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Everything posted by Vyoma

  1. I think I understand what you have been saying isMohbam. I have been using Drupal as CMS, and I did not realize that it was using a ?q=something kind of structure to get to all the pages. I then used the mod_rewrite option by checking the clean URL check box and I get a better URL. But I do not think it is as good as the WordPress one because, I get things like mysitename.com/node/1 or mysitename.com/node/5These things before I checked the clean URL, I was getting mysitename.com/?q=node/1 and mysitename.com/?q=node/5I know that with the clean URL checked, it is better for SEO, but I am not sure if it is better enough.But I am not worried that much about SEO, 'cause I chose Drupal for its other features that I intend to use extensively.
  2. That is actually a guy on a cycle going on the trail that is present behind the grass. If you watch carefull on the left edge, there is also a van on that road. I know, they are not quite breathtaking. I just am not that good at composition of photographs. sid.calcutta and writemaggie1, what Arbitrary said about ImageShack should suffice on what it is. It is just a free image hoster. They can host images upto 1024 kb per file, provide resizing facility, create a thumbnail for the picture if it is jpg or png format, and also give links to them all. And the files will be kept on their server for a year from the day it was last accessed. Even if someone looks at that image on the 364th day after the last access, it will be kept alive on the servers for another year. Now, about some background on where and when I took the photograph. I was on a journey on a train, where the train goes through Kerala and southern part of Karnataka. (These are south-eastern states of India). Hold on. I will try to locate it on Wikimapia: http://wikimapia.org/ In the map, the train was going along the coast, towards north, towards the city called Manglore. And I had slept of when it was travelling in the night. The morning, I woke up just as the sun had risen, and I sleepily took out the digital camera my frined had lent me and started clicking them photos. I think that is why the first one is a bit blurry. My friend had put all the set of photos onto a CD and had given it to me. It was about a year back. I had almost forgotten about it, and I happened to go through it a couple of days before. It has qutie a number of photos that I had taken on that vacation, these were just two of them.
  3. Hey Dhanesh. I had visited eSanctum earlier and now I have visited again. I see that you have changed the theme and it now looks great. I liked the chat you had installed there. I logged in there. Waited for a while but you did not turn up. :unsure:Hope to catch you some time there. Anyway, I too had registered at HostBidder. I did get a domain name there for a year - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. (I also noticed that you have registered there).
  4. Ah Danesh! That is really helpful. Oh boy. You really know how to find your way around the internet space. OK. I do not have access to certain things here. But I think I can get it done by end of this week, and let you all know how things went.
  5. I was going through some of the photos I had taken some time back when I was on my vacation. The following two are amoung the lot I had taken:
  6. Originally posted at WiseTome.Com - Content Management Systems by Mahesh OK. I have been working quite a bit for my website and have been striving towards getting good content for my site. I have been involved in the ins and outs of CMS these few days, and the above article is what I came up with. The website is hosted in my Xisto account, and to show my gratitude, I would like to make the article available here also. Please do review it - for I know that there are more exprienced people here - and give me the feedback. I would be working on more articles, and when I write more articles related to technology, I would be posting it here at Asta Host forums too.
  7. Incidentally, I have done the same with my blog and my website. I did not know how to create a sitemap for my site - I have just given the RSS Syndication feed of my site to the Google Sitemap. I do not know if it is of any use. Moreover, how do I create a Sitemap for a site like mine. It will be ever growing as I go on adding content to it. I am using Drupal as the CMS. Is there anyway to create Sitemaps automatically for all the nodes? That is automatically create a Sitemap that contains URLs to all the content pages of the site?
  8. Hello there doudou. I think you are in quite the same situation as I was in about a week back. I would say that if you want a site that requires features more than that of a blog - quite considerably more, you would need to go for a Content Management System. And also, I have read it in some article somewhere (I cannot place it exactly from memory) that Drupal cannot be easily compared with other CMS using a matrix analysis due to a different approach it takes to storing content - it is almost object oriented. Every content is a node, and thus almost all operations may be done with each kind of content.Now for the other question that could you shift from Drupal to Wordpress. Well, I have to say that since I have worked with both of them, I do not see any easy way to convert all the content from Drupal to Wordpress.Another thing I would like to say about themes is that, though Drupal does not have many of themes out there, it does have a good community base out there and it would not take long before the themes start to get designed for Drupal. Moreover, it is very easy to customize the theme in Drupal. A good approach would be to choose a basic theme that is close to what you want and then configure it to your needs.
