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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. how do I know if my laptop (li-on) battery is completely dead?Laptop Battery Question (Li-Ion)My gateway mt3707 will when turned on will show and indicator (blue light) then the hard drive light (red) will blink four times then the laptop turns off. Is this an indication that my battery is completely dead? -question by David
  2. belly fatNeed To Loose Belly Fat In Four Months ..In order to reduce the belly fat in four months, we have to do some exercises like mountain climbing, swimming, sit ups. If we do these exercise regularly, definitely we can get rid of our belly fat in less than 3 months. If you want further details, you can also visit my website: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -reply by warner david
  3. Hello, You should not feel embarrassed about it, I think you are kind of special and it is not disgusting or anything it is just a thing, a tail is a tail not big deal! And your scar should not be a problem for you, people who think of it as ugly are probably teenagers, very immature and childish, when you get a girlfriend don?t be worried if she is an intelligent girl she won?t mind at all, only if she is silly she will think of it as odd, be proud my friend! Regards, Gloria. Keywords:
  4. ActuallyGet Rid Off Recycle Bin From The DesktopYou can do this without any registry hack, I did a quick write-up on my blog here: http://joe-riggs.com/blog/2009/05/hide-recycle-bin-on-xp-desktop/ ps - I know that this is an old topic, but I wish searching for it, and this was the first page I found -reply by jriggs
  5. Mostly attributable to the fact that MW4 is a terrible game.Even if it wasn't part of the franchise it would have been and still isterrible. MW4 was released at the same point that FASA sold Battletechand the exact beginning of it's demise. I mean even excluding thefranchise, the game is just awful; all the damage and armor tables andcalculations are wrong, they introduced retarded new weapons and mechs,and the graphics were incredibly outdated almost as soon as the gamecame out. The mech designs themselves were just horrible as well (themodels, not the official fasa designs) and they saw fit to rape 20years of Battletech by changing the appearance of several 'mechs aswell as several integral parts of BT like the aforementioned combatvalues and the mech loadouts and whatnot. It WAS fun for a brief periodof time but it got old fast. Even the lagpoint searching of MW3 wasbetter than hitting someone 20 times with a PPC and not getting a killin mw4. Yes the mech is a Timber Wolf (IS Mad Cat) and it is quiteperfectly done according to the original FASA design.
  6. Kidz BopKids BopI think Kidz Bop is great. Of course, its not the origanal songs but kidz can enjoy them very much. The newer ones like 15 and 16 have older kids on them. I have to addmit the newer ones are way better becasue they have older kids who are in their teens. I don't want to be rude it is just that if people think kidz bop is terrible, they are right but wrong at the same time. Some of the songs are not appropriate for kidz our age but some are. They make really good CD's now and not the crappy ones they used to make. Gte Kidz Bop 16, I think u will like it. -reply by Alec
  7. same problem here, borrowed a PC all in chinese, and I don't want to risk crashing it by messing around with all the settings (which I already did once ;D)blindly changing the settings in ''control panel>regional settings''didn't work for me... I do have a cra ked version of XP SP2 but I don't want to erase any file,since I'm only borrowing it for a little while.anybody got a quick fix please let me know -reply by Boobya
  8. First of all use any good data recovery software to recover your data. second, check the SMPS power cable I mean there must be proper EARTHING. third don't power your monitor from SMPS, use another power cable fromUPS finally delete all partions and recreate them with FULL format not quickFormat. Actually seagate's 500GB hard disk are very sensitive to POWER andEarthing, and usually we think that there is some problem with Motherboard and HardDisk. Still if problem persists then no choice but RMA. Thanks.
  9. Then I guess we're just suppose to download a browser on XP, put it onto a USB stick, go back on Windows 7 and install it that way? Seems very stupid to me..
