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Posts posted by sunkist

  1. Oh wow, you can go negative? Did you lose your hosting? I try to keep 10 postitve so that if I forget to post, I won't go negative. But we are planning a vacation. I will have to post a lot to build up a reserve, so that I can leave, and not worry about going negative or losing my hosting. Thinking of a 2 week vacation, so I need to build up an extra fourteen days or so. Sunkist

  2. Hi:I have been wondering the same thing. Do you have to re-upload all your files?I enjoy the forum. But sometimes time pressures start to take their toll. Whent that happen, posting becomes a chore and not fun. So, I too have considered switching to a paid host, and only posting when I have the time. But anyway, my question is do you have to upload all your files again.I used Cpanel to upload, so it was very time consuming. I suppose if I were to switch, it would be a good time to learn a better ftp.SunkistP.S. Overall, I enjoy the forum and love the free hosting. So I am inclined not to switch over....just exploring some options.

  3. First, let me preface this by saying that I do not know about Alexia. I have not used Alexia and am not familiar with it. I am, however, a little bit familar with Google Page Rank. PR stands for Page Rank. My understanding of the Page Rank (PR) is that it is a reflection of how important your page is, within its own category.How Google determines this is a little bit of a mystery to me. They have an algarythm (never been a good speller, sorry about that) that takes into account the number of inbound links, the keyword density, and the relevancy of the number of inbound links. Thus, for example, my page is about Histology. An inbound link from another page about histology is very relevant. And if that page linking to mine had a high PR, it would raise my page rank. So, the idea is to get pages linking to you with high page ranks.If you link out from your page, the number of links out is also important. If you link out to 100 pages, it will not help those sites page rank as much if you would link to only one page. An outbound link from your site is like a "vote" for that site. By linking to it, you are voting that it is an important page.Another thing about Page Rank (pr) is that it is logarhythmic (spelling again...sorry). In other words a page with a page rank of 3 is 10x more important than a page with a page rank of 2. A page with a page rank of 4 is 100X more important than a page with a page rank of 2. Sunkist

  4. Well, even if you have a friend click and click on your ads for you, it is click fraud. Google will remove or banned an account for doing that. Google also has a minimum pay out of $100. Each month, the amount not paid out is forwarded. So, even if you don't make one hundred dollars in a month, that months earnings are cumulutive next month. The ads on google seem to get more relevant with time. I think they moniter what ads are getting clicked on.

  5. Hi:Can you please clarify why you think links coming off your site dilute your page rank? I have a links page, and I have a ton of links on it. It is a very popular page in my site, because it is the only site that histology students can go to where the links are organized and categorized. Thus, I don't want to eliminate this page.However, if this is diluting my page rank, perhaps I could put this page on a different server with a different URL.Thanks.Sunkist

  6. Hi:I keep wavering on the issue of pop ups and pop unders. For a while I had them, but noticed a big drop off in traffic, as well as complaints. Somebody actually linked to my site with the comment" Great site, but too many annoying pop up ads". Gee...thanks. Who in their right mind would follow that link?So I removed them.But, and extra 3 bucks for every 1000 visitors would be nice. I am probably going to experiment with exit ads.Sunkist

  7. Hi:Couple of comments to ad. Regarding taxes, I believe that google pays you as an independent contractor. However, you are still responsible to pay the taxes on it. I don't think they withold money kfrom their adsense payouts. However, at the end of the year, they report what you earned, and you are responsible to pay any taxes. That is why, when you register, you need to give a social security number.As far as $10 a day and now 30 cents a day....google adsense is variable. Sometimes they give you money...sometimes they don't.Sunkist

