I should put it here, or start a new thread. I have noticed a very strange phenomenon with google adsense. The amount I am paid per click, vaires by a very large degree. Sometimes five to seven times. Does anybody know why there is such a huge span in the pay per click? Thanks.

  5. Hi All:Yea, that was my question too.Do you lose the number of days you can go without posting when you get to 30 and upgrade? I like having a nice cushion so I don't have to post everyday. Somedays, I just have nothing to say.But last night, I was looking at the photo selecters and it looks like I don't have enough space. So, now I am also debating climbing that mountain....

  6. Hi:

    Ok, first off....moderaters, please move this topic to the appropriate category. I really couldn't find a spot to put this in...so I just picked one.

    Here is the page I have a question about:

    The problem? Scroll down and you can see.

    My background image is not long enough. I have gone into my photo editor and readjusted it, just made the canvas size larger. But then I am starting to get concerned about file size.

    I want the lights at the top. When the background image repeats itself, the lights are inserted in the middle of the page. I do not want this. I only want the stars in the middle of the page. Any suggestions as to how to fix this?


    Notice from whyme:
    moved to the HTML category

  7. HI:Hey thanks!! That works. Now when you type my URL, you see my homepage.Any problem with leaving a homepage directory set up? That way, if somebody clicks on "home" from within my site, they are direction to homepage/homepage.htm.Saves me having to change all the links throughout my site.Let me know if you think that there is a problem with doing it that way. Only problem I forsee is it wastes a little bit of space.

  8. Hi:I have Google Ad Sense on my site. It is very easy to place the ads. You can pick the size, and a color scheme. You can also chose if you want text only (what I chose) or text and image ads. Just copy and past the code on your site. You get paid when somebody clickes on your ads. I have noticed a wide range of payment per click; from a paltry few pennies a click to much more per click.Furthermore, I think that google ads are so prevalent on websites nowdays, that people don't view them as intrusive. (my opinion only...I havent heard others express this view).As far as tax information, that is pretty standard if they plan to pay you. Even as an independent contracter, money you make is taxable. If you make over a certain threshhold, they need social security number of tax ID number in order to do a 1099. (Again, I doubt they will be doing 1099 forms for people making 50 cents a week) But they would need this information to do so.Anothe thing I like about Google Ad Sense, is that the ads correlate with the site content.

  9. Hi All:Well, I finally figured out how to point my domain name to Xisto! The company I registered it with called me back and told me how to do it. She had been on vacation, which is why she hadn't called me back sooner (Maybe dot.you is pretty good after all). So now, when you type my URL it goes to the Xisto intro page.Next problem...I have my homepage in a subdirecotry called homepage. It is:homepage/homepage.htmHow do I get my homepage to load if somebody just types my URL? Do I put my homepage in a different directory? Or do I forward? Thanks all!

  10. I use it as a response or an acknowlegement. If somebody says something that I find humorous or funny, I will acknowledge it by "LOL". I dont find myself laughing out loud very often while on the computer (perhaps I am not going to funny enough sites).

  11. Ok, thanks. But I am still stuck at pointing it to trap 17.When I go to the site I registered my domain at (DOT.YOU) they have a DNS area.Ttey have a table, and I am suppose to enter what I want.The fields in the table are:Hostname Address Record Type Meta Tags MX Pref Under "Record Type" I have the following choices: Address URL Frame URL Redirect MXE MX CNAMECurrently, I use the followinghost name: WWWaddress: members.cox.net..Record type: URL frameWhich field do I use to point it at Xisto.And if somebody wants to volunteer to walk me thru this in Yahoo messanger...I would be more than happy to do it in PM.

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