  10. I have problem with my the sims 2 updater!it ask for my the sims 2 cd 4 but i already insert itHelp With Installing Sims 2 I have problem with my the sims 2 updater!it ask for my the sims 2 cd 4 but I already insert it.Now I can't installed any expansion pack..Does any here know how to update the sims 2 manualy???please tell me! -reply by Syafiq adnan
  11. funeral music.Songs To Play At Your Funeral"When I Get Where I'm Going" by Brad Paisley and Dolly Parton. "Who You'd Be Today" by Kenny Chesney. "Good to Go" by Jason Aldean. "If Tomorrow Never Comes" by Garth Brooks. "Sissy's Song" by Alan Jackson. -reply by austinKeywords: sad country songs about death
  12. Here is an updated version of the compiler!Runescape Private Server //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////@echo offIf exist "C:Program Files (x86)" set programfiles=C:Program Files (x86)Set pro=%programfiles%Javajdk1.6.0_14Set pro2=%programfiles%Javajdk1.6.0_14Set jac=binjavac.ExeSet jav=binjava.Exe:co1Set b=0Set t=7Goto co2:co2Color %b%%t%:menuClsTitle The Perfect Compiler version 2.0Echo Please choose an option below to do that function.Echo Keep posted on the Moparscape Tutorials section forEcho any updates that I post.Echo.Echo c - Compile your server.Echo r - To Run your server.Echo e - To exit out of the program.Echo color - Change the Text and Backround colors of this compiler.Echo reset - Resets your Compiler Logs.Echo.Echo.Set /p c=Option:If %c%==c goto cIf %c%==C goto cIf %c%==r goto rIf %c%==R goto rIf %c%==color goto colorIf %c%==Color goto colorIf %c%==COLOR goto colorIf %c%==reset goto resetIf %c%==Reset goto resetIf %c%==RESET goto resetIf %c%==e goto eIf %c%==E goto eIf %c%==* goto erGoto er:colorClsEcho Would you like to change the backround color, changeEcho the text color, or reset it to default?Echo.Echo back - Change the backround color.Echo text - Change the text color.Echo def - Change all colors back to default.Echo.Echo.Set /p color=Option:If %color%==back goto backIf %color%==BACK goto backIf %color%==text goto textIf %color%==TEXT goto textIf %color%==def goto co1If %color%==DEF goto co1If %color%==* goto erGoto er:backClsEcho Please select a color to change the backround to:Echo.Echo blackEcho whiteEcho redEcho yellowEcho greenEcho blueEcho purpleEcho.Echo.Set /p back=Color:If %back%== black (set b=0)If %back%== white (set b=7)If %back%== red (set b=4)If %back%== yellow (set b=6)If %back%== green (set b=2)If %back%== blue (set b=1)If %back%== purple (set b=5)Goto co2:textClsEcho Please select a color to change the text to:Echo.Echo blackEcho whiteEcho redEcho yellowEcho greenEcho blueEcho purpleEcho.Echo.Set /p back=Color:If %back%== black (set t=0)If %back%== white (set t=7)If %back%== red (set t=4)If %back%== yellow (set t=6)If %back%== green (set t=2)If %back%== blue (set t=1)If %back%== purple (set t=5)Goto co2:cClsTitle CompilerGoto cjc:c2If exist src (goto cl) else (goto c3):c3If exist *.Java (goto cl2) else (goto ce):c4%javac% -cp . *.JavaEcho Files Compiled Successfully!PauseClsGoto menu:c5%javac% -cp . .src*.JavaEcho Files Compiled Successfully!PauseMove .src*.Class .classesClsGoto menu:ceClsEcho You need to have Java files for this Compiler to Compile.PauseClsGoto menu:rClsTitle RunserverGoto cj:r2Set rjava=%java% -Xmx1024m -cp .;./jython.Jar;./MySql/mysql-connector-java-3.0.17-ga-bin.Jar serverClsGoto r3:r3If exist .classesserver.Class (goto sl2) else (goto r4):r4If exist .server.Class (goto sl) else (goto se):r5%rjava%PauseClsGoto menu:r6Set rjava=Set rjava=%java% -cp .;./classes; Server%rjava%PauseClsGoto menu:seClsTitle ErrorEcho You do not have a Server.Class. Make sure that you have used theEcho compiler with your server BEFORE you try runing it.PauseClsGoto menu:erClsTitle ErrorEcho Invalid command. Please make sure the commands you typeEcho in are correct.PauseClsGoto menu:eClsExit:cjcIf exist "%pro%_06%jac%" (goto sjc) else (goto cjc2):cjc2If exist "%pro%_07%jac%" (goto sjc2) else (goto cjc3):cjc3If exist "%pro%_08%jac%" (goto sjc3) else (goto