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Posts posted by sunkist

  1. Hi:Thanks for your suggeston.When I go to the "hotlinks protection" area, there is a box with all my URL's already listed in it. When I click "activate" nothing happens. I am not transported to a new screen.If I hit "disable" I see the status bar, and go to the screen you were talking about. But it looks like my "activate" button doesn't work. Anything else I need to be doing?Thanks again.Sunkist

  2. Hi:Tough call.I suppose it depends on if you are married or not. If single, I would probably move on. If somebody single is straying, it is only signs of more problems ahead, and would not go back. But it would really depend on the specifics.If married, it is a bit more difficult decision at that point. There may be children involved, and community property, and a long history. But again, it depends on the specifics.I would never trust a man who cheated to be with me however. I would know, once a cheater...always a cheater. If he was cheating on somebody to be with me, then once he was with me, same thing would happen. Thus, he would eventually cheat on me.Sunkist

  3. Hi:I have noticed that MySpace and Xanga have been using some of my images. I am getting hits for them, so I checked out the sites and actually found my histology art on peoples blogs. I am trying to enable hotlinking protection, so that they do not continue to steal my bandwidth.Yet, when I click on activate on CPANEL, nothing happens. It just keeps saying "Hotlinking disabled".Please help! I do not want people linking to my images for use as backgrounds and art on their sites or blogs. And I do not my/Xisto bandwidth to be stolen.Sunkist

  4. Cheating is wrong; that is why its called cheating.Whatever two people decide the parameters of their relationship should be is between those two people. If they decide that they can each see other people or sleep with other people, then it is not cheating.Remeber "open marriages" or "open relationships"? Such relationships allowed and acknowledged that the partners were free to have sex with somebody else. It was not a violation of the trust within the relationship.But if two people decide that within the confines of their relationship, they are not going to see other people, and then one of them does so, he/she is breaking the commitment made within that relationship.Sunkist

  5. Hi:If you can afford it, and you both like it....it is worth it. Remember, a wedding ring is something that will be worn everyday. Every single day, she will look at it, and be reminded of your love and your relationship. And generally, rings, jewelry, and diamonds are much more important to women then men.Wedding rings can vary in price. Go to an online jelery store, and search. You will see a large price variation. But to answer your question, yes, people will spend thousands of dollars on rings.So bottom line, if it is a ring you both like, I think you should stick to it.Sunkist

  6. Hi:I have a couple of questions. Do you have your phone number? Have you met her (real time).It does appear that she is interested and wants you to ask her out. If you don't have her phone number, then you should ask her for it. Comment to the effect, that you cant ask her out with talking to her. Also, if you have met her before, or hang out together, that would give you an opp0rtunity to ask her out as well.Irregardless, she is definately sending the green light.Sunkist

  7. Hi:First off, let me say this is not going to be the answer you want to hear.Many years ago, I tried the paid per impression advertising, and pop up advertising. I would look periodicaly at my stats. And my stats were increasing, thus money would be eventually owed.However, my site is a very niche site (histology). Not that many people are interested in histology, and therefore, my traffic is low. The payouts for these pay per impression sites were fairly high. About $100 or so. I never reached the threshhold for the payout. The company went under, or changed their program before I accumulation enough impressions to warrant a payout.Granted, this was many years ago.Sunkist

  8. Hi all:Well, it looks like blocking this person from Australia has solved the problem (keeps fingers crossed). At least for now. How would I trace IP? And I am not sure I know what you mean by "normal user".I do know from looking at my stats, however, it was something abnormal or malicious. Normally a visitor views an average of 5 pages of mine per visit.Thanks again for all your help.Sunkist

  9. Hi:I am looking at my stats today, and I see a sudden surge in my bandwidth usage. I am concerned, because I have used over a third of the monthly alottment. It seems like something whacky is going on, but I don't know what to do.The number of unique visits has not dramatically increased. However, the number of page views is abnormally high. Way too high and out of porportion for the number of unique visits. For example, on October 3 I had 28,193 page views. I don't think these are histology students causing that huge surge (nobody likes histology THAT much). My site doesnt even have all that many pages. I assume this huge spike in page views is what is causing my band width to be used up. But why are page views so abnormally high? Is that what is eating up my bandwidth?More importantly, my question, and my problem, what do I do about it????Please help!Sunkist

  10. Hi:I love ebay. I have both sold and bought there. I also like to snipe auctions. There are programs out there that will bid for you. You can set it so that it bids in the last 7 seconds of the auction. What this means, is that the last minute of the auction, you place a bid....and often win. The program I use charges 1 per cent of the sale. So if it is highly coveted item, I use it. If I am the only bidder, or perhaps one other bidder, I just use the proxy bidding by ebay.Sunkist

  11. Hi:I have always wanted an electric car. I think that the hybrid cars are cool too.My understanding, is that in Brazil, they have cars that run on ethanol. Grain alcohol. Seems like a really efficient way to go. Stop our dependance on oil. Grain alcohol can be made from plants, so its readily renewable.Sunkist

  12. Hi:My site is listed in DMOZ. It was worth the waiting to get it submitted and/or approved. A lot of search engines pull results off of DMOZ. So, once you are listed in DMOZ, your traffic will go up.I don't know about being an editor. I wanted to be an editor for histology, but after reading their terms of service, it sounded like it would be a conflict of interest, since I own a histology site.Sunkist

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