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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I had the exact same problem had to unplug then replug every time the power light and hard drive light blink for a second.Found out something when I was messing with bios battery kinda pushing on it toward +metal lead sticking up the connection was tight and didnt need my help even bent it ever so slighty to create better connection but for some reason when I pushed down and sideways the cpu fan would spin some times for 3 seconds and others for a second but I could keep doing that again and again. Worked better if I unpluged then repluged I think it is the soder or mobo. -reply by will
  2. BoltBlue scammed me tooBoltblue: Beware!I sent one message from BoltBlue - titled "testing free sms" as I wanted to check them out before really using their service. I'd read the terms and it said they'd charge you $10.50 per week when you registered but did not make it clear how you actually registered and "agreed" to the $10.50(which is why I just sent one "test" message). Turned out they charged my bill within seconds of me sending the one "trial" sms - they charged the $10.50 by splitting the $10.50 into 3 premium SMS of $3.18 + GST. But the statement on thier website disguises the "premium sms" advice into something that looks like a promo slogan about how "premium" their service is. That's just crooked and I hope they get shut down by the office of fair trading soon! I sms'd Stop straight away and I didn't get charged another week - but that's a killer of a profit if they manage to scam each and every person out of $10.50!! -reply by ripped off
  3. I'm currently having the same problem for 3 days on my right ear. As I cover my left there is nothing but when I cover my right the high pitch sound is there... Is there anyway to get the sound away from my ears? -reply by khoo
  4. Profit LanceIs Profit Lance A Scam Or NotI am realy contemplating purchasing this prouct but as I am from SouthAfrica. I'm not sure if this will work for me. Please can some1 tell me if it works for South Africans. Also is this complecated and if it doesnt work can I get a refund. -question by naseema
  5. firepro wrestling and legends of wrestling is for ps2 not for pc ...
  6. Here is the answer that has evaded you X2! Your welcome.Background ResizeThere iare numerous ways this can be done. Make sure on either method to change the image to your background of course. Here are two different ways I just happen to have in my documents at the moment: <script language="JavaScript1.2"> if (document.All||document.GetElementById)Document.Body.Style.Background="url('YourIMG.Jpg') white center no-repeat fixed" </script> As you probably figured the script goes at the start of your body (inside of the body tags of course). This is actually ment to give you a watermark effect so your background doesnt scroll but it will also work for your resizing issue. Here is another way to do it using div's: <div style="position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%; margin:0px; padding:0px; left:0px; right:0px;z-index:1"> <img src="YourIMG.Jpg" width="100%" height="100%"></div> <div style="z-index:2; position:absolute; margin:0px; padding:0px; height:100%; width:100%; overflow:scroll;"> <p> </p> <p>THIS IS THE CONTENT</p> </div> -reply by Eric Backer
  7. My Job Sucks!My company is ridiculous. I was recently laid off after five years of service because they are downsizing their employmees. This would be fine if I was not the one english speaking employee that worked in the warehouse. They have repeatedly for five years only hired illegal immigrants, knowingly I might add, and then after five years they cast aside good hard working employees becuase they can pay cheaper wages to those fresh across the border. This company that specializes in cable equipment, meaning they take old used equipment and make it look new and sell it as such so beware, does not care at all about American traditions and the sanctity of the employee relationship in regards to service. Do not work there as they will be bankrupt in a year or so and definitely do not buy there becaause I have first hand knowledge on the rip off they are constantly doing to their customers.-reply by Guest
  8. where can i find a rpg maker that looks like the game endless onlineRpg Maker 3dI'm looking for somthing thats esay to use and thats about on the same level as the game endless online iv always wanted to make a game. Soon I will be going to school to learn how but I though I might wana start getting some exp. Under my belt. So I would be greatful if some one could reccomend a rgp maker. Also me and my friend have been looking into making a mmorpg and putting it online for people to play but we are not sure where to start we even thought of a private server (ha ha wheres the fun in that though?) one more thing if we were to charge for members servers (ptp), or could we even do that ? we are not sure of the legal terms of this so please fill me in. =)-reply by slug
  9. cool headAre There Any Cheats For Sherwood Mmorpg♥when someone is using a talasmian on you you can quickly change youre head and change it back to default and youre head will turn whatever color the talasmian is/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley8.Gif -reply by Hal0 NiNja 911Keywords:
  10. MKV is a container format developed by Matroska. It can hold different types of video and audio. For example, there might be an .AVI file contained within the .MKV file.Lear more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matroska MKV Converter for Mac -reply by woowha
