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Everything posted by pyost

  1. To be honest, I can't remember when was the last time I defragmented. And no, I didn't clean up my registry Just the good ol' Kaspersky AntiVirus along with ZoneAlarm. And Total Commander for deleting unnecessary files I might be extremely lucky, who knows
  2. Heh, you are not the only one who is shocked by the durability of my system - I am too But it was a long time ago I learned what to do and what not to do in order to keep my computer "clean". Sure, I've had problems with Windows XP, but was able to solve all of them without deleting all the garbage I've got on C:
  3. Glad your issue was resolved If you have any additional queries concerning this question in the future, contact a moderator to unlock this topic
  4. Over 2 minutes unfortunately I have only myself to blame, though. I formatted my hard disk two years ago and installed Windows XP with Service Pack 1, and since then I've just been adding and removing all sorts of (un)useful programs. It first takes more than a minute to show the login screen, and when I login, there is a torrent of programs that start right away. Two for protection, two for communication, and probably even more which I don't know of I've become way too messy...
  5. Also, making the first letter of each word capital can also be somewhat annoying From my point of view, it's the same as not using any punctuation, you can't properly see where a new sentence starts. Even though you are using your keyboard to write sentences, they shouldn't be any different from those you would write on a piece of paper: with proper grammer, punctuation and capitalization
  6. You would have to be hosted at Xisto in order to be able to recieve and send credits. Otherwise, people would be able to abuse the credit system, which we definitely do not want
  7. Great mini-tutorial on regular expression and their use with BBCode. This is very useful when creating web sites with user input and I am sure lots of people will benefit from it
  8. With my limited knowledge in regular expressions (which seem to be the best solution) and no idea what this code would produce, my only shot would be something like this. preg_replace('/^(Re: )+\i/' , 'Re: ', $string) To my understanding, this code will replace one or more "Re: "s at the beginning of $string with only one "Re: " (notice the space after the colon). I'm sure you'll see whether this works after some testing If RegExTester works properly, so should this regular expression.
  9. According to php.net, there are only three ways of storing a string. The first one uses single quotes, the second one double quotes, and the third one uses the heredoc structure (<<<END ... END;). There are slight difference between the first two when it comes to escaping, but either way you would have to use \' or \". I think that heredoc is your best option, as it doesn't require any escaping and you can insert variables without any problems. Yes, it is somewhat bulky, but is great for outputting HTML code.
  10. In order to connect a web site with a MySQL database, you will need to know more about web development than just using Microsoft FrontPage - you will also need to learn PHP (or ASP, but the former is a better option). However, prior to doing so, it would also be a good idea to start dealing with HTML code instead of using a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor (e.g. FrontPage, Dreamweaver). Be aware that PHP isn't easy, and that it will take at least a month of regular practice for you to be able to create a hack-proof and secure login system. If all this looks like a too big step to you, there is always the option of using a CMS (Content Management System) for your web site. These are great because they offer easy content management along with a user-friendly interface, as well as a registrations system (in most cases). I must warn you, though, that this option too requires a little HTML/PHP knowledge in order to use it to its full potential. Even if you do decide on the first one, examining how a certain CMS works is a great way of learning new things. Or at least that is my experience
  11. Why bother? Here you go: What did I do? I just copied the background gradient over the text. If you need more details, I'll be glad to post a short tutorial
  12. I knew we had it discussed somewhere Yes, you can have hosting at both Xisto and Xisto. [reference]
  13. Would you mind providing us with the whole code? It usually helps
  14. I don't use @import, either, but it is a good thing to know. But let's face it - even without any precise data, I am quite sure 80 per cent of the Internet population uses newer browsers which deal with CSS rather well ("rather" is there because of IE )
  15. The piece of code you posted looks perfectly fine, and should work withour problems, but I would advise you to modify it a bit in order to achieve better coding. Instead of using $_GET["action"] all the time, enter the following code at the begining of the script: $action = '';if ( isset($_GET['action']) ) { $action = $_GET['action'];}This way you avoid checking a variable which is not set - in that case, you would just have an empty string in $action. Furthermore, you don't have to use if..elseif..elseif..etc all the time, because the switch structure is exactly what you need. So, what you posted would look like this: switch ($action) { case 'compose': // Actions here break; case 'sendpm': // Actions here break;} Back to the problematic topic; you might want to add error_reporting(E_ALL) to the begining of all your scripts while developing them, in order to see both "malicious" and "non-malicious" errors PHP might produce while executing them. And when you are sure everything works fine, replace it with error_reporting(0) so as to avoiding users being able to see errors (if they occur).
