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Which Is The Smallest Game Imaginable? .kkrieger
Vyoma replied to AdityaKar's topic in Computer Gaming
First thing that came to my mind when I read your post is "No way!". Then, I assumed that if it is said at Xisto, it must be moderatly reliabel information, and then I started to wonder, how they got all that packed in one 96k file. Gazing at the screen shot, it struck me that they might be generating the textures and geometry during the loading phase and then using it in the game. I think that is why it took 'hell lot of time to load'. I did a bit of scanning around at the link you provided and I think that is what they are doing: Check out their FAQ page for more info. -
Wow Jeigh! Now, do not tell me you are new to C++ anymore. You seem to be quite well versed that I am with respect to templates.Have you considered using some class in Standard Component Library like a queue or stack? I am exactly not sure of how to do this, or what the exact component would be required. I am not even sure if this will be of help. Or you may need to use some of the Standard C++ Library classes if you are using Standards that are later to 2000. I am not sure if this was any help, but felt like noting it.
Jeigh, in my opinion, I liked the story lines of D and D2 quite a lot. Apart from the gameplay, storyline is one thing that makes Diablo II and the expansion so playable. I am not sure about the story line of Starcraft though. It is quite hard to keep track of multiple perspectives that go on in the Starcraft timeline.
Well, first of all, you can go to where frenz pointed and learn PHP/MySQL. From what you said, it seems like you have a general idea of how you want the game to be and all that, but it is always good to put it in writing and have a design document. That way, may be more than one can work on it and it would result in a game with richer experience. If you are interested, I would be happy to put in some of my thoughts, if you already have a game design in your mind.
There are a lot many 3d design softwares floating around and some of them are free. I recently encountered Blender (as some of the people above have suggested) - and I find it quite useful - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ also came across Wings 3d (http://www.wings3d.com/). This too is a free one, and quite easy to model. But you may have to export it to some other program (may try to export it to Blender or you may try Yafray), to get a decent render.I have tried my hand at both Blender and Wings3d. I find modelling in Wings 3d much easier, but if you are into Subdivision modelling, and do not want to worry about elimination of N-gons, I would suggest you use Blender. Blender ensures that you do not end up with a N-gon when you do a cut (knife or otherwise) on you model by introdusing quads, and triangles and poles.Note: Subdivision modelling is considered to be the follow up on NURBS modelling.
onan, as pyost and KazDoran said, there is a lot that is involved in building a 3d game. One cannot do all of the tasks that need to be done for making a 3d game even if one knows almost all of the tasks. For example, consider my case. I was (and am) a crazy game addict with aspiration of building a game. But I was lucky to do some research around and not jump right in investing money and effort and time in it, because I found that it takes more than that. It takes a team of people who are skilled in things (that pyost listed), who give the game to the outside world as one package. When we say this, we have to note that the outside world has to accept what you have to give. That is, there has to be a market for that. Now, what would a target market be like when it contemplates on buying a game - I consider that they would buy something these days, that they have a general feel about. There is a market for games based on Lord of the Rings. Same is the case for all the games based on Harry Potter, Star Wars, and others like that. Then there are some, that have created a world because, they were in the market from the very begeinning. This is the case you see in World Of Warcraft that Blizzard is running now. It started of as a strategy game (Warcraft), and then had some sequels (Warcraft II and Warcraft III), and then they did not need anything else to put their World of Warcraft game. They already had a world that a community had accepted. So, if you are seriously into this, you may consider world building. (As I have mentioned the same in my other post - link). Now, if after all my rambling, you are interested in world building, mention it and I may post an explanation on it.
pyost, you got it right there on browser based games. It was about two years back and I discovered them, and my first impulse as a programmer and a game enthusiast was to design one of my own. But them, after I did some research, I found that there are a lot of such games out there and I just dropped the idea. Now, I have shifted to something more in term of content - world building. I am trying to do a bit of art, design and literature based around a realm me and my friend created. If that is accepted by some people and attracts a community, we might think of launching such games based on them. Till then, I am sticking to world building for personal pleasure. As for you yakobob, just rethink on your priorities. If you think that by heaven or hell you need to get a browser based text game out there, as pyost said, go ahead. But if you are into more wider development and content creation, think of it a bit more. (I just cannot resist a shameless plug here: If you are interested in contributing to world-building we are currently doing, give me a PM).
