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Posts posted by sunkist

  1. Hi:Yep, gotta agree on this one....he is an idiot.Look how long it took him to realize the federal response to Katrina was not going well. He thought everything was honky dorey. He even gave the head of FEMA a sign of approval..."your doing a heck of a job, brownie". Meanwhile, American citizens are dying of thirst, stranded in a city. Patients in hospitals are being manually ventilated because there was no power. People in nursisng homes are drowning. All kinds of private aid is being refused, turned away, and lost in red tape. Water from Wal-Mart is being turned down. And stilll....absolutely no federal rescue was occuring. When confronted by house minority leader about the atrocious job FEMA was doing, he asked "what didn't go well?"Weeks later, he acknowledges that things did not go well.Yep....worst president, ever.SunkistSunkist

  2. Hi:Do you have any other pay per click advertisers? Ones that actually pay? My understanding is that google ad sense is the best pay per click out there. I was wondering if anybody knew of another one as well.I would, ideally, like one that would not compete with google adsesense. In other words, that I could put on the same page as google adsense. I know that Google is pretty clear in its terms of service, that you cant have a competing company or similar company running ads.Sunkist

  3. Hi:It is pretty easy to hook up your domain name to the trap 17. It just was hard to figure out how to do it.The deal on yahoo sounds great! I paid $10 for 1 year of my domain name.It is much better to own your own name, than not to. That way, if you ever change servers, you don't lose all the links and bookmarks. For years, I used a free domain and free web space. When I finally got my own name, I had to let everybody know that I am no longer on the free server space, and that my name changed. Some people still have not changed their bookmarks and links. My recommendation, is if you are building a page, register your own name.Sunkist

  4. Hi:I have actually been paid by Google. They pay for clicks on the Adsense. And they pay me what they say they owe me. No complaints. It seems legitimate to me.It does take a lot of traffic and a lot of click thrus to earn a check though. The minimium is $100. So at a few cents per click, it takes a lot of clicks to reach that minimum. But once I reach it, in the next pay cycle, they issue a check.Sunkist

  5. Hi:That is a good idea, to post a banner for Katrina help. Just make sure wherever you get the banner, its legitimate. As an aside, I have been reading about a lot of internet scams, where people are saying the money is to help victims. But then they end up keeping the money. Pretty disgusting. But anyway, make sure the banner and the way you set it up is legitimate, so that Red Cross/Katrina victims actually benefit.Sunkist

  6. Hi:I love wayback machine! It is fun to look up things as they use to be. You can see how sites were, see when updates were made, or find sites that have been taken off the internet. For example, I can see how my own site progressed over the years. I can also look up sites that the owner has removed, for whatver reason. And you can see how it use to be, and read it. WayBack Machine is a really good find.Sunkist

  7. HI:I always wonder how much money people really make from these things. They look like scams to me. I like to hear first person accounts. It somewhat validates it.Years ago I was part of the paid to surf trend. People were actually quitting their day jobs so they could get paid to surf. Hard to believe, but I read about it on forums. I guess those people who quit their day job eventually had to go find another job, because I don't think all those pay to surf companies are still around.Sunkist

  8. Hi:Back to the issue of tax ID or social security number. I am not an accountant or in the finance industry, so this is just my lay opinion. My understanding of the situation is as follows: Any money you earn from a site is taxable. It is income. As such, the federal government can tax it. Some sites therefore want your tax identification number or social security number so that they can report your earnings to the federal government. And then the federal government knows what you have earned, and can track it. Also they can do a form reporting your income.Sunkist

  9. Hi:The amount you earn from pay per click is going to vary tremendously. It will depend on several things. First, it depends on how much traffic your site is receiving. A site that receives 10 hits a day will obviously have much lower earning potential than a site that receives a hundred thousand hits per day.Second factor is going to be at what rate your visitors click thru onto your ads. If the ads are placed well, incorporated into the design, there will be a higher percentage of people clicking thru on those ads. Goggle has a diagram on their site, which shows the best placement for their ads. It is color colded and shows different regions that are "hot spots" for click thrus.Another factor in how much you can make in pay per click is the specific payment per ad. There is a huge variety in the price they pay per click. From my reading, on google, the price varies from three cents per click to over a dollar per click. Sunkist

  10. Hi:This sounds similar to epionions. Epionions also pays people. You would submit an entry. An opionion on anything. You got paid based on the number of visitors to your written opinion.Do you get any residual? Or once they pay you the 25 cents, is that it? The nice thing about epionions (and yes, I got a couple of checks) was that there was residual. In other words, months or years after I submitted an opionion, if I had a lot of visitors to my site, I would get a check.Sunkist

  11. Hi:Thanks for the explanations! I too wondered this. Please don't be embarassed to ask questions. Remember, if you have a question, there are probably several others who have the same question, but just have not asked it. Using the forum to learng and improving your skills is putting the forum to good use.I was making each of my folders a subdomain. After reading these explanations, I don't believe that it is necessary to do that.Sunkist

  12. Hi:Well this seems like what every webmaster wants to do....increase traffice. It is not easy. Below are some things I have done, that have increased traffic to my site.First, get listed in the search engines. I submitted to many, many search engines. Getting listed in Google is the #1 priority, as that is the biggest. For me, Yahoo was #2. But, I submitted to lots of the smaller search engines as well. They have (cumulatively) generated some traffic. Most of my search engine traffic comes from Google and Yahoo. But a little bit comes from the smaller engines.Key word density is important. From my reading, high key word density is important to the search engines. My site is about histology. So rather than simply saying "slides" I changed as many phrases as possible to "histology slides". When I am refering to "bone" for example, all of my visitors know I am referring to "histology of bone". It is a histology site, and these are histology students. But none the less, the search engine does not know that when I say "bone" I mean "histology of bone". So I spelled it out for the search engine.It made my page worse, but it improved the ranking. I think it made my page worse, because it is a little bit redundant. Histology students know that I am refering to the "histology of bone" and not the gross anatomy of the bone. Yet I have sprinkeled the word "histology" as often as I could, everywhere.This change alone jumped my rankings 4 pages in a Google search.Sunkist

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