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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. My view : family guy vs south parkFamily Guy Vs. South ParkI am a fan of both Family guy and southpark shows,I have 1-7th seasons of southpark (also, the movie, and few dvd and vhs of it)And 1-5 seasons of family guy so I think I have a pretty good side of oppinion.I think both are really great shows.One is not better then the other,It just depends on the kind of person you are -reply by Lanie D.
  2. I'm an American living in the USA, but I wish I were in India. You are a growing nation of good people. Intelligent people. People with spirit. I hope and wish you are able to develop your Government, laws and property rights ownerships. This brothers will allow you to build the structure your historic country needs to thrive. God be with India. Stop the violence. Promote peace and education. -reply by Matt Miller
  3. Solution to all the iGuest problems. You have to change all the jdk1.6.0 to jdk1.6.0_(here type the number of the update, in my case its 12 so this is how mine looks like) ex. Jdk1.6.0_12 ***ONLY CHANGE THE 1.6.0 NOT THE 1.5.0*** Another question was that when he hits rune all he sees is the blah blah scape is running on port 43594. That means that its up and running and ready for people to use it. To play it go on an ip changer or use moparscape. But that question leads to mine. I can't play my server, when I host it. Everytime I try to connect, the cmd says: Connection from ***.***.*.*:55381ClientHandler: Client null disconnected (***.***.*.*) How can I play the server that I am hosting.
  4. Brand New - Jesus Christ (Most deppressing song ever, I swear) The Fray - You Found me/ Cable Car Sia - Breathe Me A fine Frenzy - Almost Lover NickleBack - Far away Lifehouse - Everything Linkin Park - Numb -reply by Author Name - e.G. John, MikeKeywords:
  5. Orbitz / Reservations Reward SCAMReservation Rewards - A Scam!EMAIL I SENT TO ORBITZ ... YOU passed my Credit Card details (WITHOUT MY PERMISSION) onto a scamming agency "Reservation Rewards". They have subsequently been billing my C.C. For an ILLEGAL charge of $12 per month (that I was NEVER informed of, either by YOU or THEM). I will NO longer be conducting business with you. Travelocity here I come. GOOD BYE TO SCAMMERS & THEIR "LEGITIMATE (SO CALLED) PARTNERS-IN-CRIME" ... GAVIN WALSH, DALLAS, TEXAS ORBITZ'S DIPLOMATIC "GOSH, WE DON'T KNOW WHAT HE'S TALKING ABOUT" REPLY ... Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response. Response (E-mail Customer Service) 02/21/2009 01:40 PM Dear Orbitz Customer, Thank you for contacting Orbitz. I understand there is a charge on your credit card from Orbitz every month of $12 and you wish to know about it. I would like to apologize for the inconvenience you have encountered due to this error. Due to the detailed nature of this question, I must ask you to call Orbitz Customer Service at (888) 656-4546 from the US and (312) 416-0018 from outside the US. Our Customer Service Agents will be happy to answer all your questions. Sincerely, Jasmine Rogers, OrbitzTLC Team, Orbitz - Travel Well -reply by Gavin
  6. It works.Chocolate Mug Cake In 5 Min.Yes, it works. I am having some now. I had to try it ...I happened to have all the ingredients except the milk so I substituted 3 tablespoons of cinnamon vanilla liquid coffee creamer. I also added pecans...It's wonderful. Enough for 2 servings.-reply by Tina
  7. **** PARENTS. Move out as soon as you can. Make your own rules. Get your ownplace and job. Throw parties at your house.Have fun. Do drugs. Have plenty of premarital sex. Do what youwant when you want. Set your own limits. Controlling and hypocritical parents are always the worst,they think that by pushing and nagging you alll the time you will have a good future. This is provent to not work,because kids and teenagers only try harderer to get away from their parents and their bull**** advice/ rules/ exc.