  11. can I make the links open in the same screen?Creating Links In ImagesI don't think my title makes much sense so let me explain. I am creating a new website from scratch, never having done so before. I have most of it working but one page has me stumped. Your slicing is exactly what I want to do BUT... On my page I have a large photo on the left. To the right of it I want, lets say 16 or maybe 20 small images. The idea is for me to make each of those small images into a button. When you press one of them, a large version of that image shows up on the left. Any idea how I would do that? Or with slices, does the link have to go to an entirely new page? I'd appreciate an email but I'll check back here too. Thanks Rick
  12. How do u get quick money in runescape?How Do I Make Gold Fast In Runescape/OK ive been playing runescape for about 2 years now and I still havnt had 1mill in the bank at 1 time. I have about a mil in stuff from hours of mining pure ess but that took forever I have been using this method below for some time but not long enough to get a ton of cash. for this method I would recomend a combat lv of about 70 or more (my combat is only 80 some with my combat skill around 60...)ok all u have to do is go to the grand exchange and buy alot of tuna like 1k because its cheep and some game necklaces. so just tele to clan wars with the necklace, go east and kill green drags. Pick up their bone and hide and colect a full inventory ( u only need to kill like 14 of them) and just tele to bounty hunters bank them and repeat the process. 1 inventory is 50k! I hope this helps bye! -reply by agent sonic2
  13. I know 2 cool skating mmoSkateboarding MmorpgThere is a game called Tech Deck Live and it's a pretty cool game and there is also MySk8Land/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley16.Gif -reply by Jay Sanders
  14. pivot rules!!!!!How To Use PivotI like pivot but only on verson 3 beta,its heaps better becuse you can animate pictures and move them around you can download v3 here: Pivot v3 -reply by michael parry
  15. none of these examples work on ff 3. So far I have not seen anyway to close a window not opened by a opener link, in firefox 3. Just ain't happening. -reply by George W
  16. well the reason your skinny is because your genetics kept you skinny, if your past 18 then chances are you will always be skinny, however that does not mean your healthy. The only real reason anyone should eat this stuff is not for calories it is because they are good for you, this is why diets never work for long. People go on a diet then when they get their goal weight they stop dieting and gain all the wieght back, you need to eat healthy, not low calorie. And you need to keep eating healthy your entire life, you can eat junk food but not as a staple of your meals, you should have healthy meals most of the time in the house and ocassionally have pizza or something like on the weekend or whatever. I have been doing this for some time now and I feel so much energy, I love sports now whereas I wouldn't be able to run for long now I play backyard football with my friends, most of the time the games last over 4 hours (thats a ton of sprinting), sure we only have about 60 yards to play in but it is quite the run reguardless. -reply by Joshua
  17. The you should consider the BSDWhat's The Difference Between Linux And Unix?!?Your description of Unix is a little out date. OpenBSD, NETBSD, and FreeBSD are all Unix-like os that are not Linux. They are all free (ok, $50 if you want to buy the cd's instead of downloading them for free), does not use the Gnu License (which is a hindrance for Linux, whether they realize it or not, because under Gnu, industry can not contribute to the project without divulging proprietary info, which they will not do, so they alienate a whole sector of potential contributors), the BSD's all use proper software engineering techniques to make sure all the various components play nice with each other before being bundled together in a distro, which most Linux distro's do not do. They also are NOT tied to any proprietary hardware and will run on just about anything, including x86 based systems. Also, they run the same KDE windows system that you would find on a Linux box (re-engineered to get rid of the bugs, of course) so saying they have the same flavor as a '60's based operating system is not really accurate, since they use the same system... Here is an article you might find helpful: http://www.over-yonder.net/~fullermd/rants/bsd4linux/01 -reply by CompSciNerd
  18. like your responsible enough to control your life and others in your vechile. I don't think so. I am an adult and I can tell you ive seen some crazy teen drivers in my life. No one is a experience driver, no one. Just because you get lessons and go through a drivers education program doesnt mean your going to drive like the teachers teach you. No, kids have their own way of driving and I say if you make one mistake on your permitt you should be allowed to get your licenses. In kentucky the most popular number for drivers these days are young teens that are 16-17 and some even with their permitt. Driving should be a privlege not a right. I think if you can wait as long as you can to drive then you can see what safe and unsafe driving is for your own eyes. I think if you are under the age of 18 you shouldnt drive and even when your 18 you should get a 6 month permitt instead of 30 days.
