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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. Not bad, but the text is way too hard to see and the bar goes a little slow. Not bad though.
  2. Phyre will be leaving the graphics crew. He's not being booted or anything, he's just got other priorities right now, which I can definitely understand. So good luck to you Phyre in whatever you're doing. You've done a good job here, and we'll miss having you. Hope to see you around every now and then.
  3. I think the background is off to a good start, just that the render choice could be better. I've personally seen that one and tried to use it before...it's just not high enough quality.
  4. Hm, I'd have to agree about the render, it does seem a little out of place.Maybe use one of the other renders in that set (done by the same artist) with him in a different pose?Anyway, I love the background/text.
  5. I personally think we need a name change, but whatever.Anyway, thanks.
  6. These are just 2 templates I made for my clan. These aren't sliced or coded or anything yet, but we might end up using the second one for the website. I'm hoping to get some animation and overlays into that so the menus pop out, and things light up when you mouse over them. If I don't end up using either them for the clan site, I might just turn it into my blog's new template. So, tell me what you think.
  7. Lol, I've also heard a lot of positive comments about the joke one on another site. Maybe I should just use that. :)Thx for the comments.
  8. Kay guys, I went and made a new sig/counter strike spray for myself. Like it? jk, that one's just a joke. Here's the real one(s): I went through three different versions of this, and the third one is the one I ended up satisfied with. So, comments/criticism?
  9. Very nice, very nice. It's tough to work with fractals, but I love the coloring.
  10. Nice job. You wouldn't happen to be fairly large and of a reddish color, would you?
  11. Kryptic -- And where's your sigs buddy? Mike -- Cool sig. (Looks like you've stopped sucking. ) I'd say you're better than me now...
  12. this one [first one] is the best, imo. The others are too blurry/dark/monotone. I like that grain effect...it looks good with that render. The text seems to not fit very well though...maybe if you made it like a part number on his gun...ish...thing? Overall, nice sig mike. [and for the people talking about columns, the pictures are arranged differently if you have a different resolution/browser size.]
  13. The first one is definitely cool. Different from that style that everyone's sort of dropping into lately. On the older ones -- The renders look like typical extrude business, but I like the effects/text on sigs themselves. And I like the quote on that last one. Reminds me of when I used to put quotes on mine. I stopped doing that...wonder why... [i also keep forgetting to put johnny2 on my new ones...]
  14. I like the second one better, but if the boxes were just on the bg and not the render, it'd look even better. Also, there's a bit too much white in that one spot. Maybe lower it or brush over it or something. That's a hot render though. <3
  15. Heh. Here's the low-down on each one:1. Did it during school with very limited resources (PS6~!)2. The render and color were requested.3. Render was requested.4. That one was random.5. Render and music notes were requested.6. He wanted a squirrel with a joint. Somehow I found one.7. That was random too.8. Render was requested.9. Random.10. Inverted, partially.A lot of that stuff I did on request, others just happened. I personally don't think they're anything special either...but I guess you don't really need extravagance on a CS forum. :)Thanks for the comments CF. Trying to work my way back to sigging and Xisto...I've been having a hard time with them lately.
  16. I've been playing a lot of CS lately...I joined a clan and ended up making a lot of the members sigs. So?
  17. I'd say liven up the colors a bit in all of them. The third one has a bit too much brushing on the left render too, imo.
  18. Awesome job, awesome job. I'm definitely gonna use that soon. [i have city of heroes...only played it for like a month, but it seemed pretty cool to me.]
  19. I love the first one. Definitely one of the best gifts I've gotten. Thanks saga. [i'll post it in my gifts section soon.]
  20. Cool as a sig, ultra cool as a first sig. Nice job.
  21. Maybe change the color of the text/border...the yellow just doesn't seem to fit well, imo. the sig itself is nice though.
  22. Ha, that comic was so cool... I personally wouldn't change anything about the sig...it looks great how it is.
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