  9. You could check out the site I made out of Drupal. (I have posted it here in the reviews section). Here is the URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. You know what? After you pointed me at that module, I went and had a good look at it and read its documentation. It really deserves to be in the core of Drupal. I hope they put it into the core when they go 4.8 or something like that.OK. seec77, I think we should stop discussing on the other Modules. I started this thread as "Drupal Taxonomy Module".
  11. OK. I have neither been a student of Computer Science, nor a full blown teacher in the Subject. But I have had some parallel experiences on the topic. Firstly, I was a student of Electronics And Communication, and that involved a lot of subjects that Jose mentioned: Digital Systems, Assembly Languages (8086/88 series, and 8051), and Computer Architecture. The other topics, I have studied on my own interest. Now, as for teaching experience, I cannot say it was a full time effort. But I did take classes on 'Programming in C' to a handful of students.This I say, to put whatever I say in the right perspective.Now, here is what has inspired me to study more and also have seen in most of the students that I have taught. It is to make them see the details and the big picture in the same period of one class. One of my students asked how one particular function worked in C language. I explained him the the basics of compiler construction, and the resulting machine code. Leading the chain of his reasoning, I further explained him, how the machine codes triggered the gates in the digital circuits of the Arithmetic and Logic Unit. Then, on explanation of how transistors were used to make those gates, and how the electrons acted in those transistors, he was awed by the details of everything and also how it all summed up to give a C language function that most of us take for granted. It is this inspiration and sense of awe that we need to kindle - once I did that in the student, it was a breeze to teach them the rest of the language. I could teach them all of the course syllabus, and they even ventured to the advanced topics.I know, what I stated above has not been written to tell the principle, but I cannot quite place it. So, I have given what happened as I had been teaching to those students. I think, as a teacher, it becomes our responsibility to create the sense of awe and the hunger for more in the students. Then, we just need to get the horse to the pond - the horse drinks at its own will.
  12. I see that you have already replied to the thread I started there at the CMS->Drupal section: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/90437-topic/?findpost=1064349709 And pertaining to the Drupal Module Guide, and the above thread, I have done some study on the Taxonomy Module. I think I can write up a basic guide to understanding of Taxonomy module.
  13. seec77, thanks for pointing out that to me. I have one specific question though. Is the View Module a core module of the Drupal CMS? I am a bit paranoid on the continuity of the modules and I am a bit worried on using Modules that are not core to Drupal. What I mean is, when Drupal changes its version and there needs an upgrade, I am afraid that there would be considerable time before the other Modules that are not core, to upgrade and be compatible with the upgraded Drupal. Anyway, thanks for the pointer on that module. I would surely try it out.
  14. Hi all! I have finally got a domain name and also set up the website that I wanted to launch for a long time. URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It is still in the inception stage, and does not have many articles yet. (It has exactly one, to be precice). But most of the setup is done. The articles would be acessible to anyone - even unregistered users. Only registered users (Members), would be able to comment on an article. There would be some members who would be Authors, who will be able to submit articles. Categories are limited for now, but would be expanded as and when the number of articles grows. For now, only I would be approving and publishing the articles, only after review of those articles. This long line of process is to maintain the quality of articles. Since, there is not much content yet, I would like you all to review the site based on layout, and user-friendliness - as of now. All comments and critiques are welcome.
  15. Hey, thanks for that link, sid.calcutta. It helped me quite a bit. I could easily create a simple vocabulary and a list of terms for my site. I could also make it so that all the articles would be tagged to one of the items. For now, it goes something like this: Vocabulary: Topic Terms (will add more later): -Photography -World Building -Wise Tome -Other For now, I have disabled the multi-select which I may enable later. Now, I have a question. How do I make it come automatically in a menu? At present, I have put a menu in a block and I am hand coding each of the above taxonomical term URL to each of the menu item. How do I make it come automatically, such that, when I add another term, I need not go and make changes in the menu block?
  16. I installed Drupal for my website, and am having a walk in the park for almost all the modules. The one module that I am finding it hard to understand is the Taxonomy module.It is one of the most confusing and hard-to-learn module in the Drupal, but I went through few of their documentation and I realized that it is a powerful tool for categorization. Since I am planning on launching a site that contains quality articles, and these articles need to be categorized, I understood that I need to use this module soon as the artcile-base starts growing. Could some one who has used Drupal, explain to me how I should go about using it? Some guides, pointers or tips please?