cjc4):cjc4If exist "%pro%_09%jac%" (goto sjc4) else (goto cjc5):cjc5If exist "%pro%_10%jac%" (goto sjc5) else (goto cjc6):cjc6If exist "%pro2%%jac%" (goto sjc6) else (goto cjc7):cjc7If exist "%pro%%jac%" (goto sjc7) else (goto cjc8):cjc8If exist "%pro%_01%jac%" (goto sjc8) else (goto cjc9):cjc9If exist "%pro%_02%jac%" (goto sjc9) else (goto cjc10):cjc10If exist "%pro%_03%jac%" (goto sjc10) else (goto cjc11):cjc11If exist "%pro%_04%jac%" (goto sjc11) else (goto cjc12):cjc12If exist "%pro%_05%jac%" (goto sjc12) else (goto je):sjcSet javac="%pro%_06%jac%"Goto c2:sjc2Set javac="%pro%_07%jac%"Goto c2:sjc3Set javac="%pro%_08%jac%"Goto c2:sjc4Set javac="%pro%_09%jac%"Goto c2:sjc5Set javac="%pro%_10%jac%"Goto c2:sjc6Set javac="%pro2%%jac%"Goto c2:sjc7Set javac="%pro%%jac%"Goto c2:sjc8Set javac="%pro%_01%jac%"Goto c2:sjc9Set javac="%pro%_02%jac%"Goto c2:sjc10Set javac="%pro%_03%jac%"Goto c2:sjc11Set javac="%pro%_04%jac%"Goto c2:sjc12Set javac="%pro%_05%jac%"Goto c2:cjIf exist "%pro%_06%jav%" (goto sj) else (goto cj2):cj2If exist "%pro%_07%jav%" (goto sj2) else (goto cj3):cj3If exist "%pro%_08%jav%" (goto sj3) else (goto cj4):cj4If exist "%pro%_09%jav%" (goto sj4) else (goto cj5):cj5If exist "%pro%_10%jav%" (goto sj5) else (goto cj6):cj6If exist "%pro2%%jav%" (goto sj6) else (goto cj7):cj7If exist "%pro%%jav%" (goto sj7) else (goto cj8):cj8If exist "%pro%_01%jav%" (goto sj8) else (goto cj9):cj9If exist "%pro%_02%jav%" (goto sj9) else (goto cj10):cj10If exist "%pro%_03%jav%" (goto sj10) else (goto cj11):cj11If exist "%pro%_04%jav%" (goto sj11) else (goto cj12):cj12If exist "%pro%_05%jav%" (goto sj12) else (goto je):sjSet java="%pro%_06%jav%"Goto r2:sj2Set java="%pro%_07%jav%"Goto r2:sj3Set java="%pro%_08%jav%"Goto r2:sj4Set java="%pro%_09%jav%"Goto r2:sj5Set java="%pro%_10%jav%"Goto r2:sj6Set java="%pro2%%jav%"Goto r2:sj7Set java="%pro%%jav%"Goto r2:sj8Set java="%pro%_01%jav%"Goto r2:sj9Set java="%pro%_02%jav%"Goto r2:sj10Set java="%pro%_03%jav%"Goto r2:sj11Set java="%pro%_04%jav%"Goto r2:sj12Set java="%pro%_05%jav%"Goto r2:jeClsTitle ErrorEcho You do not have JDK 5.0 or JDK 6.0. Go to od Taharok's tutorialEcho on the moparscape Tuturoials section for step-by-step instructionsEcho link to download the newest JDK Update.PauseClsGoto menu:slClsEcho Ran Server at %time% and on %date%. >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Echo Server was run using %java%. >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Echo Thank-you for using Mod Taharok's 'Perfect' Compiler! >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Echo. >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Goto r5:sl2ClsEcho Ran Server at %time% and on %date%. >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Echo Server was run using %java%. >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Echo Thank-you for using Mod Taharok's 'Perfect' Compiler! >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Echo. >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Goto r6:clClsEcho Compiled Java files at %time% and on %date%. >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Echo Java files were compiled using %javac%. >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Echo Thank-you for using Mod Taharok's 'Perfect' Compiler! >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Echo. >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Goto c5:cl2ClsEcho Compiled Java files at %time% and on %date%. >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Echo Java files were compiled using %javac%. >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Echo Thank-you for using Mod Taharok's 'Perfect' Compiler! >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Echo. >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Goto c4:resetClsEcho Resetting the Compiler's Logs...PauseDel "Compile Logs.Txt"Echo ----------Compiler Logs---------- >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Echo. >> "Compile Logs.Txt"Goto menu/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -reply by Xlink?