Blender.Org Open Source (Free) 3d design and render
Vyoma replied to Vyoma's topic in Websites and Web Designing
unimatrix, do you do 3d modelling. I am presently trying to do an organic modelling - a human female head. I am trying my hand at the sub-d modelling that is supported by Blender. I am having trouble with the jaw line.Do you know any place where I can post up my models screen shots and get help on the model? -
nightfox, I cannot use the FTP option and the cpanel (that port is blocked). I have to go out to a net cafe to do it. Hence, I came up with this option that may work out.
Blender.Org Open Source (Free) 3d design and render
Vyoma replied to Vyoma's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I checked up the Blender. The version that I had installed (that I downloaded just couple of days back) had support for the following file formats for the imports: The ones that I have used, and have found it useful are (Wavefront - OBJ, 3D Studio - 3DS, and Wings3D -WINGS). moonwitch, if you see the list above, they have a python script based importer for TrueSpace, that is .cob files. I have not used it, but by the look of it, it should work fine. On a further note, has anyone around here used Wings3D? I just downloaded it and found that it can work amazingly in conjunction with Blender. It would be like object focused modelling on wings and then importing it into Blender to create the scene, and then render it. (I will post some of the rendered pictures, once I complete a couple of project). -
Well, I think you guys all gave me a lot to think about. I might still try to use some kind of PHP code to upload my files, because when I checked, the proxy only lets me HTTP access. The admin is like, you know, wont budge an inch.I will surely reply here on my findings after the research so others would be able to use it. (But, I should say, I am quite occupied with something else - my mind can be so mercurical, ).
I was on a scrouge of the wide internet to look out for some good open source (or atleast freeware) 3d design tool. And I was quite pleased with what I found:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ gives away a open source 3d design software. I had used 3d-max earlier, and I was quite amazed that this freeware lived up to those expectations. I am not a professional in 3d-design, but for my needs I found Blender quite appealing.What amazed me though was the small footprint of the software. The download is just about 8 MB. Now compare it to any other 3d design software and one can realize the weight of it, considering that it contains most of the professional features.It was originally a propriety software of NaN company, which they later released as open source after a fund raising campaign.I was just wondering if there were any Blenderers here at Xisto.
Can Someone Please Send Me A Google's Orkut Invite
Vyoma replied to Khymnon's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Sera, if you are already have a gmail account, just use that as username and your gmail password to log into Orkut. -
vujsa, I am sorry, I forgot to mention that I had tried the FTP option earlier. The network administrator here is a real security-paranoid. When I had tried to ftp to my account on Xisto, I had got the following pop-up window: Even after that, I could not even see my account-folder, as it gives the following error: Obviously, it would fail, because it never asked me the password for http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ [Yes, my username is vyoma, and the site is kmaheshbhat] So, I had talked with the administrator and he did not budge an inch. He did not give me any other proxy either. Hence, I came up with this idea where I can upload my files through a webpage. So, vujsa, if I use the PHP file system funtions, is there no way to configure to which user the files are set the ownership? Because, using a web-access to upload seems like the only option I have.
Problem: Upload a file to the Xisto account (that I have been granted here) throught the webpage I would like to know, how should I proceed on this particular problem. I know this has been done through cPanel, but I want to write a PHP functionality. The cPanel is accessed through the 2082 port, and most of the places I access internet from does not give me access through that port. I can access http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but not http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. I need to go to one particular place (a internet-cafe) to do that and upload my files to my account which happens to be quite cumbersome. Hence, I thought, I will write a php page, that lets me upload the files to a particular path in the account. It has to be ofcourse, password protected. (I do not want just anybody to upload files there). That way, I can upload files straight away (by using the http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/adminupload.php page or something like that). I would need to go to the internet-cafe only to do some obscruse or rare task like setting up the MySQL database or something like that - which wont be much of a problem. But to do that for each and every file I need to upload, is becoming quite a thorn-in-the-hide. From how far I know PHP, I think it can be done, but now that I think about it, I start to scratch my head. Any links or guidelines please?
