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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Norton What Do You Think About Kaspersky Antivirus 2009? Norton Update sizes are less than 1 mb. An new build of Norton was a 5mb LiveUpdate download. And I am sorry, however Norton beats kaspersky in all the major virus tests: av-test.Org and av-comparitives. And passmark Ranks Norton as the fastest security suite out of all paticipating suites. -reply by Collin
  2. And ALSO Call of Duty World At War 2-4 Player Coop Story Or Bonus mode Called Nazi Zombies Which is a which is working together to defend a place against relentless zombie attacks (only attained by completing story mode) -reply by Icyscout
  3. Here are a few I like in no particular order.Evanescence - MissingThrice - Stare At The Sun (acoustic)Stone Sour - BotherSecondhand Serenade - WhyGary Jules - Mad WorldGodsmack - HollowBon Jovi - AlwaysI have a long list of sad/depressing songs lol-reply by TCav
  4. This isnMake A Moderately-secure Password System Using Javascripthey, yeah I'm one of those newbs you designed this thing for. I need to implement this in my site for a homework assignment and I copied it just the way that you have it up there. Aaaaaaaand . . . It doesn't work.:..( The only two things that I added was a background image and a link back to the previous page (in case the person typing the password gave up). Those two things couldn't possibly have any effect on the form, could they?If you could help, that would be great.- Osman Sufi
  5. Replying to ChessoJust add the IPX protocol to your network connexion properties and use IPX instead of TCP/IP as your connecting protocol when you join a game.Enjoy, 8-) Sped-reply by sped272
  6. um................................... A World Without A Religion? Replying to iGuest I am a christian too the bible teaches to avoid wars,anger and punishment, like other holy books. Gandhi(hindu I think?!?!) taught how to live your life peacefully with peaceful protests and stuff like that,and everyone knows he was a good man so why take away religion with such great role models as this? Martin Luther King, why did he diserve to die? the world would be so different if it weren't for him showing courage and faith, showing the world how stupid and unkind we were-simply because of the colour of someones skin???if religion had never existed, there would be so much rascism, sin, controversy etc. The world would end up argueing over the new belief in posh and bex etc. People wouldn't have the same kindness, faith, will to live if there weren't any religions. If there had never been a religion then the world (might!) have been a better place, but since thats not posssible, you cant change it. If you took religion away now, all sorts of horrible things would happen. You've seen the terrorist attacks, down to jealousy and their faiths, think of what awful things could happen people are willing to die for their own beliefs? the whole world would blow up. If only we could get rid of jealousy/racism then we'd be fine but some people can't change-its never gona happen so you just better get used to it. If everyone is the same (which believe) then why are people still bebing sooo nasty to others? the world would not be a better place without religion and if you can't see why, just take a look at the church down your road, the mosque up the hill, the synagogue in town, look at the effort people take into getting you to belive in their religion-thats faith, thats family and friends, thats your community, thats happieness. Then you look at the parks and alleyways around where you live, where the druggies and drunks hang out after hours, thats the way our world would end up without religion. Its reality and I'm sorry for that. Anyone can be religious-there is no limit, no costs, no problems, you have yourself, your faith and your God (s) -reply by funkymonkeyy
  7. How can i set auto email notifications in excel? Running Vba Script In Excel I have data I excel currently, and I am looking for a solution to setup auto email notification to users when a certain check is conducted and it mataches the condition. Lets say when it check for each row what is the date and when a certain condition matches, it will send an email telling users to folow up with customers etc. I know VBscript might be able to help but is there any alternatives as I am poor in programming. Thank you. -question by wendy chew
