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Everything posted by Vyoma

  1. Star Wars novels. Yup. I collect Star Wars novels. I plan to have the full Star Wars timeline on my bookshelf. I already spent more than 2000 bucks on them. ><
  2. Ofcourse, they are spending a lot of money. Now, you may understand as to why Yahoo or other email services have so much ads on their web-based interface. And they are always trying to find new ways to generate revenue out of their email service. I remember, I read somewhere (but cannot get the link), that Yahoo has come up with a facility where if you pay them a quarter cent per emai, they will ensure that it will be directly put on the receiver's Inbox and would gaurantee that it would not be placed in the Spam folder. I do not know how much of a success this business model would turn out to be, but you get the picture. They spend a lot of money, but they generate a lot more money from selling Ad-space and such things.
  3. Hey m^e, we have another one from India here. And is it just coincidence that I too have so much in similar to you two? Let me see, I got my computer when I was in 6th grade, and from that time onwards, all I did was tweak around with my computer. I somehow, managed with a clean sheet till 10th grade. Then, my passion for computers payed off by getting me selected into the 'elite' few who could tour a Indian IT company for about 12 days. That was the first glimpse of the industry for me. After the Pre-University, I still do not know, but I should say it is out of luck that I mangaged through the CET (Common Entrance Test) of Karnataka and got a Engineering slot at MIT. No not that MIT, but Manipal Institute of Technology. I chose Electronics and Communications as my discipline, just so that, I could broaden my horizons. The stategy worked, and I ended up having better know-how of Computers than those of my peers who chose Computer Science as their discipline. But, I should say, that if you are in India, your academics count, and that it did for me. In 2004, I got selected from the campus by a reputed IT company, and now I am in a job that is pretty close to programming. So, my advice: Study your *bottom* off! You will get plenty of tinkering time later. Trust me on this one. I am at present, doing all other things in my free time than computers (oil-painting, guitar, novels, and what not).
  4. You scared me m^e! As said in my blog (link in the first post), I attended quite a lot of sessions. I will start off here from the first one. I may not post articles on all of them, as I said earlier - the Java and related technology are new to me. So, here goes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 1 (7-FEB-2006): TRACK 1: Java SE: Tiger, Mustang, Dolphin and You! This session was given by Peter Kessler from Sun Microsystems. He seemed to be a pretty talented person. He is involved in the Garbage Collection module of the Java technology. (His blog post on Chennai Sun Tech Days: link) Starting off, he explained the present version of Java, and the planned releases. I did not know this before, and thus it was insightful. Java SE 5.0 is named Tiger. This is the latest Java you will find out there. Ofcourse there should be beta version of Mustang now, but Tiger is fully compliant. It have quite a bit of additional features when compared to the earlier versions. Some of them are: -Enchanced Loop (language feature): Iterating through a collection or array is much more easier now, and one need not use the indexes in for loops. (link) -Varargs(language feature): Now, Java is able to harness the variable argument list feature. (link) -Garbage Collector Ergonomics (Virtual Machine feature): (link) And a lot lot more. These were some of the things out of the few he explained. For a full list, visit this link. Next, he discussed on the Mustang, the Java SE 6.0. The beta version must have released by now. One thing to be noted in this release is that most of the features from Java EE (Enterprise Edition) has been pushed down to this Java SE in the Mustang version. The sources for Mustang can be found at link. He even disclosed about the next Java version, Dolphin. Some of the things that would be included in this version would be: -Invoked dynamic bytecode may be looked into. -The present Java Archives (JAR) are not scaled well and in Dolphin this would be addressed by JSR-277. -Another exiting thing about this version is that it may make XML available at the source code level itself. I mean, XML libraries are already existing in the platform, but they intend to make a data type that could hold XML data in it. That is, a concept where XML is a native data type. I do not know for sure, when it will be rolled out, but here is the link that you need to keep looking at regularly to know that: Dolphin Link. Peter also gave some of the information on JRL, that is, Java Research Licence. This is intended for most of us, who want to download the Mustang source code, and start tinkering with it. > JRL authorizes us to use the source code for evaluation and non-commercial use > JRL is a two page click-through licence, that is not bogged down with too much of legal terminologies. > Looking at the source code does not taint you - that is, it is not a copyright violation (because it is open-source, ofcourse) The two other licencing options are Java Internal Use Licence (JIUL) and Java Distribution Licence (JDL). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Phew! Thats about it. Now I am off to consider, what other session-articles should I put down here.
