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Replying to iGuest I just called microsoft and I received a 75% off discount but I couldnt get a free 3 year warranty so I told them I was gonna fix it and she said it would void warranty...But if I was alreayd out of warranty would that even matter? I wouldnt give up but she wouldnt go lower then 75% off so I would have to pay 25 bucks but I think I might just try to fix it myself...Microsoft is not a big help at all... -reply by Kenny
Time Viewing Time Viewing Time viewing is not possible as we know the laws of physics to be. Theoretically, if you can account for every single particle in the entire universe, and accurately map both where it is, and where it's going, you could 'predict' the future. The problem is, the more that you define where a particle is, or vice versa, the more undefined it's projectory becomes. -reply by William Martin PH.D
Replying to novaforme I cant find ant file named sysoc.InfI got windows vista and I'm trying to delete MSN messenger 9.0 BETA
What Is The Hyphy Movement and other Bay Area Slang
iGuest replied to klo91's topic in General Discussion
personally myself I think the hyphy movement is the best. I stay in north carolina. But originally born in san francisco CA. But raised in Richmond [yes I know tough neighborhood]. But I moved out here to the carolinas in 2003. And that was when the hyphy movement started comeing out so I would hold down parties here. And I did a certain party that the theme was hyph, where everyone came dressed up all hyphy and dance and talked theyre slang. I really thought it wasnt going to be a hit. But successfully its was a HUGE HIT! ever since the party alot of people started haveing parties similar. Basically what I'm trying to say is the carolinas most deff. Appriciate the whole hyphy scene! Yeeeeeee! repping for all my sucka free chulas holding it down in northern frisko!On mamaz! -reply by suckafree. -
heres what i say (: Xbox Games For Girls? Replying to dodgerblue Heyaa girls erm well there isnt any games out such as horseriding or anything like that but like I'm a girl and I live on call od duty 2 3 4 and I now play cod5 beta demo I can get them for any1,, its just a wiked game and even though theres no girls init I love it, and loads of girls play it and smack the bois at it lol wich shuts em up x If any1 does no any more good games email me or add me on msn ,, My gamer tag is girl gamerlayla and another 1 is chav princess (: fanks x Ang girls deserve to play consoles there not just for boys and were even better than boys sometimes lol x -reply by layla
Java Media Framework books Download Java Ebooks Essential JMF - Java Media Framework by Gordon & Talley Programming with Java Media Framework by Sean Sullivan Core Java Media Framework by Linden deCarmo Java Media API's by Alejandro Terrazas Can you post the links for these books?? Thank you -reply by tho_mee
Main Difference Rts(real Time Strategy) Vs Tbs(turn Based Strateg) Replying to rvalkass Ok! most of the people are like Strategy games,but for me I Choose RTS Because I can Rely some main Tactics,less turn,Offense or Defense Chances, and most of all More Realistic than TBS,because TBS have a lack of Realism of its Gameplay,ability creation and Forgot anything -reply by George
Easiest solution is to use linux instead of windows. I rescued an old home made movie for a friend, but the transcode amounted to 2.4 gb due to having chosen a high quality output. I burned a udf disc to give my friend the data and his brand new vista system won't read anything. The data is all there and we put it from my linux box onto his external hard drive.No need to lose data simply because you feel married to windows OS-reply by yahya
reading udf discs Problem Reading Udf Disc Easiest solution is to use linux instead of windows. I rescued an old home made movie for a friend, but the transcode amounted to 2.4 gb due to having chosen a high quality output. I burned a udf disc to give my friend the data and his brand new vista system won't read anything. The data is all there and we put it from my linux box onto his external hard drive. No need to lose data simply because you feel married to windows OS -feedback by yahya
Reply to no9t9 Racism And Prejudice - Defined? I agree with most of what you said, just because black people are generally taller and more athletic saying this does not make you racist and is not a racist comment. Even if you are white if you are taller than the average person people assume that you play basketball. Its just the facts. However your last paragraph about black people carrying guns makes you sound racist. I think I would be afraid if I was in a bad neighborhood and saw any group of guys, white, black, asian, ect. Hanging out together and might assume that they have guns just because of the neighborhood, NOT because of the color of their skin. [Replying to no9t9,7977,1326 -reply by Becs
About Coming Back With A Cheater how many of you would do it?
iGuest replied to sonorama's topic in Dating And Relationships
response About Coming Back With A Cheater I was dating a guy for a long time, when I found out he had cheated on me a few times. We broke up for awhile, but it is really hard to lose someone who was, in my case, my best friend. We are back together and we have sort of an agreement. For the time being, I have all access to his phone and his e-mail and his friends are kind of watching my back for me. Although, before I found out about the other girls I would have never dreamed of "checking up" on him, but I guess he is going to deal with it in order for me to start trusting him again. Finding out about the cheating was really hard on me. And I always told myself that I could never take back a cheater, and thats really an easy thing to say. But when you are in the position, its a lot more difficult. Unfortunately, I don't have the support of my friends either, because most people will not 'get it' until they are in that position Also, I have given him an 'incentive' for not hurting me again. Our last agreement is one that says if he does this again, he gives me full rights to tell this next female a few things about him that no one should know . Although it sounds immature, it would be quite satisfying if I get hurt again! But, I do not believe I will ever have to enforce this last part.. Its mostly just a funny joke when I want to tell him I am getting nervous about one of his 'friends.' Replying to sonorama -reply by scr14 -
User Help Acer Arcade Software First let me thank you that NO registration is required here - how refreshing! I bought an Acer notebook. It has Acer Arcade, but darn, when I try to find videos I have made it take me everywhere (folders) except where I want to go! It doesnt have a proper menu to be able to browse for what I want, just pops up folders to choose from, none of which are correct. Help! Is there a manual online somewhere. Acer's website is probably one of the worst I have ever visited. Oh yes I have Vista system. -reply by Maria
She The Oldest Woman On Earth (with Picture) I am a CNA currently taking care of an 106 year old woman named Mrs. Hamlett and she's doin fantastic, we just celebrated her birthday on October 25th 2008. I am just amazed how she's livin soo long and just wanted to thank God for her. Love you always Mrs. Jo!