  8. Abortion Abortion Well since a lot of people think that abortion is not murder and that the mother has the right to abort the fetus (which by the way is a baby)then lets thin kthis way... When you abort a baby you have to live with the remorse or regret of doing it later on in life. You know that you WOULDNT want to have that on your shoulders for the rest of your life. A fetus starts getting fingernails shortly after its concieved, and I'm sory but if it has fingernails then it is living. It has a heartbeat shortly after conception. I mean abortion can be acceptable or medical reasons like life or death or because the baby would not have a chance of living after it is born. But not because you went and had sex or you had a drunken night and don't remember exactly who the father is.. Be more responsible for yourself and your actions because you are killing innocent people and not giving them a chance at life. THAT IS NOT FAIR AT ALL!! -reply by Reality Check
  9. labelsI Hate It When People Label People 'goth'Replying to AMWGeek I fell you kid though I don't dress like that I hate labels period. Its like kids these days really don't get it they think if you don't dress like them your not cool or whatever they go and make different classes or races as if we are living in a freaking video game. Prep,emo,goth,skater,nerd,ghetto,ect. Just were all people and we are all different from one another we just might happen to buy the same brand of clothes occasionaly labeling that is ridiculous. For instance I wear hollister shirts occasionaly does that mean I'm a "prep"?? no I wear plain button down brown shirts mostly and skinny jeans I wear band t shirts abercrombie and just plain clothes and alot of different types of clothes so don't label me for it accept me for it and get to know me by who I am not my clothes and then we can be friends. See what I'm saying bro? there is so much more than just the clothes you wear or the type of music you listen to-reply by alex
  10. MaSoRs Join The Best Runescape Clan On Earth Anyone looking for a huge skills based clan should join MaSoRs, requirements are 60+ Mining and 50+ Smithing, we have 300+ registered members and weekly events. As well as skilling MaSoRs do have regular non-skill based event such as Clan Wars and pking. -reply by sean
  11. Can Cannot Sign In To Gmail Replying to pyost When I tried to open my gmail account,it started to redirct to https://... A never ending web address appeared, and the computer was making noices, I used to be able to view my messages offline from a link, but now it dosn't do that anymore, so I just had to open a new Yahoo account, my business depends on email so much that I can't afford to loose my messages. Please tell me what to do now. Thanks! Lily -question by Lily ------- admin reply --------- I recommend getting mail@yourname.com :-) from a good mail provider. Google Premium Mail service offers 99.9% SLA uptime guarantee.
  12. Help me select the best Choosing A Graphics Card I'm hoping to buy a vga card nd I have selected several cards..But it is difficut to select one... Here are the cards I have chosen Asus en9800gt 128sp's - 725 core clock - 2ghz memory clock Asus en8800gt 112 sp's - 600 core clock - 1.8ghz memory clock Asus en9600gt top 64 sp's - 720 core clock - 2ghz memory clock The 9600gt top has low sp's but high clock speeds... Is it better than the 9800gt or the 8800gt? -question by Adrian
  13. fevicon.ico Where and How to put tiny logo in the Address Bar Hello friends Thanks you very much for your support in this problem. I use this in my header section. In the begning I uploaded well the Icon but somehow I lost favicon display in URL: I try almost all the Script but couldn't, then I did something like this. First deleted all the files from server. 1, Click Computer start button-> open control pannel-> open internat option-> deleted all the temperory internet files,also files and setting stored by add-on -> Then upload the favicon.Ico to same index directory with this code in header section <link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://website.com/favicon.Ico" type="image/x-icon"/>. To make favicon icon use below link, can make 32x32 no problem. http://www.favicon.co.uk/ Please do not forget to change your URL address in the above script. Hope it works for you. Thanks -reply by Sonu Kumar
  14. fevicon.icoWhere and How to put tiny logo in the Address BarI use this in my header section. In the begning I uploaded well the Icon but somehow I lost favicon display in URL: I try almost all the Script but couldn't, then I did something like this. First deleted all the files from server. 1, Click Computer start button-> open control pannel-> open internat option-> deleted all the temperory internet files,also files and setting stored by add-on -> Then upload the favicon.Ico to same index directory with this code in header section To make favicon icon use below link, can make 32x32 no problem. http://www.favicon.co.uk/ Please do not forget to change your URL address in the above script. Hope it works for you. Thanks -reply by Sonu Kumar
