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Posts posted by Johnny

  1. Not rating because I don't see the point.
    I like the first one. The sort of spiral thingies are cool... never knew how people could do them. It's a bit unoriginal though. But still cool...as usual.

    The second one looks like a piece of poo with face and arms. It's cute. It's sort of like ghetto poo.

    The third one looks too cramped and the text n the bottom looks like you just cut part of it off and tried to put a border to hide it. It looks a bit professinal though.

    And I love the color and shape of the silhouette... it's my kind of taste. NYCe and simple

    Overall very well done johnny dear.

    Ghetto poo huh? :huh:

    Haha, thanks for the comments becca dear.

  2. Whooo hooo feedback. :huh:

    [1]Maybe it's just me with my crappy dial-up connection, but 396kb file size for a sig seems way too big. I assume this is due to the animation. The animation from my perspective is barely noticeable, in fact, I couldn't notice it all. I like the image, but I don't think the animation was worth it. I also agree with TF about the text, it's too hard to read.
    [2]The "word" sig I won't comment on, don't like the concept so my comments on the content would be irrelevant.

    [3]The button looks like someone cropped it too much. I assume this was done on purpose, but to me it looks a little odd. The "sone Conc" text at the top of the button is also confusing. Being it is the bigger text, I thought that was the name of the site, not "Plusone Concepts".

    [4]The avatar is great, simple and recognisable as the big J's avatar. Wouldn't change a thing with it.

    [1]Duly noted. I tend to forget about filesizes with broadband...thanks.

    [2]Consider it an inside joke.

    [3]Yes, the cropping look was on purpose. And I know the sone Conc sticks out a bit...it's this light background...when I posted it on gamerenders that text was nothing more than shadow in the background. I'll fix that later, thanks.

    [4]w00t. (Yeah, I had to make a new ava to go with the graphically-new me. That and I'm also turning it into a CS spray, because I used my old ava before, and people kept thinking it was a U, or not even a letter. -.-)

    Thankies for the great feedback. I appreciate it. <3

  3. Very nice... though I don't always use mints for refreshments, I didn't know choosing mints is a delicate process. I love mints, the "spicier", the better. A pack of strong mints can be gone in a day with me... Though of course, I do have problems drinking water or eating other things afterwards... ;) I don't know why I ever treated mint like candy. I've only ever eaten the solid mints before, usually the ones in cans. I admit, some mints have a lot of sugar in it, and I don't really enjoy those, so I usually get the expensive ones, but who cares, as long as I'm eating what mint should be, I don't mind. Mint should be minty, not sweet. :huh: The next time I go off to buy a pack of mints, I'll be sure to look at the ingredients.

    Exactly how I am.

    Nice guide pcf, I'll keep it in mind. ;)

  4. perham -- thanks. it was made in adobe photoshop, which you can find tutorials for around the site.mayank -- yeah, I know...this bunch isn't so great.CF -- hm...vectors...I completely forgot about those...they were even my "thing" at one point too. I'll have to get my groove back with those. As for fonts, I haven't downloaded any yet...just brushes and renders. I'll probably get some for my next set.Mike -- Yeah, consider the first one scrapped. I didn't spend enough time on it.Thanks for the comments and criticism all. :huh:

  5. Thanks for the comments guys. I agree, the first one is the one I like least, but spent the most time on. Go figure. I'm thinking maybe I should have had some sort of background with a render or something from the beginning, and the lines would come on top of that. Might go redo it later.As you said Plen, the second one seems to be missing something...I think it's the fact that the render isn't very involved in the background and vice-versa. They look great seperately, and okay together, but they'd look better integrated.The third one I won't comment, cause I like everything, except how I somehow cut the very top of his head off (it didn't look like that in Photoshop)The fourth one I can't complain...I like the shiny glowy crystal effect dealie. ;)Yes, I comment my own sigs. I'm just cool like that. :huh:

  6. Ya really buffalo! I'm sooo dissapointed in you. You always write a long essay when you recieve something, lol.


    I thought you didn't give sig advise anymore Johnny? :ph34r:. You like...died on the forums.


    I didn't die...I just stopped making sigs. Doesn't mean I can't look though. :blink:


    I'm still around, just more as an administrator now.

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