Network Play Lord Of The Rings - Battle For Middle Earth 2 Tips My son and I have LOTRBFME2 separate reg numbers. When we play on network one of us will get defeated with in 5 min of start,and don't even get attacked both on same team. We fixed it on old machines when it came out but now cant remember how. Any help Please. -question by Mark
Erase hard drive and reuse computer How To Erase Your Hard Drive I cannot afford a new computer, but my current one is so slow and probably has a virus and/or worm. Can I erase the hard drive in it and then reuse the computer with the same hard drive now that all the info is erased? Thanks. -question by adrian pouchan
Kalki Avataar mention of prophet muhammed(pbuh) in hindu scriptures
iGuest replied to shddgfgc's topic in Health & Fitness
Title Kalki Avataar Same Vedas and Upnishads (which you and many like minded people like you) have said referes and instructs to pray and follow one God talks about more than laksh of GODS AND GODDESS ! Even if one follow you, then all Muslims should also follow Vedas (Pls note I am not saying not read Holy Quran). Are you ready for this? God is one. Simply one. Yes Vedas says God has no form. But same Vedas says about the form of God. Pls read in full. Dear Frnd, Vedas and all ancient scripters are not the work of one man rather than they are compilation of many many learned people over a period of time. And 'Hindu' accepts and acknoledges the beliefs of all people thats make them unique. -reply by Hemant -
Cannot Install Adobe Photoshop Cs3
iGuest replied to jimmy89's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
solution found Cannot Install Adobe Photoshop Cs3 Make an exact copy of the cd onto your desktop.Name it for example(that was the cds original name)"ADOBE CS4" and run the install file as normally you would.Should work flawlessly -reply by anonymous -
Replying to franz seeIn general there is no right or wrong and I bet you that the bible is filled many passages such as thoseSecond qu,ran has many qoutes from jesus because unlike christians they respect other relegions look at the history of all the people they conquered did they kill all of them? no, no more than the crusaders did
Just let them know they are being wacthed Key Logger. I think it's ok to use a keylogger in SOME instances. I think it can be a good deterrent for unwanted activity. If it's on your own computer that no one else is allowed to use anyway then fine. Otherwise, if you let them know that their actions will be logged, then they will avoid the unwanted activity and cannot accuse you of covertly spying on them. If you bug their computers without letting them know then this is just a sleazy spying technique to me. If caught, your children may never trust you again and begin withholding even more information, or if it's not family, then you may need to worry about a lawsuit.
Where To Start Learning Programming Please advise me on which language to
iGuest replied to sujith's topic in Programming
Pls , kindly help me I have opportunity of working in software company without having basic knowledge of it . Pls what should I do to become a programmer-reply by zeun -
CuteNews: PHP-based Blog System - No MySQL
iGuest replied to rckstr4lfe's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I download and chmoded everything, and I go to the cutenews page, it says page not found. I tried 55 times, following all the tutorials there is, and the stupid thing still doesn't work! I hate CuteNews, I'm switching to wordpress. GO WORDPRESS!-reply by Laura -
The Sims 2 Bodyshop Making clothes for your sims...
iGuest replied to Nani Cheri's topic in Computer Gaming
Replying to rvalkassYou get bodyshop when you download the sims 2. Just go in start and go in all programs, youll have to scroll down until you see EA games. Click that and if you have expansionpacks, those will pop up too, Click your main sims 2 game like: the sims 2, or the sims 2 double deluxe. When you click that click the sims 2 bodyshop and voila!-reply by florry -
Bsnl India Broadband - Best And Low Cost DSL Broadband Connection
iGuest replied to PoddarWeb's topic in General Discussion
horrible broadband on earth Bsnl India Broadband - Best And Low Cost I am using bsnl broad band since its begining in SALEM in Tamilnadu.My landline number is 2332357.My broadband is giving lot of headaches like no connection, slow speed, every 5 or 10 minutes it goes off while you are surfing,.It's a hell. I have made several complaints to local bsnl broad band office, but no use.No action taken till this minute.Since it is a government BB we cannot do any further,we have to adjust -reply by GP.Kirupakaran -
Half-Life 2 Episode 1 Half Life 2/Steam WTF? Hay guys, just wondering is the any possible way of installing half-life ep.1 without having to use a steam account? is there some sort of patch or something? My internet is playing up on my desktop which I am trying to install the game on! -reply by Devil Thorn
I installed trend micro internet security 2008 in my computer 7 months before now I want to reinstall this anti virus in my new computer but my id is blocked where they send me password,I don't remember id and id's password.Without this passwosd, I cant activate my trend micro. What will I do to solve my problem.Because trend micro is installed now and he is asking me password . I have product code which is written on the cd of the program . Help me to sort out this problem