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Everything posted by pyost

  1. On the other hand, if you are using XAMPP only for local testing, without anyone "from the outside" accessing your computer, having a secure phpMyAdmin account isn't really that necessary. But if one of the solutions posted above does work - stick to it. Better safe that sorry
  2. There are two ways to do this, and both have theirs pros and cons. The first one would be to create a custom BB Code for embedding YouTube videos. A custom BB Code is really ease to create through the IP.Board administration panel, but I am not sure of the exact steps you need to take: you would, however, need to take the HTML code provided by YouTube, and customize it so that the video ID is replaced by what the user enters. That's the problem - one cannot just copy the URL to a video! He/she must extract the video ID from the URL... An easier option, though it requires some file modifying, is to use a mod created by someone else. The biggest collection of those mods can be found at http://www.invisionize.com/, so that's where you should be going
  3. How does the system decide how much myCENTS does a user get once he registers with the billing area? I am asking because my credits have been waaay below zero after I cancelled my hosting (due to an error during the cancellation), and yet I gained a certain sum on my account.
  4. I can only say good things about this change I am really pleasantly surprised by the decision to treat Xisto credits as real money - not only will current members have a bigger choice of services, but this will also attract more new members, thus making Xisto an even better community to be at
  5. You must understand that this rule is being enforced in order to verify that web sites hosted at Xisto do not violate some other segment of our TOS (e.g. the no-piracy policy). It would be very difficult to do so if you had to understand many different languages, you would have to agree
  6. There must be a procedure for acquiring an .edu domain that you cannot, as an individual, complete. It has to be done by the school as an institution - that way everything should (actually, must) go smoothly, regardless of the necessary paperwork.
  7. All your "web files" are stored inside the public_html folder, and that's the only one that can be accessed by anyone. If you move your script(s) to another folder outside public_html (e.g. /home/khalilov/crons instead of /home/khalilov/public_html), only the server will be able to access them, and therefore execute them. That's how it's always done with server-only scripts. As for filtering those e-mails, I can tell you how I do it in GMail - but I'm not sure MSN offers the same feature. In GMail you can set filters that deal with mail which contains a specified string in it's sender/subject field (or any other). Since I am hosted at Xisto - Web Hosting (ETA server insteat of GAMMA), I always get my cron mail from "Cron Daemon <root@eta.xisto.com>", and I use that as the criteria. You would just need to check on cron e-mail in order to find out what to use.
  8. pyost


    Well... Take a look at economy.php, line 4 - that's where the problem is
  9. pyost


    It has been mention, many times You can't fool the system
  10. pyost


    It's just how the system works - after being approved, your credits drop to 3.00. Why? It's simple - otherwise anyone could post for some time without losing one credit per day, therefore gaining an "advantage" after the approval.
  11. pyost

    Apache + PHP3

    Actually, this was a month or so after PHP5 was released Well, tux_linux hasn't visited Xisto since March 2005, so I doubt he will read this Oh, never mind...
  12. pyost

    Apache + PHP3

    "Oct 10 2004, 04:29 PM"...
  13. Not an answer, but there is a Latex alternative which is a CGI script - it's called Mimetex. Not as good as Latex, though, but I've never had the need for anything better
  14. As Jeigh suggested, you need to store the last time someone accessed a page on your site in the database. You don't even need to clear it - it can be used somewhere else, now that you have it. And when you want to display all the users that were active in the last 5 or so minutes, you would SELECT all users from the database whose access time is less then 5 minutes before the current time.
  15. Wow, I didn't know this But is it a mistake? If my memory serves me well, I learned how to use .value when I read a tutorial on AJAX at W3Schools - and all their texts are according to W3C standards.
  16. It's just how I would do it - I don't see why it's not working. Have you tried commenting out parts of the code so as to see which line(s) is causing the problem?
  17. pyost

    Php To Java

    The code you wrote should work, I'm sure something else is the real problem
  18. Usually when I want to align text vertically, it's only one line and inside a box of known height. If that is the case, you need to use line-height: 100px (if that's the height of your box, obviously).
  19. This is something that only IE supports (though there could be other browsers as well), but those properties don't follow W3C standards - in other words, those properties don't even exist. While Firefox is well known for it's proper CSS rendering and following standards, this is not something IE can brag about. Not to mention that a lot of people are not keen on their scrollbar changing colour
  20. In other words, it is not possible to get more space or bandwidth than offered in package two. You can, however, get a piad hosting account at https://xisto.com/, Xisto's sister site, which offers great plans at low prices
  21. If you eventually decide on using JavaScript to validate user input, never forget that it can easily be bypassed! JavaScript can make your web site more user-friendly, but server-side verification, through PHP, is absolutely necessary. There are numerous functions that validate e-mail addresses, and you will have to find the one that you find the best. I've bumped into this one: http://www.phpit.net/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t. If you use PHP5 (or so it seems), you can use an in-built PHP filter: http://www.w3schools.com/php/filter_validate_email.asp As for the validation string, it can really be anything... You can combine time() with a randomly generated number, and then md5() it
  22. Why do I use Linux (Ubuntu 7.10, to be precise)? I was first interested in installing it because I deal with a lot of web development, and *nix systems are a better platform for Apache - obviously, I wanted a server on my local machine. But it turned to be much better than Windows XP in many ways. First of all - speed. Windows XP takes some time to load, even after everything on the desktop is displayed. In Linux, however, the loading times are shorter, and you can use it as soon as you see your icons. I am not the type of guy who has a lot of time on his hands... OK, I do have, but that doesn't mean I like to wait Linux stays fast after being on for some time, as well. If my memory serves me well, it worked for 48 hours without slowing down, and I'm sure it could have done more. Next - security. A huge portion of Windows users is constantly having problems with viruses, spyware, malware etc. It is rather easy to protect yourself, but only if you know what to do. I consider myself an advanced user, but yet again I end up with a virus every few months or so. With Linux, I don't really have to worry about that. There is a small number of viruses for Linux, and when you use a non-superuser account, you are invulnerable. Windows: 2 to 3 security programs; Linux: none. Finally - stability. Windows is known to crash a lot, and sometimes nothing other can help but a full reinstall. Linux also crashes, but rarely, and it can usually be fixed through the terminal. What's more, Windows couldn't handle me changing some hardware... Actually, everything Motherboard, CPU, memory and the graphics card. Guess what? Reinstall... Linux? Just one line in the terminal, and I got my GUI back However, Windows does have it's advantages, the most important of them being the number of programs (and games ) available. My default OS is Ubuntu, but from time to time I have to switch to Windows - sometimes because of Photoshop, and sometime because I just need a normal 3D game to relax Truth be told, practically every Windows program has a Linux alternative, it's all about getting used to it. And about wether you are willing to save $100
  23. Once you get the laptop, you could consider installing a Linux distribution instead of Windows on the desktop machine (if you haven't done so already). From my own experience, most of them tend to run faster than Windows XP, and on a configuration like yours that is surely desired.
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