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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. For my site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I have intergrated ipb with phpnuke istead of the default and stupid phpbb. An intergrated version of phpnuke with ipb is also available in a distributable format from http://www.ipbnuke.net/. I highly reccomend you guys check it out, all that is need is the services of Xisto, ftp program and a version ipb (prefferably ipb1.3 and later). It is working for a dream with me and I continue to add new mods to enhance my site. I have added the ibproarcade with tubesocks mod (2.5.1) from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, enhanced download module from nuekstyles.com/, D-SHoutbox from http://www.invisionize.com/, and much more.. As you have found my site is heavely moded. What does ipbnuke do? Ipbnuke completely relys on ipb for the logging in and registering of users. So you login and out with ipb. Its great. And the ipb members table in the database is feeded of by ipbnuke, so all my account modules, etc are still used! Disadvantages A lack in modules, themes and login blocks are available for ipbnuke, so you must get Holbrookau (the owner of ipbnuke) to convert them, or if you pm me about themese you want converted I can convert them. This is because the themes and login blocks have to be converted to not use the default phpbb forum location and have full paths. I highly reccomend any of you wiht limited knowledge in programming check ipbnuke out!!
  2. i spend about 2-3 hours on my computer after school most days, i goto the gym and pool at 5:30am every morning. I also play basketball, tennis and go for runs. So I think i compensated for my lazyness on some days with exercise. I also go to own with friends often, so i am not that unsocialable.
  3. Don't know bout you guys but my cell service provider, vodafone hav a customers website for services like web2txt, purchasing ringtones and pics..etc..On Vodafones websites your account features unlocking PUK numbers ..etc..Just a thought, but your cellphone service provider may contain information reguarding PUK codes and other information. With My cellphone service provider you can slo ring them up to get your PUK code.Just a suggestion, just look into it.
  4. If you would like a gmail account and can't seem to find any available, just send me a line with the your current email addy and name. I would be happy to send you an invite to get a gmail account, for as long as I am able to... Later, -- J. (omenessence*at*gmail.com) remember to change the *at* to @ before sending the email...
  5. Well, I actually happen to be a *BLEEP*. I just look at the person who said it and say "What's with that? You lookin' for a date? Sorry, I'm just not that easy.." But, if you think that more people are going to post crude remarks to your forums, I would suggest that you do make it so that only members can post. It would save you a bunch of time having to ban any and everyone that decides to insult you. Later, -- J.
  6. Thanks everyone! I've actually made quite a few different renditions of this specific template. I will probably add the previews for those as well and see which gets the better reviews... P.S. I've had numerous websites, each with their own charm. I almost always create templates for my sites. I have very rarely used a template someone else made. But I may use another persons template as a base for a new template.
  7. I have Adobe Photoshop CS v8.0 with ImageReady and everytime I try to add a filter effect, I am unable to configure it the way I want, because the filter dialog box is way too large and I cannot seem to see the setting options. I've tried to resize the window; but it doesn't want to resize and I've also resized my desktop from 800x600 to the larger ones, but I can't stand to have my screen that large. Is there anyway I can fix this problem? It's really starting to bug me... Here is a capture of what my screen looks like everytime I try to apply a filter effect: Thanks in advance, -- J.
  8. Check it now, it should be up.Cheers, MC
  9. As i said this is just a minor prevention, especially for phpnuke users. Although this can be bypassed a few ways it can still help in annoying and possibly moving a hacker onto another site. This is just a precaution which doesn't hurt to put on your sites root directory.
  10. On my site Prodigy Community I get about 5 cents per click. Everyone should note!!! Do not click on your own ads!!! Because at the very first $100 dollar payment they check ur registered ip with all the clickers ips, and if theres a match your account get disabled. I know many people this has happened to including the Admin of this site.
