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Everything posted by Liam_CF

  1. Thanks for this. Computer should be a bit quicker now.Thanks mate!
  2. My favorite tv series at the moment is heroes. I've watched all of the episodes aired so far.It's absolutely awesome!
  3. I dont think this is real for this reason: if alien life really does exist, then why would their spaceship look like what we picture them as? It's just as likely to be a birthday cake or a smart car.I also dont believe that google would hoax something like this, so it's probably a mistake or something.
  4. I'm not really sure what you expect the government to do about it. It's not as if they can just seal off the boarders and stick all immigrants on a ship to return home.I agree that there are quite a few immigrants around where I live, but I dont live in the south, so I'm sure that there's a lot more immigrants around there. I agree with some of what you're saying, not all.
  5. Liam_CF


    Well Hey. I'm new here too so I cant really help you if you've got a question.But I may as well welcome you.
  6. I used to play the piano and I got to grade 3 before giving up.Shame I wasted all that time and didnt carry on.
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  8. 1st of all: Is it real?Anyway, I dont understand what it means. Elaborate please?
  9. Very funny.It's also quite true. I can see myself using a few of these in the future. Does anyone know why women ask such weird questions?
  10. I think that it would just be another example of our Big Brother society.So for that reason, no.
  11. It's one of those things that I'd actually have to see in real life to believe. I dont believe in it, but I dont not-believe in it.I'm undecided.
  12. It's an interesting theory, but what about when people fly in planes.How would this society find out about it and why would the conspirators not cover it up properly.
  13. This is a theory that can be neither proved, nor dis-proved. It is certainly possible, but I just dont buy it for some reason.
  14. I would probably not use this. Basically, because I don't want loads of information about me available to the general public.It's quite a good idea though and I applaud you for that.
  15. I can see where you're coming from, but I dont agree with you.To do your best at a task you have to work hard, and be on top form.
  16. Terrorists really don't have any justification in doing what they do. The way forward is not to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. That's just making it go backwards.If you don't agree with what a country is doing, then write them a letter telling them that. Tell them how they should improve it and let them see what they think. Resorting to terrorism doesnt open people's ideas to corruption and problems, but makes them close their eyes and ignore what you think.
  17. Just use your common sense. Does this site have anything to do with the conversation. If not, ask them what it is etc. Also, dont click on things like that which are always viruses.I've been fortunate to avoid all msn viruses and intend to keep it that way. They're a real pain.
  18. Can we have a link to this?Also, I think this is probably true. People are leading less healthy lives, but I think it is improving. A lot of people are starting to think about what they are buying and how they are wasting their life.I think that it will probably go down again, maybe even lower.Anyone agree/disagree?
  19. I don't see myself ever marrying a robot. Although, I can see someone who is very desperate doing it.The thing is, marriage is supposed to bring safety and security. You will most likely have to pay for it, then pay for the upkeep.The robot will not be able to make money and you'll end up bankrupt.
  20. Pretty funny, but the person does not expect to get money.Sueing someone who it is disputed of his existence, and nobody has ever seen.
  21. Nothing bad really happens at my school. There's the occasional fight and stuff but that's the extent of it.The worst we've had is when some people from another school came to cause trouble and everyone laid into them.
  22. I'm in one of the best public schools in the area. I really like my school.We have lots of nice places, the teachers are generally nice and the school listen to what the students say and think.So yes, I like my school.
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