  19. Not working nowadays Creating New Process Under Alternate Credentials (createprocessasuser)So I got myself into this trouble as well. Now I know this is possible, because, for example, Task Scheduler service, that runs under SYSTEM account can start and show Notepad no problem, but I cannot do this. I took the code and changed the SW_HIDE back to SW_SHOWNORMAL (is that all you have changed? or something else?). I wasn't able to show notepad to user, but the behavior was different in 3 cases: 1. Running on Vista - I see message box with a message that a program tries to interact with desktop. Allowing this - you can see the notepad in a separate "clean" desktop". 2. Running on Windows 2003 SP2 with physical access - notepad is visible, but is not operable - I see only title bar with icon, no menus, nothing else 3. Running on Windows 2003 SP2 but logged in via Remote desktop - Nothing shown at all although I see the notepad in tasks manager -reply by Philip Patrick
  20. Glut Vista 32Installing Glut To Dev C++hey all! so, I am running vista 32, and have followed the turoiral for MinGw to make Dev C++ run on my system, and it works. Now I want to use glut for a course I am taking.I followed the above tutorial, downloaded and installed the Glut package. In my C:Dev-Cppinclude it created a folder called GL and in it there is glut.H in my lib folder there is "libglut32.A" When I try to runt the template it comlains about "GL/glut.H No such file or directory."And I get loads of linker errors.I also checked my System32 folder and there is no "glut.Dll" or "glut32.Dll" file present... Any solutions to this?
  21. Get Rid of Your Belly Fat- for beginnersNeed To Loose Belly Fat In Four Months ..Can an elephant pirouette? Well that?s how my head feels when I readAbout how you can lose weight or how you can have Schwarzenegger?s bodyIn 3 months or in one evening by doing 1.500.000 push-ups between lunchAnd dinner.With every body & spirit building question lies yet another question.HowLong have you been out of shape? What?s your body type? How fast doesYour metabolism work? How much do you really want to change? What areYou willing to sacrifice for a great body?It?s funny how a?professional? can offer guidelines with exercises and ways to get fitThat seem to work for all types of people.For a person whose mainEating habit is to eat fast food 8,5 days of the week it?s 1000 timesBetter not to exercise for 2 months and instead to change hisNutritional habits. It?s better than simply taking the advice of a guruAnd becoming susceptible to having a stroke.So in order for usTo be able to demand the change we want for ourselves we must determineIf the machine called the human body is in the position to make thisChange in the time frame we give it.This is extremely important because then we don?t get disappointed by the results that our body is incapable of giving us.Other than our body we also have to increase our motivation, desire, and determination.I once read that to reach your goal it takes the use of the 2 spirations: Inspiration and Perspiration.How many of us are in the position to support an exercise program with total inspiration?The first piece of advice that someone can give to all body types and all metabolic types is: Don?t rush to start.TheBeginning of any exercise program starts with your decision andDetermination to make it to the finish line; To reach your dream bodyImage.If you?ve made the decision that you must lose your belly fatYou must convince the motivator inside you with your reasons so that itCan continue to motivate you and give you the energy you need toAccomplish your goal.Here is some information for your motivation:When you have a fat belly you increase your chances of getting high blood sugar in the years ahead.When you have a fat stomach you have an extremely higher risk of having a stroke or heart attack in your lifetime.WhenYou have a fat belly your respiratory system struggles to absorb theOxygen your body needs, and believe me that is doing harm to your bodyRight at this moment. It deprives you of daily activities, capabilitiesAnd even emotions.You are harming your lungs, liver, heart, etc.SoIt?s important that you find all the information that will convinceYour spirit to make the decision to accomplish your goal; To cross thatFinish line and make the changes you envision.Starting today, every day for one week when you sit down to eat, take 10 slow breaths and imagine yourself achieving your dream goal.Eat very slowly and if you can, try to chew each bite for 30 seconds.Don?t tell anyone that you have started a program to change. There?s noNeed for a coach, team mates or judges. If you need them then youHaven?t put enough gas into your motivation tank- you haven?t convincedYour spirit enough to work with you until the end. Start only when youFeel that spiritually you are completely ready to take on this personalJourney.Now depending on how far or close you are from the trueMeaning of fitness, you must design a program that best suits yourNeeds and when I say a program I mean a time frame. How much time canYou devote and invest?When you have made your decision make sure to include an exercise that you love and make it 1/3 of your exercise program.PersonallyI love playing tennis. I could