  11. Yeh they can still try to do other things, if they can. But most of them probably couldn't be stuffed going to that extent especially on small Xisto sites. So in a way the host.deny file could act as a redirection of hackers to other unprotected sites. It just gives a hacker more hassle if there ip is featured in the list.
  12. I just went back to the theater and watched "Dawn of the Dead". This movie is really scary, i would suggest watching it. Unless your not into that scary kind of stuff, but this is the best scary movie i have seen this year!
  13. Hey I absoultely hate hackers and have compiled a huge list of ips to deny, over 6500! I know there are more and more hackers emerging everyday and many will not be listed on this, but this host.deny file i have compiled helps to getrid of some gud hackers in general. Includes CMS hackers and general site hackers. Download this file: Host.deny (right click save target as to download, to view just click the link) Install: Once you have downloaded the above file, upload it to your accounts root folder (the root/), this is the root which has the public_html folders and otheres in it. What does it do? It denys the ips of many good hackers contained in this file. SO they are unable to access anything on your site. Can i add to this file? Sure, just add all your banned ips as in the format in the host.deny file. Edit using a text editor such as notepad. Hope you like this, i am currently adding a few more thousand ips to the list and will post back when finished. I know this doesn't stop all hackers, but I believe by utilising this file it is a step in the right direction for anti-hacking. I definteley CMS users such as Phpnuke, postnuke should use this file. But remember this file still includes many gud genreal hacking teams and divisions. Hope this helps.
  14. yea, that helps me a lot!!! i missplace a LOT of files like graphic files for my sites and im very lazy so i dont have to type in google.com and type what i want, the google bar is already there. iv got this thing now and i suggest you ppl get the same thing to help you. this is really going to help me in the near future. im gonna be loading my computer with a huge amount of graphic files and im gonna be working on my coding to now i wont lose them like i used to THX GOOGLE
  15. I've written the entry form you could use to collect birthday information, then on whatever page you want, you just query the database the day and month of the date with the dd-mm entered, I will explain this later, unless someone wants an attempt to do it. It's partially tested to make sure it works correctly, but it has not gone under extensive testing, especially in the security way of things, as I wrote it all on one page, just to speed things up, else switching through different pages, modules, functions, features just doesn't cut it. So here's the code. <?php$dbhost = 'localhost';$dbusername = 'dbusername';$dbpasswd = 'dbpasswd';$database = 'database';$table = 'table';$firstname = 'firstname';$surname = 'surname';$fullname = 'fullname';$DOB = 'birthday';$dbcon = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbpasswd) or die('Error: Connecting to Server failed.');$query = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS $database";mysql_query($query) or die('Error: Failed to create database');$db = mysql_select_db($database, $dbcon) or die('Error: Database selection failed.');$query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table ( id int(25) NOT NULL auto_increment, $firstname varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', $surname varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', $fullname varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', $DOB varchar(6) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY(id), UNIQUE KEY($fullname)) TYPE = MyISAM COMMENT = '$database $table'";mysql_query($query) or die ('Error: Failed to create table');?><html><head><title>Birthday Entry</head></head><body> <h3>Enter Your Birthday</h3> <form name="EntryDOB" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <table> <tr> <td>First Name:</td> <td><input name="fname" type="text" maxlength="49" value="<?php echo $_POST['fname']; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Last Name:</td> <td><input name="sname" type="text" maxlength="49" value="<?php echo $_POST['sname']; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Date of Birth (dd/mm):</td> <td> <input name="dd" type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" value="<?php echo $_POST['dd']; ?>"> <input name="mm" type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" value="<?php echo $_POST['mm']; ?>"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><input id="submit" name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit"></td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $fname = stripslashes(trim($_POST['fname'])); $lname = stripslashes(trim($_POST['sname'])); $day = stripslashes(trim($_POST['dd'])); $month = stripslashes(trim($_POST['mm'])); if((!