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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Whoa...I was wondering why I saw my name on mayank's post. :(Very very good improvement...The text is better, the bg is better, and the render's blended so he looks like he's in smoke or something. Something about the text seems a bit odd or off or something, but I can't put my finger on what exactly it is, so I'll leave it alone. There's also some repeated brushes, but I had to look for them to see them, so it's fine.Nice job. :(EDIT: Oh, hadn't noticed that was only your third sig. Pfft, at this rate you'll be better than me next week.
  2. I was wondering who that guy was...I've seen him on other sigs too. He was a commie?
  3. too*, mike, not to.sorry, but that bugs me. :(I agree with what mike said. I do think you have a nice background going on the left side, but maybe use a color other than that yellow...maybe an orange, red, or white to match ryu.
  4. I did this method before on BuffaloHELP's sig...it's a nice touch, especially to a tech/space sig. Never did the graphic pen though...interesting.
  5. Not bad on these mike. I'd say blend in the lines on the top one (they're pretty much the only white in the sig) and maybe move them over on the bottom one so they're not covering the D.I happen to like the second one a lot more...it's more colorful and looks well done.Like I said, not bad. But is this still considered your 2nd season? If so, step it up a bit. I know you can pull off some wicked sigs, mikey.
  6. There's quite a few of them in the gfxtrap tutorial section...just look around.
  7. Render blending and font choice are the things I'd say need some improvement. Might want a different texture for the Q logo too. Not bad Avalon.
  8. Vert sigs are all over the place now...Anyway, nice job. Some of the better sigs I've seen lately.
  9. The ends are always more important than the means.
  10. Put it this way. Defaults, in theory, should be what you could produce using nothing but a windows install and photoshop. No outside programs, downloaded material, so forth.
  11. The c4d render is custom made. and that font is custom made. Depends on your definition of custom made.
  12. Pfft, you guys might have started with Paint Shop Pro, I, on the other hand, started with Macromedia Fireworks. Now that is a terrible graphics program (for sigging, that is). :(Anyway, I'd go with everything Zythrix said, plus what mayank said, plus what Mike said.If you happen to need any tutorials, I have some pretty well done ones...just pm me and I can send some to you.
  13. Not bad for a first (good) one. I actually like the first one better. I'd say it could use a better background (some nice brushing would work wonders), some render blending (after you've added the brushing), some contrast (use a brightness/contrast layer), and a bit more color (color balance layer). As for the text, maybe a simplistic font (times new roman or arial black?) for the name and the same font or a pixel font might go well for the subtext. Might also want to throw a border on it.It sounds like a lot is wrong, but it's really not bad. Nice job.
  14. True dat. lol, poor mikey. Aww, shucks. Thanks. So to reiterate, just keep on doing sigs and learning new techniques. A good place to start is tutorials, which you can find on different websites, or you can get some from me (I've bought rights to a handful of nice ones.) and I can give them to you free. They're kind of advanced, but might still be helpful. Just let me know if you want any, and I can pm them to you. It took me 3 or 4 months to get half-decent with graphics design... It's been a looong time now, I'm still not as good as I want to be, but I'd say I know insane amounts more than when I first started.
  15. Looks a bit cluttered and chaotic. Here's the one I did before: Not my best, but you get the point.
  16. Not bad on this one. I would've personally thrown a drop shadow or something on the render to make it stick out a bit, but otherwise nice.Just stop using that font so freaking much, k? :(BTW -- I saw that 2005 Xisto awards thing and laughed.
  17. There's a difference between defaults and no brushes, you know. Anyway, they look okay, but I could probably reproduce the first one, and I don't really like the c4d (I assume it's a c4d render) in the second one.
  18. They come out of the coffin in the center, you dork. Lovely animation as usual, AcidGlow.
  19. Thanks a lot. Haha, thanks CF.
  20. I honestly don't see how that looks good...I mean, did you want it to look good, or were you just photomanipping for no reason? O.o[kinda lost track of what I was saying...I worded that oddly...oh well.]
  21. Thomas -- Thanks.Hulunes -- Thanks. What about his finger? The square is because I'm kind of doing my second edition sigs now.Reaver -- 1. Yeah, it was just an example for the render...not the greatest pose, I guess. 2. I was thinking that...maybe I should have made the hearts more red? 3. Thanks. :(Mike -- That's what I said. Go spidey. And the last one isn't really a photomanip...you'll see when you get the PSD. And the name isn't very visible here, but on a dark background like GR, it sticks out a lot more.Thanks for the comments all.
  22. Thanks for the input, but one thing.IMO, blue works everywhere. [<3blue]
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