  5. I agree with you on this point Jeigh. I actually have three blogs running. (Actually, one is very dormant). And I have strived to put some worthwhile content in all of them. One of them, I started of as a rant, but I see to it that I always put something useful in all of them. It usually though pertains to area of my intersts and such things. Coming to the point of discussion, I too am aghast at the amount of personal information some people put in their blogs. I do understand that blogs are a lot more fun to read when we put a personal touch in them, but I do make it a point that I do not divulge any information that can easily locate me. [The maximum I have gone is to say that I live in Chennai, India and I own a Bullet - that covers thousands of people]. So, one should not shy away from diverging some personal information, but it should not lead to carelessness towards stalkers and people with malicious intent.
  6. About a week back, a worldwide conference was held by the Sun in Chennai. It was a display of most of the latest technology by Sun (including Java) and some of its peers in the field. The company I work for, sent me for this conference. I have only faint knowledge of Java, and no working experience on any of the Sun systems or related products. This may make you wonder why I was sent for the conference, but it seems to me that organizations can be mysteriously stupid. Anyway, I land up at the Chennai Trade Centre with one of my collgeue (who is unlike me, and is quite well verse in developing Java applications) with a commute on my Bullet early morning on 7th of February. After a quick swipe of our badges' barcode (that were given to us few days earlier by our Learning and Development department) we had a good cup of coffee, and were off to listen to the welcome speech. Read more in my blog entry... I hope, giving the link to my blog above is not considered as spam. If it is so, moderators, please do remove it. Also, in my blog, it is not much but rant on my experiences those two day (7th and 8th Feb). Anyway, what I wanted to ask is this: I have gained a bit on the technologies used in the industry because I went to that conference. Can I post some articles here? If it is fine, I would be glad to post some articles here (that I can salvage out of the notes I took during the sessions in the conference).
  7. It is a really good thing if they have really found a cure for AIDS. It has been the big killer in most of the populations. But, what really comes to concern is that if the cure is really true, how would one go about distributing the medicines?I mean, it is not a big deal for the developed countries, but in the under-developed coutries, where AIDS is really causing a havoc, one has to think of a proper economy-model of deploying the medicine.
  8. I really liked the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and the 5th photos very much. Beautiful composition. As for the the 4th, there seems to be something just out of the place, that I cannot put a finger on. And for the fifth, it would have gone better with a better light composition. The layout composition is good, but it asks something from the department of light.That said, the first one is my favourite among the set.Which camera did you use?
  9. I have seen that being done in many places, what HellFire121 has suggested. But, I have also seen that many consider it to be a shady way of upping the page ranks.Does anyone have any guidelines on proper way of improving page ranks? I would like to use those on my blogs.
  10. That is one of the most cohesive site I have ever seen. Man! I am stumped. It really is a work of art, and I give credit to who ever the designer is.It makes one wonder, what drives people like these?
  11. Well, I would say, that as nightfox has said, try learning a bit of HTML, writing most of the code by hand. This, you would require to get the hang of it.Once you have done that, you design your web pages. Either you do it, or catch hold of a good designer. Overlay the presentation with the content using something like CSS, and you get a good result.
  12. I am not sure about it, but float may result in rounding off errors (May not pertain to this particular example).Try using 'long' and see if you get the same result.
  13. Huh! Being in India sometimes really defeats some purpose.
  14. Holy cosmos! You should have seen the look on my face when I logged into my GMail account. I was away on vacation for 15 days, and that meant I had no internet connection for that time. I log into my GMail account, and volia! I have a chat option there.The one pro I really liked about this service is that I need not download any stuff, as it runs off the web-browser. I always had a thing for standalone stuffs, and this was really a treat. I already have hundreds of lines of chat logs filed in my GMail with most of my friends.Now, being able to log ones chat is the neat stuff. I mean, I have had many times, where someone would have mentioned some important stuff on the chat, and I had forgotten to take it down. But, having it logged, all I need to do is do a search. And searching is what Google is at its best.
  15. KovoWolf, I too am a member of DevianArt. I like the interface they have there. Lately, I have been so busy with my daily job that I have not been able to upload many things there, but I like the community there.Could you pass on the link to your page on DA? I would like to browse through your gallery.
  16. Thanks for that piece of advice, miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG (Did I put all the caps and small right? ).Yes, I am putting much of effort in designing the CMS. Even though, I plan for it to be very basic, I want it to be very stable and robust. So, it is taking a long time, but I hope, I do not get desperate and start rushing things up.
  17. Apache's MOD_REWRITE module, you say.Hmmm... is it available here at Xisto? It surely looks like it is worth a try.May be at first, I would go about serving pages in the earier method, and then by that time, I would have learned this method and then start using it. So, is this module available here in Xisto, and how would my luck go at OpaQue reading this thread?