  8. My LAb is 17 yrs old and is throwing up her foodMy Dog Pukes RegularlyMy Lab is 17 and throws up her dog food. I have changed her to cottage cheese, chicken soup and Instant Mashed Potatoes. She was keeping that down for a few days so I tried a little of her regular food again. I even got Science Diet from the vet and she threw that up also. I am wondering if she can live off the cottage cheese, soup and potaoes. She has hip prablems and I know she has lived a good life but I want to keep her around as long as I can. -question by MGKIRBY
  9. Anim8or - free lightweight 3d modeling programBest 3d Modeling And Rendering SoftwareI've heard of one called Anim8or, only 1 megabyte in size and very powerful. -reply by Anim8or
  10. Sometimes I read my dreams. It's hard to explain. I remember what I read because I read the entire dream. I remember seeing my hands turning the pages, what color the book is, the words, everything. There are no other images expect for maybe a blue sky with clouds. I can even remember reading out loud. When I do read out loud it seems to be more important. Sometimes I experience deja vu because I have read about a place or something. Sometimes I know what someone is going to say because I have read them saying something close to what they are saying. -reply by cat guess
  11. PES5 vs Fifa07Fifa Vs Pro Evolution SoccerI have an old Xbox so I am restricted to Pes5 and Fifa 07 and I have them both. And Pes5's gameplay is much better than Fifa07. I reckon Fifa is more of an arcade game. But Fifa has licenced teams and better graphics. Also Fifa has copied many features of Pes such as Be a Pro and manager mode. Although I do play fifa when I want to play manager mode. And I am with PES. -reply by Edward H
  12. I use my HTC Wizard (t-mobile MDA) as a modem for my laptop while traveling. I use a feature that is built in to all HTC Windows Mobile 5 phones, and most other Windows Mobile 5 phones. The feature allows you to use your phone as a modem for your laptop. On older phones, this feature is called ?Modem Link.? On newer phones (2006 or 2007), this feature is called ?Internet Sharing.? If your phone has an Internet plan, you can use one of these features. The newer feature, ?Internet Sharing (IS),? is definitely the easiest to set up. First, download and install ActiveSync 4.5 or newer from Microsoft?s website. Once that is installed, connect to the Internet on your phone. The easiest way to do that is to just open up Pocket Internet Explorer and browse to google.Com. Once you are connected to the Internet, click on the start button and select ?Programs. ? Scroll down to ?Internet Sharing.? Open the application. Select ?connect with USB.? Click ?Activate.? Now just connect your phone to your laptop with its USB cable. That?s it. Open a browser on your laptop and you should be ready to surf. -reply by jaysukh
  13. sherwood dungeon glitchesSherwood Dungeon Cheatsgo to any dungeon level that you are allowed to go to. (preferably your own level) search through the barrels and chests. You may find runes, scrolls, gold, or items/weapons. Click a scroll in the runes/scrolls pack(purple pack) and put the correct runes in the slots. Then click cast. Make sure you have at least one empty space before you do so. You may have to look for a while, but you will find the correct runes eventually! good luck.(btw if you ever want to add me to your friends list my username is Lordkaczman)
  14. the world isnt gonna end on that day sometime I have vision and thoughts that comes true its just like deju vu there are 4 ways we possibly are going to die which is the sun will fall and we all burn;the moon will fall and we all freeze to death;an astroid or comet comes out the sky and kill us;or a terriost plant a nuclear bomb and we explode; 2012 might be the end of the world says God but what do you believe are belief may be the key to say the world is not going to end on that day unless we can pray that God can change the timing
  15. requiemAny1 Looking For Good Mmorpg?Requiem Bloodymare is a pretty good game, the graphics are similar to that of 2moons and the gameplay is simple.. The only thing is it takes a looooooooong time to download, took me 19 hours. Rofl -reply by Deadgar
  16. another money glitchOblivion GlitchI know another money glitch. First trvel to the imperil talos plaza district. Then look for dorians house. Bribe him as much money as you can and then make him angry again.Repeat if nessascery and then kill him.Search him and keep on pressing the money you put in there.You can press it as many times as you like and get infinite money -reply by jordan w
  17. I am not agree with you..I am a byethost.Com customer from 2007 onwards, and their service is very excellent.. No probelms found. Very good service. I think you did'nt know how to use or host a website. That's y you tell this type of words related to byethost. I used other free host sites like http://www.eface.in/ , free hostia, awardsapce etc. But better is byethost. eface.In also good but Processing time is big. I mean that they using everything manually for avoiding spam. So more than 8 hours will take for creating an account with database. So byethost is better than all other.
  18. interested too guysDeviantart CodebaseI think what he means is the "Favorites Panel" showing up when you drag the objects up. In that way when you release the dragged object on that panel, it will be saved to your favorites. -reply by Xtian
  19. YES : Should mercy killings be legalizedEuthanasia Or Mercy Killing: Should It Be Legalized?of course ! I mean what is the point of prolonging life if it only means constat agony? what is the point in living like a vegetable and draining your family financially?its much better to take the easy way out when you feel that your life is no longer productive.
  20. First, you must be on your main or 'admin' account. Second, go in to the folder with RMXP. Right click it and then click 'Run as Administrator.' Then, tadaah~ -reply by Shane
  21. You know...Trouble With Rpgmaker XpI know what is the problem. You guys don't have internet, right? If it is juzt the trial verzion, then, it cannot get a trial license from the nTiles server. Therefore, it won't work w/o internet. If you have internet, then its your problem!
  22. Nero 9 is preventing playing video files from internetNero ProblemsI found out that my IE7 stopped playing video files from internet recently. Immediately I suspected that it must be due to Nero 9 that I installed recently. When I remove nero the video files are able to play. Is there anyway I can correct this problem? means is there something I can do so that IE could play video files from internet keeping the nero 9. my OS is vista home premium. By the way, nero does not prevent playing video files that are in my computer..Only messing with the internet files. Please hekp. -question by Chris Rajadurai
  23. You guys are forgetting one very important thing. Super Metroid.
  24. I don't really know about laptops but I do have one, Acer 4520. I'm buying a new one since it's already dead. So I just want to say, Don't buy Acer
  25. seting up wireless internet with comcastSetting Up Wireless Internet With Comcastto : iguest-geoff I know this will sound stupid - but I have the MAC address, but how do I put it into my router config? I had comcast install and config my router when they hooked the internet. I can get wi-fi on the 2nd gen itouch, but not the 1rst gen itouch! gr! -reply by niteowl
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