  15. love xii Final Fantasy Xii Yes I just thought id give people some tips lol Places where I like to level up- in the lushu mines train to about level 15 with all characters. In omazone plains train to about level 23-25. Also it is very useful to buy the walkthrough. It gives you tips for everyhing and YOU CAN GET 100% COMPLETION! -reply by lawrence
  16. Where are the answers? Php Quiz Script I'm sorry I've read over this and am interested in implementing it into my site but I'm unsure where you set the correct answers? It may be right infront of my nose but I can't see it Any clues? -question by Siggy
  17. Tunay,I am 100% sure you are suffering from a symptom called "sleep paralysis".For a full description go to Wikipedia and look it up. I had classic symptoms such as a feeling of a racing heart, complete paralysis, fighting to move even one inch, burning chest, feeling of someone sitting on me, feelings of ghosts in the room, buzzing and ringing in my ears and a feeling of terror and death. Sound familiar? I went to my doctor and he told me it was the sleep chemicals in my brain messing around and keeping my physical body asleep when my mind had woken up. This is why you feel paralysed. The buzzing, fear, heart racing etc are all psychological symptoms of this. In fact, scientists did tests on sufferers and their heart rates were found to be completely normal, despite the feeling they were racing. It is purely psychological because the brain is "out of sink" with reality for a short time. I was so relieved that I wasn't going mad or going to die...Or worse the ghosts I thought were there drag me off to hell! If I ever have the paralysis now I just relax, explain to myself what has happened, keep calm and focus on the burning, heavy chest is just a psychological sympytom and then I wake up. Its great, its such a relief. I'm sure its not sleep aponea as I saw mentioned, sleep aponea is where you struggle for breath during sleep because of weight/size/chemical imbalances etc, but without the symptoms of fear, paranoia, ghosts etc. Sleep paonea is simply that you can't breathe, whereas sleep paralysis is a separation of waking consciousness from a sleeping body, therefore giving pretty spooky symptoms. You most surely have sleep paralysis becasue of the symptoms you are experiencing. Check with you doctor though as I'm not a medic! I hope this helps and very good luck to you. -reply by Luke
  18. Tunay,I am 100% sure you are suffering from a symptom called "sleep paralysis".For a full description go to Wikipedia and look it up. I had classic symptoms such as a feeling of a racing heart, complete paralysis, fighting to move even one inch, burning chest, feeling of someone sitting on me, feelings of ghosts in the room, buzzing and ringing in my ears and a feeling of terror and death. Sound familiar? I went to my doctor and he told me it was the sleep chemicals in my brain messing around and keeping my physical body asleep when my mind had woken up. This is why you feel paralysed. The buzzing, fear, heart racing etc are all psychological symptoms of this. In fact, scientists did tests on sufferers and their heart rates were found to be completely normal, despite the feeling they were racing. It is purely psychological because the brain is "out of sink" with reality for a short time. I was so relieved that I wasn't going mad or going to die...Or worse the ghosts I thought were there drag me off to hell! If I ever have the paralysis now I just relax, explain to myself what has happened, keep calm and focus on the burning, heavy chest is just a psychological sympytom and then I wake up. Its great, its such a relief. I'm sure its not sleep aponea as I saw mentioned, sleep aponea is where you struggle for breath during sleep because of weight/size/chemical imbalances etc, but without the symptoms of fear, paranoia, ghosts etc. Sleep paonea is simply that you can't breathe, whereas sleep paralysis is a separation of waking consciousness from a sleeping body, therefore giving pretty spooky symptoms. You most surely have sleep paralysis becasue of the symptoms you are experiencing. Check with you doctor though as I'm not a medic! I hope this helps and very good luck to you.
  19. Maplestory is better. I've played ruenscape also and runescape is 2 easy I guess and repetitive. In maplestory you can do party quest and stuff. And its alot harder to get bored fast.
