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Everything posted by registra6
god forbide how can a man survive in such a drastic condition how can he ever live ok think of how it will affect his helth his life span and many other things like disease whic his life can not wisthand well it seems that such a thing cants happen although God can make away for the person but for me if it happen i dont have any alternative than to eat what i ahve unlike when there was war in our country many died due to lack of vaital food and vitamins maybe it will reach a time when the persons life and apitite will apprecite what he had well i think it will be very boring
Hello I have requested for the free hosting with my own domain name and everything is in orderbut i am having this proble and here goes each time i type http://www.mysite.com/ instead of me seeing the home page of my site what i will be seeing is the default Xisto page where it will tell the visitor welcome to Xisto web hosting this domain is hosted with Xisto i have deleted the page creat my own index page but still i am seeing this page now agian each time i type http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ that is the direct link to my forum script it wont open instead it will tell me can not find server or 404 page i have try redirecting it but no way except if i type http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it will open sharply so i need help becuaes i want to lunch this forum this week thank you my site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the link to the forum is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
What Pets Do You Have tell us about your adorable babies...
registra6 replied to Archangel_Baw's topic in Home & Garden
ACTUALLY I DONT LIKE PETS AND I DONT HAVE ANYwhy do you people waste money in training what will not give you anything back? i dont invest my money on irrelavant animals i raise animals for teir meat and not to pet them thank you -
Tell Me Why I Should Believe In A "god" Open Discussion/opinions
registra6 replied to Goosestaf's topic in General Discussion
HEY DEAR YOU ARE MISTAKING! in the first place have you ask yourself why you are here? ok then i gues you will believe in the so call scientific illustrations on how man came to be but all these are pure lies yes there is a God not god a true God that created all of us before we begine if you will recall in the bible the world of the Loard said that in the begining God created heaven and earth so cant you ask yourself where this God comes from? well he lives in heaven he is the owner of all life! if God doesnt exist then all religion is just a wast because religion is the worship of supreme being lest i forget there are Gods and there is a God so in the world we are Some little Demons are the gods where as the whole creator is the Lord Jesus Christ So dear dont be mistaken there is a true powreful God who owns this world and soon will come for it thank you -
its very good they all are trying even in keeping the forum very meat i really appreciate them even when i applied for my free account i was suprise that they even responded as soon as i post it even me cant promise 100% prompt responce to more that 5,000 clients so i appreciate all their efforts even i do respect them like gods becaues anything they said that is what will happen to my account but please i want all the moderators to be friendly they normally fregthen me with the word "ban" or "terminate" so when ever iam posting i do review all my entries but it ,makes my heart to hang thinking that if any error is being found they might increase my warning level but please i wolud like if they will continue to encourage newbie like us on how to post qualitly and also pm so people that are going contrary to the rules so if they continue then action can then be taken
thats very nice but you will stop hosting with free forum site there are many free software like yabbforum.com and download or others you dont even those people you can be your own forum hoster and help others to achieve theirs so i dont advise you to host with any site. your site can do except if your webspace is too small
it is very true but even God forbide it those that commit it will be burnt in hell fire so i dont advise any one to commit sucide some countrys even forbide it and punish the coursp ofthe individual who did it
Making Your Site Successful No matter what its about
registra6 replied to biscuitrat's topic in Websites and Web Designing
thank you very much for that wondeerful article i will implement it when my site is ready because the former site i hosted didnt attract much trafic and i will try to give freebies on my site so that they can reviste for more offers -
that was true1 when i was hosting with web for africa i instaaled the php fusiion it was really nice that you can even mordify the codes if you want to suit your needs.. the adverts at the footer was even easy to remove but for me as a make of appreciate i left it although for now i am no longer using it my friends said that they didnt like it so i had to remove but it was nice i like most the forum it was very neat and the codes were easy to change but thank god it is an open source so you will have to download if free finally php fusionis more better than some cms i really appreciate it but what i noticed was that when you creat your customed pages maybe wants to add advert since it uses only one meta tag settings in the control area then its only such advert that google will be displaying and the title of the page will be only the name you gave it like ' welcome to my wprld' all the whole pages will be only welcome to my world title, it wont change so i dont like the syetem of that but apert from that its very nice cheers
really i saw it but i doubt them i though they are just scams but how can it be/ i mean how can they send moey withou you doing any thing but i hae this problem it seems that nigerian banks dont normally accept cheques from people mostly international cheques i experience this when my relation from australia they rejected it and said that they dont accpet internatianal cheques so i will preffer paypal or e-gold (more favourably) thats is any suggestion?
