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Everything posted by mc05w37

  1. google never dissapoint me. it was the best search engine in the world. 99.9999999999% percent of internet user agree to me, right guys?
  2. i haven't watched the movie. i'll try to find it. i hope it is a good movie with a lot of chicks..
  3. i usually sleep around 3-5 hours but if it was holiday, it became 10-12 hours.
  4. yes, there are so much pros and cons to this. i don't care if my girl is virgin or not as long as im happy with her. Love is mysterious.. you say you don't want a non-virgin girl but if you have fall in love with a girl (truly fall in love), you will find that it wasn't a matter at all. i wonder why peoples in your country take it so seriously. if you do a little research, virginity is not bout having sex but its bout himen. Girls can lose their himen even without having sex especially those who are actively involved in sports, gymnastic as an example. when girls doesn't have himen, then it can be said that they're not virgin anymore.. in your context, im wondering if the virgin you mentioned is about having sex with guy before involving with another guy or the himen??
  5. i haven't read the novel but i think the movie is suck. i hate to see the stupid female voiced dragon and i think the boy wasn't cute enough. lol. it was too far behind compare to Lord of the ring and harry potter (both based on novel).
  6. that's stupid but its cute. hehe. i wonder why they want to build site like that. maybe they want to set up a record. BTW, i prefer site with smaller size. to be more specific, site without stupid ads, embeded video or newsflash.
  7. me, im using sony ericcson. the Quality and design are much better than Nokia
  8. im using both OS too. i use SUSE - Linux when i want to connect to internet. i use WinXP because SOftwares and Games were usually developed for windows. i think both OS has pro and cons. for eg; there are lot of viruses wrote to attack WinOS, and WinOS is not secure enough. For linux, it is hard to fixed my hardware driver especially my USB wireless. i've tried ndiswrapper but it seem like it can't work properly. but i support the Linux sentiment - Free Software..
  9. my favourite movies:1. shawshank redemption 19942. Indiana Jones3. Back to the futurewhy i like these movies??-the plot are so brilliant.-you can't predict how the conflicts was solved-the ending is perfect.. perfect and good ending..-it stick to my head since the first time i watched them.-
  10. what?? you just figured that it was fake. it soo yesterdayy. LOL. its only an act but the hits and the pains, most of them are real and most of the wrestlers have been trained in special school. what peoples want to watch is how good they "act" and how real they do the hits. if you want to watch a real fight, i suggest you go to youtube or dailymotion and type "street fight".
  11. its hard to stop smoking once you are addicted. i agree that smoking is a bad thing but i just cannot stop even i know the risks. it helps me to stay awake and calm my nerves. I hope someday there will be effective treatment to smoker but then it depend on will. heh.. how can i have will and motivation when there are no cigs..
  12. i heard this before. some of the country in Asia (i will not mention the name) also provide incentive to those who have childrens more than 5. i guess they want to boost the populatian so that they will be enough workers in industries and avoid taking immigrants as a worker.
  13. i suggest you find a compiler (any compiler), buy books, if u can't afford it, download e-books, there a lot of free ebooks in internet. or you can just download the illegal but i don't recommend it (hey, i use it too heh). i suggest you try reading the book "C for dummies". try to do some practices. remember, a 1000 mile journey start with a single step. thanx
  14. i think Lost has been twisting it's plot a lot. it has bend from its main idea.. well, Lost is getting worst every season so i stop watching it.
  15. yeah, where did you hear that dude? i know smoking can kill human but i never heard of smoking kill machine. lol
  16. if you guys are so serious bout involving in gaming business i suggest take a visit at gamedev.net . it's not only bout developing a game but it shows the current events/upcoming events and you will find that their articles are helpful.
  17. this phenomena is called karma. i've read bout it before. i don't believe in things like these but i do belive in deja-vu. me and my family were visitng my sick aunt in hospital. i never go to that hospital before. when we arrive there i feel some "familiar" feelings to that place and to my surprise, everyone talk bout something that i already heard. i mean, i already been there and hear what they talk about and what know will happen before we got there. but i do not know exactly.. its just a feelings..
  18. my favourite tv series:Prison BreakSouth ParkThe Simpsons
  19. i agree with it. i think most of these are true unless the guy is gay. lol
  20. i don't believe the existence of alien or ufo and i still don't belive it just by seeing their pictures accidentally taken or whatever. unless they come over here and say hi to us...
  21. lol.. it is true. heh Hope the women dont' mind reading this
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