  13. I juss want to say I love naruto but the games are not challenging enough.The stories are toooo short and we should do actual stories on other players for instint hinata what was her story and her missions that she had to accomplish. What made her become strong and make it real like tv let them get to talk to people, form teams for missions, train with each other, get to explore stuff not like dat other lame exploring actually jumping from tree to tree, walking in the woods, get to help train others and stuff. I juss want it to be more fun and real visual. You can make people who don't like love it. I'm just saying improve it like it really going to get people and not have it lame. Oh and you need more bords, more levels make it like its going to make months 2 play then just a day or two. Make were they cant get bored. Hey I'm trying to help cause it gets a lil boring
  14. I need new swat maps because some servers have custom maps that I require to playSwat 4 MapsGo here >>>> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; -reply by Walking Dead
  15. Replying to iGuestum I don't think there's gonna be another zelda game bud they completely killed TP there original script for TP was amazing it owned the actual finished piece but ya again probably no more zelda =[-reply by XnamelessX
  16. Adobe crash after changing RAMRam Cause Crash?I just bought 2 x 2GB DDR2 (667/533Mhz) RAM for my Macbook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo and tried to start adobe programs such as photoshop and bridge CS3 after. I put back my old 1GB RAM in, but it keeps crashing. Details says that Thread 10 Crashed... Should I reinstall the whole Adobe creative suite? Yikes! -reply by feducia
  17. What if......Confessing To Someone You LikeYour story is so cute XD! but what if the guy I like is only going to be here for a short time? what if I already began to fall in love with him? what should I do? should I let him go? or should I confess?When love comes, you can't help it <3-question by t-rose
  18. I play Americas Army.What Are The Free Online Games/RPG You Play ?I play Americas Army. Americas Army is basically a War/Shooting/Team game. You are an American soldier with your team of about 5-15. Their are many fun, maps. My favorites are Bridge Crossing, Ranche, and Pipeline. It takes a while to download (3-5 hours), and it has medium lag with an average computer. You work up your honor. By the looks of what I've seen you can go all the way to 999. Their are grenade launchers, assault rifles, M16's, SF Mods, RPG's, training courses just like in real army with SF Training, Medical, Marksmen, Javalin, etc. You can go to the AA Browser and play with other people on the maps that I marked as my favorites and many others. AA will keep you up-to-date with punkbuster, servers, and the game in general. I hope many of you consider playing. Thanks. -reply by Dylan
  19. best cadenceCadenceshey hey Josephine hey hey Josephine How do you do, Do you remember me baby Like I remember you? Used to tout your books All the way to school All the A's I made Was in the homework you gave. hey hey, hey hey, hey hey Josephine How do you do Do you remember me baby Like I, Like I, Like I remember you? Used to walk in the park Hold hands after dark Every time it rained You used to call/scream my name hey hey Josephine How do you do Do you remember me baby Like I remember you? -reply by pfcthomason
  20. It is not 3d game, is a browser game. You begin with a castle to command, you have to construct iron mines, gold mines and so on, you create an army, you sen it to enemies and so. The goal get a super-impenetrable castle and beat everybody else. It can be a little boring at the beginning but then it gets fun.
  21. I am the oldest of 7 kids, 4 girls and 3 boys. My parents worshiped my brothers while we girls did all of the chores etc they sat in front of the tv. My brothers got cars after they got their licence and we didn't even get a wedding (nor did they even attend the girls weddings). My Dad is gone now and my mom is living with one of my brothers and still worshiping her sons. All of her daughters have moved 100's of miles away. what really bothers me about all of this is that my mom is now worshiping my brothers kids and treats them way differently than her daughters kids. they are all her grandchildren, but only the son's kids get birthday, christmas and anyday gifts. She see's my kids one time a year when we visit and hardly acknowledges their presence! the mother bear in me is making me crazy over this! Lisa
  22. Help me to remove Fake Anti-VirusReport: Fake Antivirus Programs Claim 30 Million VictimsA few days ago my friend paid and installed a FAKE Anti-Virus (System Security) on her computer. She did not know it was Fake Anti-Virus. We noticed that when she told me "I installed Anti-Virus" My question is:Is there one way to file a complaing against these people?How can we get our money back?This company is still doing business in this day. -reply by Servando
  23. My way of going...Do You Own A Truck Or A CarI have a 1994 dark green Jeep Cherokee. I've had it since I was 18. My parents got it for me as a graduation gift. I was driving when I was 16, but I only took my mom's car every once and a while. So, I've had her (my Jeep) for a good while now. She's never given me any major problems. I don't know what I'd do when the day finally comes and she no longer can go anywhere. I haven't been a small car person, but the Mini Cooper has really grown on me. One of my coworkers used to have one.
  24. Creating a startup CD, not Floppy for laptopOperating System Not FoundI have a laptop, but when I try to install Windows XP from CD, it just sits there and nothing after the initial installation screen, seems the pc freezes up, is there some free programs I can download to a CD/DVD and then install on Laptop, Laptop had 320GB HD, 2GB ram,...HelpThanksTimP.S.I have read the responses above and tried most, but they do not work with my laptop.
  25. thannk youInternet Connection Sharing With Xbox 360 And A LaptopYour method really worked for me. I could successfully connect my xbox 360 online through the laptop with wireless connection. Thank you, -reply by sgms
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