Any Comments On My New Forum Banner Design ? New design
Vyoma replied to Vyoma's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
Well I used, MSPaint to do the banner. And kuyakurt, I think I will do more version on it. [Hope I get enough time though!] -
Any Comments On My New Forum Banner Design ? New design
Vyoma replied to Vyoma's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
yordan, it is not a signature, but a banner I made for a RPG forum. And, wow! For that philosophical analysis you did on the banner. I did not put that much of thought into it when I drew it. Chaos And Order, happen to be personified super-entities in that roleplaying realm. The place where the players (forum-members) played, happenes to be mostly un-touched terrain. I just wanted to give it a fantasy-feel. Again, thanks for that analysis you did. I surely will look into that when I do the next version of the banner. At present, though, I just cannot figure it out how I am going to incorparate what you said into a banner design. -
Any Comments On My New Forum Banner Design ? New design
Vyoma replied to Vyoma's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
Thank you. Yes, I have started it of with a simplistic view. Reason? Well, the Chaos And Order realm is itself empty. The banner would grow in detail, as the realm itself is fleshed out in detail by the members who would roleplay there. That is kind of our (my co-admin and me) purpose - to let the players themself build the world they want to roleplay in, and we as Game Masters would be just supplying with guidelines and ..., what should I say, raw materials? Well, you get the point, I hope. So, like may be after good six or eight months of pretty decent roleplay, if someone else happens to look at the banner again, it would have got another layer or something like that. Ha! Now, I get an idea. We can also go the Google way - putting banners that are themed for popular holidays and occassions. (But, I think Google people promote ocassions that are not that mainstream). Anyway, thank you both of you for the comments. -
How Do I Make A RPG Battle System? final fantasy style
Vyoma replied to lacking_imagination's topic in Programming
I have designed battle systems earlier, and have coded a few. The issue is you cannot just code a battle system on its own, with out any other systems like characters (PC and NPC) systems, equipment systems, environment systems and other things in place. And for that, you should be first seeking how the FF battle system works - not in terms of programming it, but in terms of designing it. Just to get the idea of what I am speaking, let us say there is a charcter named 'A', a monster named 'B'. A attacks B with a weapon C.Now, you need to have some set of rules layed down which lets us know how much damage B takes from A due to C. Also, what other stats of A effects this action - what other stats of B effects this action. Building a RPG game is based on the design of the whole gaming-system, and after that, coding it is as simple as just implementing few formulas already stated. Yes, ofcourse, then we need to think on how we program the presentation - that is a different issue altogether.So, I would suggest that you first look out how the Final Fantasy world works, and try to lay down the design. After that, the coding would seem quite obvious. If not, we are all here to help you out. -
Pictiger Vs Imageshack - I Say Pictiger Wins
Vyoma replied to SunBlind's topic in Websites and Web Designing
The only catch with PicTiger that I found was that it did not allow a normal hotlinking of the uploaded images. One can only hotlink the tumbnailed-verison of the picture. Atleast, that is what I understood from their FAQ: As far as I can remeber, ImageShack allows it as long as we have a link back from the image to ImageShack. -
Do You Run A Forum-website Forum-Website Poll
Vyoma replied to Harry1984a's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I started using a pre-installed forum software (Invisionfree) for my forum based RPG site. It went into moods of activity and inactivity many times.I though, do not think I will be having any problems with the law. All of us members there ever do is post about fictious stuff and we hone our writing skills. So, I just need to look out for plagarised material.Two of us are admin, and we have two moderators. That is quite a lot for a total member strength of 35. So, our boards are quite clean. There were only two problems we faced to dates, and those were related to spamming. (One posted a link to a similar forum as mine, and the other did not even know what to post were). -
I sure wish the same thing miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG. I could figure it out from the trend from the past couple of decades as to what the future might hold. It might not be exactly as we imaginem, but what turns out seems to be a lot better than what had been imagined earlier. So, there surely would be Space Tourism in the future, and they may be so much different from what we imagine it to be now - be it literature, or movies, or media. But that said, I have to reapeat what m^e said. I mean, I am already 23, and I do not know for sure, when Space Tourism would come out. I just wish it would come out soon enough so that I can atleast once go out in space. These are one of those times when I feel I could be immortal, or have a long life (something like those Elves in Tolkein literature). Otherwise, I am just ready to leave this world anytime. Well, now I should say, I am ready to leave this world anytime - in both sense.
I hope there are quite a few around here who use Google's, Blogger service. I have three blogs already using the service provided by Google, the Blogger.com. The reason I have that many blogs is that I do write-ups on various topics. But, those three blogs are not enough to properly categorize my blogs. So, is there any way in Blogger, or is there a hack for it, where by, at the time of posting, I can set it to a particular category, and when my blog is viewed, visitors can select a category and read all the posts in them.