play tennis with a friend for hours,Even on the days where I feel down or tired. Even on days when I?mBored I could easily play tennis to pass my time.You get my drift.You need something to keep you going, even on the days when yourMotivation is at a low or when your exercise program has exhausted you;Something that can rejuvenate you to hit the battlefield once again.The time has come now to focus on the how; the exercise.IfYou are a lot like our friend who enjoys fast food and you want to loseBody fat, simply change your eating habits. Start by eating a littleMore at home. Keep track of the bad eating habits that you like so much.It?s really easy. Just make a list, such as:Soft Drinks = ?Bread = ?Sweets = ?Delivery = ?Etc?Once you?ve finished this list, it gives you a good idea of your weekly calorie intake.Start depriving yourself of some of these things and substitute them with items that will improve your health.Cut about 20% from each category and change them to healthier types or non at all.For example, subtract 1 soft drink and add 1 fruit juice. Or simply subtract 1 soft drink.Eat more but smaller portions throughout the day.YourExercise program must include at least 4 20-minute sessions per day,Where your heart rate goes above 120 beats per minute and you areSweating. (If you?re not sweating then increase the intensity).For example, intense walking where every step focuses on the abdomen area by lightly squeezing the abs with every step you take.Muscle balancing exercises are usually conducted on a balancing ball.LessBut slower and more intense sit-ups are best. It?s better to do lessThe right way than 1000 the wrong way. A good place to do sit-ups is onA yoga mat. Yoga mats don?t take up too much space and are goodProtection for your back.Try this on a regular basis for 2 months.These very simple exercises and methods make all the difference.There are many secrets and tricks but it all depends on who is asking.IWrote this article with the idea that most people who are interested inLosing weight or stomach fat aren?t usually professionals and haven?tDevoted their lives to exercise.Now, if you have decided to completely devote yourself to your decision to change, you can get whatever you need from here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -reply by nikolaos gonos
  22. Not working...or well sort of...Installing Glut To Dev C++Hmm, I followed your "tutorial" and installed the devpak glut,the glut template appears but when I try to compile it, it states that: GL/glut.H No such file or directory. Although, in the include map there is another map called GL with glut.H in it...
  23. Artists: Nas Rakim KRS-one 2 Pac Notorious B.I.G. Big daddy kane Jay Z Big L Slick Rick Ice Cube Albums: Illmatic Enter the wu-tang (36 chambers) The chronic It takes a nation of millions to hold us back Ready to die Only built 4 cuban linx Reasonable doubt Staright outta compton Paid in full Breaking atoms
  24. I NEED HELP PRONTO!Make Your Exercise Injury-freeHi! I'm a 21yr old male that hasn't worked-out in approx 2-3yrs. However, I've been able to stay in shape w/o gaining alot of excess fat or bodyweight. I'm writing b/c for the past 2wks I've been trying to get even more in shape and ready for basic training b/c I've recently enlisted into the Marines and is set to leave on April 14. I've recently taken and IST (Intial Strength Test) that revealed that I am able to pass all portions required for enlistment except the run, yet due to the scores for all other portions I was able to gain a waiver for the run. I was advised that although the waiver was approved I would still need to pass all required aspects by the end of my second week of training. I'm hoping that you'll be able to give me some type of motivation and workout schedule that I can use until I leave that will my running from a 3miles in 32min to 3miles in 25min as required. Please write back with all available help as possible. Travis J. Brookins Future Marine -reply by Travis
  25. Bios Flashed Successfully But System Not Working.?Flashing Your Motherboard's BiosHi every1 my name is honey I'm from united arab emirates - dubai I have a problem with my laptop (HP DV6291EA) Per a problem I was having with my HP DV6291EA laptop overheating and causing problems with ms windows vista ultimate 64bit I decided to upgrade the BIOS. According to HP the BIOS upgrade changed some settings that would help with the overheating issue. So, I downloaded the updater version from F29 To F.2D from HP directly and followed all the precautions because I know how easily the computer can be messed up during a BIOS flash, I ran the Windows based FLASH executor provided by HP It was successfully Done as per bios update. Now wen I Power ON my laptop totally nonfunctional brick Just beeps an error code at me (1Long beep-2Short beeps?)after Remove/changing everything 1by1 (LIKE) RAM, HDD, DVD Rom, Wifi Card, Battery, work only with AC Power no battery, I find removing ram sound stop? Then I changed the ram to new ram but same problem?, then I changed AC Adapter & battery but nothing happens? also I try removing bios battery for 10mints pressing power please if any1 know how to help me with this please. -question by honey
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