  17. I cannot really say much about other CMS because I have not used any other than Drupal. I followed seec77's advice (in some other thread), and went ahead and installed Drupal. My needs were really basic, as I am just starting my site, and I found that Drupal was not at all bloated with all the features. I think, this is one of the major advantage of using Drupal. I comes along many modules - thirty one (in Drupal 4.7.2) to be precise. Out of them, few basic things are required for running the engine:blockfilternodesystemuserwatchdogThere are other 25 modules, and I just enabled only those that I needed (as simple as checking a check-box). Thats it. All the other things just did not appear anywhere else, and everything else was clutter free from what was not required.Even installing a module was real easy. I wanted an ad placing module, and Adsense served my puprose - integrating the module to Drupal, was just placing the module file in the module directory and running one php - I do not think it can get more simple than that.I feel I have a lot to explore in Drupal, but I can say that it is good. (I do not know if it is best). Hey seec77, how do I contact you regarding this? Or should we discuss about it at the CMS->Drupal section of the forum?
  18. Well I tried again and it did not work. Then I realized that I am using the infamous Microsoft IE!I deleted all the cookies and then retried logging in. I works! Man... so everything did go straight forward - it was just the stupid tools I am using. I really need to set my crashed PC fixed and get a net connection. I then, need not rely on these workstations at the net browsing centers. Thanks pyost for checking. I feel so embarased.
  19. Oh boy! Setting up a website even using a CMS does not seem to be straight forward task. I have noticed a problem. As stated earlier in another thread, I have already registerd for the domain wisetome.com and parked it against kmaheshbhat.astahost.com. Also, for illustrating the problem I am facing, I have created a user with the following details for my site: Username: joe Password: joe (This is a temporary user that I will be deleting later). Now here is the problem I am facing. Let us take the following two cases: Case 1: Go to URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ '> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Log in as joe (password is joe) in the User Login block. When you log in the User Block dissapears, and we get another block with joe in bold and on the top and "my account" and "logout" as options. Well, this is how it should be acting and everthing is fine. Please logout. Case 2: Go to URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ '> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It shows up the same site (obviously). Again, log in as joe (password joe) in the User Login block. It does not log in at all! As I illustrated above, it does not log in when I use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ as the URL as opposed to using kmaheshbhat.astahost.com as the URL to go to the site. Now, if I cannot use wisetome.com as the URL, then what is the point in registering for that domain name? I do not know how to solve this problem! I do not know if the problem is due to setting up of the domain name or setting up of Drupal, the CMS. The CMS I have used is Drupal 4.7.2 - the latest stable release.
  20. Vyoma

    Zeta Boards!

    I have been their user for quite some time, and I am aware of their development of ZetaBoards or InvisionFreeBoards V2 as they were calling it earlier. I have been running a roleplaying forum there and one thing I could note was the ease with which one could configure the site from the administration panel.The development of the new board software has been going on for quite some time, and it is showing strains on the users' patience as they wait for it. But the delay of the release is understandable as the development is almost single handedly done by a person, who goes by the name "Ben", I think.
  21. Thanks nightfox. I am now clear on how to park domain and add-on domains. It was only the fact that creating a subdomain created a folder in public_html, that I did not know. Got that cleared from this thread. Anyway, even from the network http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ was not working, it is working today. So, it seems to have propagated to all the networks - or atleast most of it. Now, I think I can start putting it in the signature of my emails. And that also means I have a lot of work to do - I need to create quality articles on few topics that I am good at. OK. Thanks to every one. Moderators may close this thread.
  22. Yes. I am sorry for the alarm. I tried from other network and it was working. I think the names have not propagated to all the networks yet. Thanks pyost.
  23. That I did not know. Anyway though, I had already moved all content of wisetome to public_html. Now I have another problem. I had moved the contents and then parked the domain name wisetome.com. It was working yesterday. That is when I typed http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it would go to the proper location. That is, it would show, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. But now, I am trying the wisetome.com URL and it is showing a HTTP 500 error! The webiste is still up, because when I give the Xisto URL, it shows the proper website - one where I had used Drupal. I already checked up my registrar, it is properly showing ns1.astahost.com and ns2.astahost.com as the name servers, and also the domain name is active. Could someone tell me what I should be doing? Because I have started to panic. It was working yesterday (about 7 or 8 hours back) and now it is not.
  24. So I will be only able to point it to wisetome.kmaheshbhat.astahost.com and not kmaheshbhat.astahost.com/wisetome? Well, then I think, I should move the installed CMS system to that subdomain, right? Alternatively, I have to move all files from public_html/wisetome directory to wisetome directory?
  25. Welcome to Xisto.This community here is a group of talented people whose skills range from coding, networking, desing and artwork. We all learn and help each other.You will have a nice time here.
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