Hello i really appreciate your information but i want to ask you how sure you are? you know i have been trying to make money online but it sounds like a dream since i hosted with web4africa and till now i have spent money hoping that oned day it will yeldback but still not had happen so what shall i do? do you have any better paid adsence siite apart from Google? thank you
A (hopefully) Simple Dreamweaver Question
registra6 replied to stevethedog's topic in Websites and Web Designing
that was really what i needed in dreamwever but i am having a problem of some tables in the sense that before the words i type in the table can be position, i must type till the whole colums are filled ,and if i dont do so then the worlds will be in middle when published and i can shift more than two times so i am wondering how i can overcome this problem because some times i need to make a very big gap without tables but if tables are present it wont work help me! -
pleasehow can someone secure admission into the outside country iam from nigeria i wish to study computer scienceabroad here in nigeria they are not well technicalize so i wish i could make it travel ouside to become a guru can it be possible? any suggestions?
hello dear for me i ahve seen what others are posting but i ahve these problem.. that is i dont have any girl friend not that i am ugly or not having money but the problem is that i dont have love for any girl iam upto 19 now but still i never consider having one is it an immature life or it is natural but i have been trying to have one still on way what shall i do
Freehostingnow.com Another free web host?
registra6 replied to Imtay22's topic in General Discussion
that is the truth i have tried many of them and have loose some data some will promise even what you will never imagine but at last you will see that what you saw is not what you will get in this worl anything you work for thats what you will get so in Xisto you will work by posting and they will keep their promises by ensuring that your informations are kept alive -
Freehostia.com Great free host
registra6 replied to reconraiders's topic in Websites and Web Designing
thank you for understanding me and my views -
Freehostia.com Great free host
registra6 replied to reconraiders's topic in Websites and Web Designing
thats is true free hostia is trying but they need to improve. for instance they disable the send mail so even if you make your site in their host a heaven but without the php()mail then its useless! yes becuse for examlpe if you installed any scripts that needs users to login or to register and eventually a member lost his password then how can he retrieve it? since the sendmail is disable then it will be useless its just good interms of its space. and bandwith but instead of them giving much space like this let them reduce it and enable the phpmail.. finally Xisto is trying and almost the best becaues not only that you will get when you post but the posting will help you develop your typing skills secondly help you to make new friends and finally help you to keep up to date in the global trend by sharing imformations with others even it will encourage you to be checking your web site atleast since you will post in other to be active when you are posting you will also be checking your web site and then knowing uoir vistors feedback in order to increase your strategic planingthis is my opinion -
Google Adsense Exchange Engine easy way to much earnings
registra6 replied to DeveloperX's topic in Search Engines
well i dont think that you will overtrick them becuae they are wiser than you think they will notice it so i dont think its a good idea maybe consider another tging but for me since i registerd for the program i have not gotten any credet. this is very disgusting please do you have any advise on how to draw more traffic to my site i have been redesigning and trying but yet not even a dollar -
hello dear sir please this is a bit of my story i am joshua from nigeria a young boy of 20 my quest into web desiging came just like a dream because here it baffles me that not 20 percent of our youths engages themselves into reasonable things on the internet so i developed this desire to be a computer guru so dear now here is my problem; since i have been developing myself no body cares to help tutor and give me guide lines and thats why i came here atleast to meet people that will help guide me. my worst problems are desiging with graphics i have try desiging with firworks but it dosent look proffessionalise when i finish so i am not happy becaus now all my friends are looking up to me hoping that i am a guru but frankly speaking i dont think they are rigth so i saw how you help in responding to peoples problems i decided to contact you i need advise on how to use dreamweaver and maximise its output , not to use the table stuff and it will be crashing it time i finish. i really thank you please the most inportant one is picture editing and css is there a special software for css because i have seen some site where css matters alot and have a special effects but for me i dont know anything in css but i am trying with dream weaver so i really need urgent help thenk you
Let Us Say Paradise Exists! would you want to die?
