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Posts posted by sunkist

  1. Hey, I would love to read peoples relationahip stituation, triumphs and woes. I can also try to give advice on relationships, if possible. This topic seems interesting. Being that I am married, and out of the dating scene for a LONG time, I don't know how valuable my input will be. But it is still fun to read about it and discuss.Sunkist

  2. I have always wanted an electric car. I am glad they are starting to come into the mainstream. Ever since the first electric cars have existed, I have wanted one. Now that they have hybrids, they are much more feasible. Maybe the next car I own will be an electric hybrid.I like the idea of electric cars because of the environmental impact/good fuel economy.Sunkist

  3. Hi:


    I was bored Sunday, so I made up a trivia game.




    And guys...you are welcome to try to answer the trivia question. If you win, you can bypass the prize if you want. (I am giiving away an $18 lip liner). It probably will be a difficult question for men, unless you are a Silence of the Lambs fan. The game and page is more geared towards females. But anybody can play.


    This game is not really part of my site:




    But, since I don't have a separate domain to put this game in, I posted it on my histology-world site. There really is no connection of this game with histology.


    Let me know what you think of either the beauty game and/or histology-world.






  4. Hi:

    Thanks for your response. I made the form, but I don't know how to use cgi.

    The form asks for the data
    Accepts the data
    Sends it to my Xisto email, then it is forwarded to me at outlook express

    When I try to read the data, outlook express tells me "the file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action"

    I am doing something wrong; but I just don't know what.

    The rough draft of my form is here:


    If anybody knows what I need to do to be able to access the users input, please help!

    Thanks all.


  5. Hi all:I am trying to add a form to my site. I want to have users to be able to communicate with me without posting my email. I am afraid of being bombarded by spam if I post my email address.Anyway, I have made the form in dreamweaver. When I test it, it sends the input data to me. The problem is, I cant read/access the data.Is there a tutorial on making forms. Any comments or suggestions so that I can read the imput.Thanks!Sunkis

  6. I use a Bravenet guestbook. I have been meaning to add a script so the guest book can be hosted here on trap 17. However, I am concerned about losing 100 or so guest book entries. I dont want to have to cut and past them to re enter them. And since my site is a low traffic site, 100 guest book entries is what I have accumulated over many many years.So, as it stands now, I will continue to use the Bravenet guestbook.Sunkist

  7. Hey, thanks Bad Influence!I looked at your picture gallery...very nice. Histology is a visual field (photomicrographs of tissue). So I do think I need good software to display the pics.Currently, I have a slide show on my site. It uses a java effect, and when the user runs theier mouse over the title, a different image shows up.I have about 100 images total. So a gallery might be a nice way to present them.Anyway, I will keep you posted. And, when I am ready to install cooper mine, if I get stuck I will contact you.Thanks again.Sunkist

  8. Hi:I like the java scripts.I use java scripts to do a "histology word of the day" on my site. Granted, you wouldn't be interested in learning a histology word a day unless you were studying histology...but it is ever changing content.I also use the java script to post a new joke a day. Problem with this, I had a very difficutl time coming up with enough jokes even remotely related to histology. But it is still an effect I like. Visitors get new content daily, and I don't have to update it daily.SunkistP.S. If anybody knows a good histology joke, please contact me.

  9. Hey, that is pretty cool.I use to only use google, as it was my favorite. But then Yahoo started ranking my site much higher than google. A searcch on yahoo for keywords puts my site on the first page. But not on Google. So, I figure that Yahoo has to be the better search engine, and I switched alliances.But seeing them both side by side is really nice!

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