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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Replying to Feedbacker hey you should make a game that is multiplayer it would have pets you can have you can fight with them feed them train them to become stronger they should have levels and your person have levels it would be like digimon how you can make hem bigger and stronger you would have a device the help them and make it like runescape make it a brower type no download and put like pokeball to hole them it or just let them walk with you make monsters like mummys, gobins, giants, big rats, pet so you can catch them and keep them, fish monsters, zobies, evil wizards, evil knight, some people in the game, cat people, dog people, bears, tree monsters, dragons, lizardmans, monster houses, big mokeys like king kong,Shadows monsters, you should make islands and ships people can go on also put a player vs player areas.
  2. To Send an image of around 600kb using udp in vb6 Transfer File Of Any Size Using Winsock Control I want to send an image of 600kb and above using UDP protocol in vb6.I am reading it as binary data and tried to send it.But it is showing error that datagram is too large.Please help to get the solution -question by Sunil
  3. Omg that was the cutes story I've ever heared...The story sounds a lot like my life except I havent gotten him yet=]-reply by mari
  4. How can you make the littel white squares or wtvr is making the pictures "squary" Photoshop Tutorial: How To Make That Popular Three Pixel Border In the bottom pink picture? I get how to do the border, but I would like to do something like that sig at the very bottom that is shown in more exaples. -reply by juan
  5. WRONG, IBM RULEZ What's The Highest Known Processor Speed Achieved? Nope IBM just broke a new record 1000 million calculations(Petaflop)in a session,shouldn't it be like...A billioflop -reply by Geek
  6. I like a girl.how do i impress her..... How To Impress A Girl. Well she is my senior(senoir by 6 months to 1 years) in my s/w company...I like her very much .And I believe she is also intrested in me(not sure)...Problem is that I do not know how to talk to her and how can I be her frnd...I respect her a lot... -question by Gaurav
  7. Yeah I know peole really get addicted but I don't care I have the 3 hour per day limit. After 3 hours the game shuts off and am cool.. I would say am that addicted but if I wanted to I could quit in 2 sec-reply by stealth
  8. Hey I am going to be making a new text-based online game but need a little helpIf you help me I will make you an administrator on the game can you Please help with the coding. I have no clue-reply by tomohauk
  9. Easiest way How Do I Make A RPG Battle System? Your best bet is to use RPG Maker 2003. Since both XP and VX (or ZX, or something like that) have come out since it's release, they've essentially stopped charging for the 2003 version. Many legal copies can be found for free with enough searching . -reply by RoyFTW
  10. omiscape3.no-ip.org Runescape Private Server Meat tenderizer,God swords, ::starter,::master only for ulong40 and ulong32,shops of range shop, mage shop, skill cape shop, dragon armor shop, godsword shop,armadyl and bandos shop emote list:home,train,slayer,veng,pkbox,demons(lvl 500),skills,when I'm online it should say owner and coder ulong40 is online or offline.::starter you get a zamorok godsword,full dragon, 600m,100k rune arrows,maple bow,400k runes. -reply by ulong40 (omaid)
  11. Theres A Video Of Mythbusters And Others Doing This Experiment On Youtube!Doing Them In All Different DirectionsIts Very CoolIt Goes 4 About %mins Of All These Coke Bottles Creating A Fountain You Would Never Of Thought It Was Coke!-reply by Madiie Rourke
  12. Getting lyrics out of beats Music Editing Software Hey, I am trying to mix a track and was wondering if there are any programs where you can separate the lyrics from the instrumentals and/or cut out the lyrics. -reply by yoyo
  13. Great work Print With Flash And Datagrids Without Resizing! Useful truely this function. She is really amazing for anything concerning the printing of the Datagrid. But I have a question is it possible to print a title to the table. Thank's a lot -reply by Anje
  14. Hey, I don't know if this is you, frirry...But,if it is,do you know why I can't go to to the website to play dogs of the seas pirates at war?? If they shut the game down, then...That's crazy, we were playing just yesterday..-reply by Blutwasser
  15. A title Print With Flash And Datagrids Without Resizing! Hello, Useful truely this function. She is really amazing for anything concerning the printing of the Datagrid. But I have a question is it possible to print a title to the table. Thanks a lot for this work. Aj -reply by Anje
  16. I have it on my face arms and legs, and I got this spot on one of my hands where there is this kinda big blister. It is about 1/2 cm wide.I read somewhere that if the blisters were uhge I should see a doctor, but I don't know if that blister is big enough for me to go to the doctor. Theres a few others a bit smaller.Also, theres this black thing in the middle of my rash on my wrist and idk if it is part of the poison ivy problem...Has anyone gotten one????..The black thing?-reply by Jessica
  17. cilent server file java Runescape Private Server Ok so I was typing in the name I want by press ing the ctrl + f and I typed in the name lostscape and it said couldnt find can you tell me whats wrong Xisto. -reply by boomboom
  18. If you were to write down on paper the figure of a googol googols, there would not be enough paper nor ink nor atoms to be able to do so-reply by alex
  19. New suggestions Are You Part Of The 2% Or The 98%? Red kingfisher in Denmark White cow in the Dominican Republic Aubergine koala in Denmark Emerald coyote in the Dominican Republic Indigo owl in Djibouti -reply by Natasha
  20. Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon is ok, but they could really get some new games! I have firered, emerald, sapphire, xd, battle revolution and diamond. They are ok, but I like xd way more. I wish they would make another wii game where you can actually walk around, catching pokemon etc. Anyway it would be cool if they made a pokemon game using xd and diamond together!! -reply by Pokemon Master
  21. networking in windows xp home Connecting 2 Pc's Does windows xp home edition supports networking between two computers using crosswire cable -reply by prabu
  22. Server req. How To Set Up A Dedicated Server I have a 5000/1000 dl/ul connection, and a alienware laptop with 1 GB Ram, 2.0 GHz AMD Processor, with a 512 GForce 7950 Card. Good for a server.?
  23. Replying to tdmLook all I have to say to this is anarchy is abence of any form of political authority some people like my self THINK of anarchy should come back everybody has there opinions if you think hard on it is has its pros and cons but what I am trying to say is I think the police and the goverment has to much power over us FREEDOM ISNT FREE there are police out there that are not doing there jobs and there are cops out there that are doing things they shouldnt do everyone they say don't do this don't do that ANSWER THIS FOR ME HOW CAN WE LIVE WITH LAWS AND AUTHORITY WHEN ARE OWN OFFICERS GOVERNS AND OTHER PEOPLE THAT SET LAWS ARE THE ONES THAT DISOBYIN THERE OWN LAWS HERE THIS COUNTRY IS NOT WORKIN OUT THE WAY EVERYONE THOUGHT IT WOULD SO I THINK ANARCHY HAS ITS PROS AND CONS THE GOVERMENT AND LAW OFFICERS SHOULD NOT HAVE SO MUCH POWER-reply by holly
  24. I think Gothic III is the very best RPG game ever, though it has a thousand bugs.. Even after the latest patch release ><-reply by Henk
  25. its not working Dollwar When I type in dollwar.Com it takes like five minutes to come up and when it does come up it says this page can not be displayed and when I press refresh it does the same exact thing . . . How do I fix it? -reply by brenna
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