  16. It is good practice to close these tags with " />" instead of just ">", because this is required in XHTML. Another way to include an external stylesheet is to use the following code: <style type="text/css" media="all"> @import url(style_images/css_2.css);</style> While it works the same way as the previous one in newer browsers, it will not function in older ones (e.g. Netscape 4). If you don't see it as being useful, think of it this way - browsers that don't support @import also don't support CSS to the extent necessary today. In order to avoid any possible errors, you should use <link> for basic CSS rules (font-family, font-color etc.) and @import for advance ones, which wouldn't be recognized by older browsers anyway.
  17. I would with that 1% that the problem is within your web site. GET and POST requests are one of the most important aspects of PHP and I can't imagine them not working properly. What's more, my Joomla! web site (which uses multiple GET requests on each page) works without a single glitch. That's why you should make sure you are properly using $_GET['messenger'] and $_GET['action']
  18. I am not particularly good when it comes to regular expressions and forming a .htaccess file, so I knew I would run into a problem sooner or later. At the moment, I am developing a simple PHP script for a game similar to NotPr0n. As I want it to be user-friendly, I have decided to use "rewritten" URLs instead of something.php. Since the whole structure (i.e. possible URLs) is rather simple, I decided to write a set of rules manually. However, there is some overlapping, and it is causing me a lot of problems. Here is the current .htaccess file. RewriteEngine onRewriteBase /RewriteRule ^(/)?$ inc/home.php [L]RewriteRule ^style.css$ style.css [L]RewriteRule ^izloguj-se(/)?$ inc/logout.php [L]RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)(/)?$ inc/level.php?num=$1 [L]# RewriteRule ^(.+)$ inc/file.php?name=$1 The homepage URL is riddle.mg-forum.net, and the first four rules work perfectly well: riddle.mg-forum.net -> riddle.mg-forum.net/inc/home.php riddle.mg-forum.net/style.css -> riddle.mg-forum.net/style.css riddle.mg-forum.net/izloguj-se/ -> riddle.mg-forum.net/inc/logout.php riddle.mg-forum.net/154/ -> riddle.mg-forum.net/inc/level.php?num=154 (154 can be any number) Unfortunately, the last rule, which isn't active, isn't working properly. The idea is this: if the URL doesn't match any of the previous four, then the user must be asking for a certain file - or that is how the script should work. To achieve this, I have tried using [L] (last rule) for all the other statements as to skip the rest once the right line is found. But if I uncomment the last line, all the URLs will be rewritten to file.php?name=something! Am I using [L] improperly or is there another issue? P.S. I wasn't quite sure whether this is the right forum, as I don't know how .htaccess and mod_rewrite are categorized. So, if any mod finds it appropriate to move the topic, feel free.
  19. As I said, I am not absolutely positive whether you can do so with PHP or not, but to me it seems more logical than the option you mentioned. It might just be a Pascal habit, though
  20. The switch structure is almost exactly how vizskywalker described it. switch (expression) { case value1: something; break; case value2: something; break; case value3: something; break; default: something;}When the switch construction is entered, PHP checks whether one of the cases matches the expression value. If it does, it executes everything from that case to a break, or the end of the switch. Therefore, if there are no break, and expression = value1, all cases will be executed! That is why breaks are so important. Obviously, you don't need a break for the default case (which is executed when none of the other values match the expression, and it is optional), as it is followed by the switch end. Furthermore, while I am not completely sure about this, I believe that you can use multiple values for a single case, separated by commas. switch (expression) { case value1, value2: something; break; case value3: something; break; default: something;}This is usually the case with all the programming languages, but there doesn't seem to be such an example on php.net. Also, if you have any problems with PHP, http://php.net/ is a great site that will solve 90 per cent of all your problems. I will even say that it is the best official resource when compared to other languages or applications. ~edit~ Aah, Jimmy beat me to it
  21. Great move, congratulations! This just proves what a serious company Xisto Corporation is. I do hope people realise the power of VPS web hosting and start using it immediately
  22. I'll jump in with more certainty. The content of your signature does not (and will not) affect your credits in any way. Feel free to modify all the settings, as the only thing that counts is the post content (excluding text inside QUOTE, CODE and similar tags).
  23. It's not that simple for Xisto, because there are several modifications, some o which are crucial for the hosting. Of course, I am talking about the crediting system. It has to be modified with every new upgrade, along with the other modifications, so it is not as easy as it looks to upgrade
  24. pyost

    Ipb V2.3.0

    When compared to the version here at Xisto (2.2.1), it doesn't seem to have any major upgrades. What I do like very much, however, is the new default skin. There are less images, reducing the download time, and they finally got rid of this blueish style. I mean, blue still is the main colour, but it's all a bit darker now, and easier to read.
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