registra6 replied to Zlash's topic in Health & Fitness
ok well i think you got it wrong the truth remain the same. iam a christain and i belive that there is heaven which is a paradise and a hell fire which is a very bad place for those who do eveil thing if you think that there is no paradise then why do people often say about it. its because it exists but although you will die befor you reach it.. so in these issue i think that if iam any one is trully sure of himself he will prefer paradise to this bad world..but i am very sorry for any person who would not know all thsesthank you -
Meditation - How Does It Work? Key to Meditation and Spirituality
registra6 replied to Webber's topic in Health & Fitness
Well as you can see when you wish to meditate it depends in the type of religeon you are into. for me i think that meditatetion is based of a very good background. here Goes when evr you wish to meditae make sure you are in a cool and less noisy are for instance you cants be dancing or ebven watching movies and you will tell me that you are trying to meditates? yes it wont work instated you will be carried away so agai even if you are with your friends discussiong the meditation can not flwo finally make sure you will ahve a raon to meditae not just staying and latter you would say " i want to maditate" you must have a reason and the reasons depends on your emosions if you are depress you migth maybe not reason f\well but some times your condition can agitate you in to thinking about the past before i close i would like to point out that meditation is a part of thinhking but not actuall a whole thinking! you can meditate on important things you saw or even bring forward your opinio through m,editation, yes its through meditaion that innovations come in, when you start thinking about importancy of an object and how it can be ..... -
Meditation - How Does It Work? Key to Meditation and Spirituality
registra6 replied to Webber's topic in Health & Fitness
Meditation? ok well in my own point of view i would like to know your religeon because it some times matters but to me before one can meditate you must be relaxed and not in a noisy place, here Goes if you are still attending some classes make sure you will pay urgent attention, allow the lecture to sink in then when you reach home try to revise what you are being taught then think about it, its implications, importances, how to and other aspect of the related subjects, then finally off you Go! you are meditating, but if that dosen work out then relaxed try have a shower after all try to ask yourself some reasonable questions think about it. thats meditation for me but if you have another way better for you but for me thats how i meditates thank you -
Thank you for confarming that i really felt bad when using frontpage but another challenge that comes to me is the use of dream weaver and flash truely i am not advance in using all thse programes and that why i am looking for help can any one aalest help me with designs? why i am asking this qustion is that i am planing to design a proffessional web site for a radio network in my localilty and they are depending on me. left for me i dont knwo actually what to do but i want to design because i love designing but waht i put out at last dosent look proffessionalise it is very boring and dull, i dont have the experince of photo shop, and i dont have it please can any of you help me i have posted for three time regarding the issue of web designs because thats what is bothering me alot i really thank you all for being their for me joshua
Hello Friends iam joshua a new web designer actually i really wish to be like one of you i visited bakoelweb.com i was suprise to see the amazign design its very nice i am having problem with My dreamwwaver in the sense that when ever i want to create a web site i must use tables and each time i try to type in the tables it dosen shift very well it wont instade the whole text will come in the middle unless i type a whole text and it cover the table spaces before it will be positionplease i really like the site i visited and nothing is wrong with it its nice wether Css or not its very good it loaded very fast on my browser so let him not temper wih the code but can any one tell me how to atleast give me some good tips on how to design a very simple web site like the one inquestion so that i can impress my friends who depends on me for their site thank you very much