  8. Hi:Here is what I have heard and read about getting listed in searcch engines.*Lots of original content*Content updated frequently*Page loaded with keywords*Lots of high ranking inward bound linking to your site. *Links leaving your site contain the keywords*Meta tags don't matter so much anymoreMy experience is as follows: When I read about these things, I made some pages to my page. Rather than discuessing "bone", I discussed "histology of bone". It was obvious to my readers when I was refering to "bone" I meant "histology of bone" but it was not obvious to Google. So, I spelled it out. i added the word histology or histology of throughout my page. Instead of "trivia", it is now called "histology trivia" and so on. It made my page read a little bit redundantly. I think it lowered the quality and readability of my site. But, nonetheless, my site went from page 6 on a google search to page 2 of a google search.I also changed all my links, so that they inlcuded the word histology.I don't know what I did wrong, but I also went down a page in Yahoo. So, I guess it sort of worked. (4 steps forward, 1 backward).Sunkist

  9. Ok mods...you can move this post if you want to. I really did not know where to post it.I am concerned. The past week or so, my page views have skyrocketed. But what is interesting, the number of unique visitors has not changed. And sure, I want the traffic. But it was such a dramatic increase, I don't think that my visitors were just viewing more pages. (It was about 10X the number of page views I usually get). Any ideas what this is?Sunkist

  10. Hi:Well, I definately am in the minority here. And since I am happily married, my opinion may need to be taken with a grain of salt. But, that being said, I have made non-romantic friends from the internet. The internet is just one more way of interacting with people. Relating to people comes in all dimensions. You can write (remember the lost art of penpals?), talk on the phone, chat in a chatroom, view webcams. and of course interact live face to face. And being together live involves various dimensions as well. There is intimate heart to heart conversations as well as doing things together. Is playing an online game of blackjack, cards or scrabble so much different than playing the same game face to face? Both are still enjoying the others company and having fun together.Just because the internet is not 100% being with the other person, does not mean that the internet is an invalid means of communication, or sharing. It also doees not invalidate that two people can develop feelings for each other on-line.Sunkist

  11. I think some people are making money online. I do not think that auto surf and pay to read e mail is how they are doing it. I think it is thru google adsense, affiliate programs, amazon associates, ebay sales, and the sale of their own product.For whatever reason, the get rich quick scams seems to have flourished on the internet. The ones mentioned above...pay 1o dollars, get 50,000 to do the same, repeat. So, I think when attempting to make money on the internet, be wary of scams.I had also joined some advertising programs with pop ups and pop unders. They pay a tiny amount per impression, so you need a lot of traffic. The problem was, I don't have a huge amount of traffic. Histology is a very esoteric field, so the maximum possible audience for a histology site is pretty small. Anyway, some of these advertising companies had such a large threshhold for payout, that the company disappeared before they ever did there first payout to me.At least with Google, it is highly reputable, so I don't think that will happen.Sunkist

  12. Hi:I think Google moniters where the clicks are coming from. So, if you click on your own ads or specifically request a few friends to click on your ads for you, in order for you to earn some money, you run the risk of being banned from Google adsense.Plcsing the ads on your webpage is easy.Google ads are very commonplace nowdays, so I don't think visitors view them as intrusive. They can help you generate revenue. How much depends on several factors. How much you generated is determined by how many pageviews you have, what percent of the people viewing your page actually <- snipped -> and the price the ad is paying per click. All of these factors can affect how much you make from google adsense.Sunkist}}

  13. Hi All:Personally, I do not like pop ups, pop unders and so forth. I have a pop up blocker that I use, which is pretty nice. I can disable it when I want, and want to actually see the pop up. For my own site, I have experimented with pop ups to increase revenue. It is like walking a tight rope however. The slight increase in revenue balanced by how many visitors I would potentially scare away. I debate it. I do not know if it is worth it or not.As it stands now, I do not have pop ups on my site. I may, however, in the future include pop ups. I would just experiment to see if there was a decrease in traffic.Sunkist

  14. Hi:When I read about keywords, i changed my page to include the word "histology". So, rather than just say "bone" for example, I now say "histology of bone". My readers all knew I was always referring to "histology of bone", but it was just understood. (My page is a histology page). Google did not know that when I said "bone" I meant "histology of bone". So now, I put in the word "histology of...". So now, both the humans and the search engines now exactly what I mean. Histology is no longer implied.It made a big difference in where google finds my page. Just this change alone, a HUGE difference.Sunkist

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