  18. On a vague note, I did explore the idea of having the CMS system output a static HTML page. Yes, I would agree that it is a novel idea. I have seen that happen on the Google Blogster systems. I do not know if it stores the data in database, but once we have entered a post, we need to do a 'publishing' that outputs HTML pages. Thanks for bringing that out and making it clear.But, with that in place, would there not be a kind of unneeded redundancy in the system. I mean, there would be the content in the database, and there would be the same as HTML pages. I know, if there is no other meathod, I would go for this option itself.Keeping this aside, is there anyother meathod anyone of you can think of?
  19. Do video games promote violence or not? Well, it does in a way. Else, it would not sell. There are not many games out there that does not have violence in them and have profited a lot out of it. Now, many would defend that most of the games, have violence that goes against the bad, but come to think of it, the bad-side is just a relative word.If a company made violence less game, and if that does not sell, what does that show? That shows that people just buy the once that have some amount of violence in them. The video games containing violence is not the cause, but the restult. The cause being, people want such kind of games. Violence and aggression has played a primary role in early evolutionary lines and that still does influence us at some level or the other.Keeping that aside, for sake of argument, let us dwell wheather video games cause violence and aggression. It does tell the minds 'how' aggression may be expressed. It does in the same way many other things do - literature, media, movies and other influential media. What it does not do is make the choice for one. People always can choose wheather they 'should' or 'should not' resort to violence. Making the videogames the target and saying that it is the cause, would make one society to forbid all forms of influential media (few of those, I mentioned above). Again, it all boils down to the saying that video game is a kind of tool. You can use the tool to entertain oneself, or use it as inspiration to inflict damage to others. The same is the case for a knife, use to chop vegetables, or perform surgery, 'or' you can use it to stab someone to death.If one has to ban videogames, one has to ban knives and all other tools too.
  20. CMS Design problem - dynamic Vs static content - Keyword availibility for search and ad-engines Here is the problem I am facing. I want method so that context sensitive ads can be put on my webpages. I am on my way to create my own simple CMS. The basic structure is that, I would be using CSS for presentation. The database would be holding the content. I would use the PHP to fetch the content from database and then show the HTML to any requests that come. Now, if I plan to put it up as a dynamic serving pages, the context sensitve ads may not be able to home in on the keywords. For example, I contacted Google Adsense people, and they said that Adsense would not be able to parse the dyanamicaly generated html page properly to serve the adspace from their inventory. They adviced me to have static pages of HTML. Come to think of it, if it cannot be seen properly by the ad-engines, I think it would not be parsed easily by the search-engines either. It would be like commiting a web-hara-kiri interms of page ranks. I would be designing the death, right into the inception of my website. How can I incorparate this into the already designed system I have? The overall structure of my design can be seen in the following picture: Can any of you think, how I should proceed with the design here? How should I put it into the design so that it can be parsed by ad-engines and search engines alike?
  21. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ some cases, we would not be able to download the chat clients. Incidentally, I have a yahoo ID and at some cases, I do not have access to the Yahoo! Client. That is when this site comes in handy.You can log on to your chat IDs at AIM or ICQ/Yahoo! Messenger/Jabber or GTalk/MSN at this site and chat along with your contacts with in the browser. It requires no downloads.Yes, the features are limited, but when you have an appointment with someone, you are away from your machine, and you do not have the time to download the chat client on the PC you have access to, this site can come quite handy.
  22. vujsa, it was not a problem where the server created the file and directory, but I understand that problem too. I had to use scripts to change the files that were created by files. A very tedious process, and I would be glad to know if there were any other methods to do the same.yordan, thanks. What you said worked. Thank you very much.Moderators, you may close this topic.
  23. How to change user of a file or directory? Is it possible for admin? The problem at hand can be summarized something like this. Say there is a directory and there are files in them: dir1 +---file1 +---file2 dir2 +---file3 +---file4 dir1, file1, and file2 is owned by 'userx'. dir2, file3, and file4 is owned by 'usery'. Is it possible for 'userx' to change the ownership of dir2, file3, file4 to his own? OR Is is possible for 'usery' to change the ownership of dir2, file3, file4 to 'userx'? OR Is is possible for admin to change the ownership of dir2, file3, file4 to 'userx'? If there is any possibility, could you please give me those commands, and any links to the documentation?
  24. If you want to be invited to Orkut, I could send you an invitation.Just give me your First Name, Second Name and email address.I will send the invitation over to that email address.
  25. Are you sure that it would be easy to earn good points within two weeks?I mean, if I have read it right, I can only post about 10 posts every day. So, for two weeks it makes 14x10 = 140. How much do they give points for each post? Is it not 1 point for one post? May be I have to go and read it again.
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