  20. Scroller in dyanamic text How Can I Bind Dynamic Text In Flash Animation? Please let me know how can I add scroll_bar in dynamic text if text exceeds the text space. When setting multi line option can scroll but, I want to show the scroll bar, only when it exceeds the limit -question by Glitcy
  21. How to display swf attachment?Ipb SitesHi,I would want to ask if there is any mod that can help me to post a swf attachment and it will be displayed inside post as flash; just like when I post an image attachment that will display as image view.Thank you-question by Toran KokkusuKeywords: invision power board mod
  22. Yeah same here I am a really big anmie fan, I yell at my mom if she come's into the room and bother me while I'm watching anmie. I really don't know what to do about it. It's just like drugs once you start it you can't really stop unless you are really hopeful too. What I think we all should start, What ever anmie you watch, Try to start watching 1 each day. Beacuse if you don't and watch 7-8 like me that once the anmie is over you will be upset. The thing is with the anmie Naruto it has two sections of it so if you are in the 100 ep's then start to slow down a little. I draw anmie I hope to go to school for it one day. But if I keep being so addicted to it the I will lose intrest in it:( And some of the anmie's you watch can affect on how you act. Like you may become emo from death note or think you can do some of the fighting from inuyasha and wind up killing yourself. And please note: Trying to become a ninjia WILL NOT WAORK! TRYING TO BIULD UP CHARA TO CLIMB UP TREES WILL NOT WORK! so don't get too carried away with anmie just be careful on what types of anmie you watch. And to be sure go to https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl and look up top anmie's and neather the less the one's that are top 10's are going to be quite addicting. Be careful too because anmie can affect how your relationships are with yourfrinds and famliy too. I know that you think that this would not happen to you but it happend to me befor well more with naruto. And I thought I could bring back the dead when I was little when I would watch FMA. So that should answer people's question's. P.S ( I am not a good speller and I was typeing fast to get to bed)-reply by CHA!
  23. Tabletop rules, forum/email RPG? Forum Based Multiplayer RPG I am looking for something similiar... I don't know anyone where I live that likes to play D&D, but have all the books, and am looking for a game online, where someone would play the DM, and run a campaign using 3.5ed rules. Anyone out there? Send me an email if you're interested, I could get one player to join us immediately that lives here with me. -question by Kalor
  24. RPG Computer / IBM 80-Column Punch Card Questions Any RPG (Report Program Generator) Programmers? Hello everyone I use to program in RPG on both an IBM System/3 and IBM 360 computers, usings 80-Column punch cards (YES, I'm old and graying by the day), but have not used this language for over 30 years. My e-mail address is "1cmfic@sbcglobal.Net", and I live in the San Francisco (California, USA) area. I'm wondering the following ... 1) If there are still RPG Programmers out there ... Where are you employed (might want to program in this language again)??? 2) Does anyone know of an "RPG Compiler" that will run on a "PC" or "MAC" based computer ... So I can write some programs "just for the heck of it"??? 3) For those of you who still might be using a "Main-Frame" Computer system, does any of you still have an IBM 1442, IBM 2501, or other simular 80-column Herman Hollerith Card Reader, so that I could read my 100+ boxes of cards into a compputer system, and output the contents onto a floppy disk, flash drive, or other such "current-day-and-age" media??? As the saying goes ... "It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks" ... And I yearn for the days of using "3GL" ("Third Generation Language") computer languages ... And perhaps ... Someone can enlighten my as to potential options out their that I am not aware of (yet). Thank you for your consideration of re-living "the good old days", when you had to every "bit" with only a "8KB" of core IBM System/3 in order to produce a vast array of meaningful financial, student registration, and other reports. Clarence -reply by Clarence
  25. Replying to PlenopticI think it is wrong how that they eat cats and dogs but how you said it could be like an everyday occurance to them is just wrong. How could you say that it is okay how they keep them so tightly together in cages and torture them alive. Yea we eat animals here but at least they are put down without feeling a thing. And dogs are supposed to be mans best friend while cats are also our friends.
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