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Everything posted by Liam_CF

  1. What exactly is pixel text?I don't use paint that often, so this is not much use to me, but intresting nontheless.
  2. Liam_CF


    I don't really like rap, but I don't go around saying it.No offense dude, but it does suck.
  3. Yes, but this is the movie, and it supposedly shows that Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert whatever are gay together.
  4. This site is not working for me...Does anybody know why?
  5. I'm going to stick with adsense for two main reasons. 1) I'm happy with them. The ads don't look ugly and I get money from them.2) Google are a big company, so I know I can trust them. They have a good reputation and I know they will pay me.
  6. *huggles ryan*I'm sure you'll do great mate. Just an idea,, maybe try some of your jokes or whatever on your family and friends. Ask them what their honest opinion on it is, to see which jokes work best, and it also gives you a chance to practice speaking them etc.I really wish you great look, you show them what you're made of!!
  7. Is it really worth buying this product?I can't see myself using it that often. When I opened this thread I thought that this would be something you had found.I'm sure other people would buy though.
  8. Good luck mate. Hopefully she'll do all the work for you.
  9. I would open do this if I didn't have to enter email.
  10. I might consider doing this, if I decide to ask a friend to help me to improve my site.Although, a better option would be to let him make an account, then transfer credits to my account, as to avoid confusion.
  11. Don't feel that you have to do anything on a date. Maybe a hug at the end, and if you feel like it, a kiss. Just dont make it seem like you're too keen and make sure she wants a kiss first.
  12. Is it faked? If it is not can you tell me which movie and when, so I can laugh at it with mates.
  13. I use FileZilla. I haven't used anything else, but I am happy with it.
  14. I don't leave mine on 24/7. Not just because it would kill the electricity bill, but it also kills the environdment!
  15. I used to love this game. I also got my mate addicted.When number 2 came out, I bought it. I don't really play computer games anymore so I've gone off it, but it was rather awesome.
  16. There is a thing called cheats you know. :)I've played all of the Age of Empires games and I prefer the third.
  17. This tutorial is rather awesome!I've now set this up and I will use it.Yay!
  18. Not really that useful. I already knew most of these and the ones that I didn't know aren't really that useful.Anyway, as they say, it's the thought that counts, so thanks.
  19. It's not exactly your fault about this. Not really sure what you can do, but it must be annoying for you.
  20. I'm not really sure what you can do about this. I would suggest going to see your GP or whatever you have whereever you live. They can probably do something about it.Good luck.
  21. BBCODE is the code used on forums to make things bold italic and underlined. It can also be used for size centering text making hyperlinks. You can do this by using... [b][/b] For bold [i][/i] For italics [u][/u] For underlining [center][/center] For centering text [url=LINK]text[/link] For linking things.
  22. I have msn 8.2.Is it worth upgrading to 8.5?
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