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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Hey, check it out, it's the other half! Anyway, not bad, it could just use better blending/bg and a bit more contrast.
  2. Dude, no. Just....no.You guys have way too much time on your hands, and way too many planes in your pictures.(No, but really though, that's awesome. )
  3. Aw...that sucks. Guess we won't be seeing you too much for another week or so, huh? DESTROYZ0RZ! I didn't notice the Japanese in there either...nice touch.
  4. AW SNAPZ! Midnight, I thought you died or something. <3 Anerways, the layout looks very nice. There may be a bit too much of that bright orangey color, maybe try a more "pastel" orange, but other than that, it's great.
  5. One word. Wassie, don't you think you're going a bit overboard?
  6. Ha, that's pretty sick. Grats on that. The last one was best, I think.And hey, don't worry about it. I can't even ollie yet. X.x
  7. Shoulda have, woulda have, coulda have, didn't have. It's all good though. Just stick around and help out. You'll get in.
  8. Meh. Mine has crappy blending, but shhh....nobody has to know.
  9. [1] You mean it's not newbish? j/k. [2] Lighting brushes would make your life easier. [3] Select the part you want to blur with the lasso or whatever, and just blur that section.
  10. It's an illusion of the Matrix. Free yourself Ngeo. Free yourself.
  11. Ditto. And what's with the band sigs? O.o
  12. Looks nice, it's just too small, and the render's too dark/blended. The rest looks pretty sweet though. But btw...vert sigs are like, 70 years ago.
  13. Ditto. Double ditto. Emphasis on the bolded part. I still have a half-done brushing tutorial, but meh...I get lazy.
  14. Nah...I'm still a noob. I just get lucky a lot. Thanks.
  15. Oh brother...not another one of those wargame-type "I wear headsets all the time cause they make me look cool" guys. Well, I dunno about awesome, but I think it ain't too shabby.
  16. Nice job fusion. Looks hot. @fable -- Why was it requested at me or kubi in particular?
  17. :glomp: Thankies. I'll go grab it latorz.And I added it to my plethora. It's on top.
  18. Birthday gift. Hope you like it. Everyone else: Rate/comment/criticize.
  19. BWAHAHAHA. They spelled "cheapest" wrong in the site title.
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