$fname) || (!$lname) || (!$day) || (!$month)) { echo "<br>\n<br>\n<p>Sorry, all fields are required, please re-enter and resubmit.</p>\n<br>\n\t</body>\n</html>"; exit(); } $month = (int)$month; if(($month < 1) || ($month > 12)) { echo "<br>\n<br>\n<p>Sorry, the month you entered is invalid, please re-enter and resubmit.</p>\n<br>\n\t</body>\n</html>"; unset($month); exit(); } $howmanydays = array(1 => 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30); $day = (int)$day; if(($day < 1) || ($day > (int)$howmanydays[$month])) { echo "<br>\n<br>\n<p>Sorry, the day you entered is invalid, please re-enter and resubmit.</p>\n<br>\n\t</body>\n</html>"; unset($day); exit(); } $completename = "$fname $lname"; $birthday = "$day-$month"; $sql_name_check = mysql_query("SELECT $fullname FROM $table WHERE $fullname='$completename'"); $name_check = mysql_num_rows($sql_name_check); if($name_check > 0) { echo "<br>\n<br>\n<p>Sorry, your name seems to have been already entered, only one entry needed.</p>\n<br>\n\t</body>\n</html>"; unset($fname, $lname, $completename); exit(); } $query = "INSERT INTO $table (id, $firstname, $surname, $fullname, $DOB) VALUES ('','$fname', '$lname', '$completename', '$birthday')"; mysql_query($query); mysql_close($dbcon); echo "<br>\n<br>\n<p>Thank You for your entry $completename</p>\n"; } ?> </body></html> Starts off with the configuration variables, then this script connects to your MySQL server and then creates the database and table if the user has rights to do so. Else you would have to create it yourself. This part of the script is not needed, but for a one off script that can setup your database for you is what I was trying to achieve. Once you've ran the script once, you can remove those extries, just make sure you leave the database connection part of the script in there. Next we go into creating our simple fill in form, what it asks from our users is firstname, lastname, day and month of birthday. When the form is submitted the action of the form uses itself to process the form. We could grab other information if needs be, for security reason like an email address, etc, but this was just to get the basics. The best way to do this would have the user log in, and we stored this information as part of their personal details we have on database. So the form gets submitted and now goes through being processed, we set our posted variables into easier variables to work with, stripping out any slashes and removing any leading spaces, it might be better to use a regular expression on the type of characters that are allowed to be inserted and possibly to use a wordlist for blocking out bad words being used, if we are displaying this birthday to all to see, not just the person when they log in. Next we check if anything was entered in the fields of the form, if not, we will stop processing the rest of the script and ask them to resubmit correct information. We then check that the month falls within 1 or 12, why? Because there's only 12 months in a year, so it would not make sense seeing someone input 14 as a month. We don't want that happening as it will just add to the database and would not result in anything. We also check that the days are valid for the months, I used an array to store the maxdays for the month, we know this so, we can automatically set it. We then test whether the day is valid by seeing that it's not less than one and not greater than the maxday of the month. Note: I had to force the use of integer on the variables, due to PHP allowing all variables any type, and it had problems with knowing what type it should have used. So hopefully this fixed that problem. So after those checks, we can fairly say that the date entered is valid, so we can continue with our script. Next I create the fullname, because we will use it in our database as a check to make sure that the same name doesn't already exist, quite possible that these people are different and we may have to do a check on all information entered, but to make it simple, no fullnames the same can be entered twice, even if other details are different. I then create the birthday variable using the information entered seperating it with a dash (-). Now to check if the name is already in the database, if not, it will add all the valid information in it, close the database and thank the user for their entry. That's it! I know there's a lot of improvements that could be made, it wasn't really well thought out but it does what it's meant to do and that's to grab the birthday information. The next thing would be to use that birthday information and display it on your page, when it's neccessary. I'll leave that up to you to do, as I'm sure it wouldn't be too much of a hassle, connect to database, create a variable for todays date to compare making sure it's set out like dd-mm with the dash seperator, you then compare the string with any in the database, get a match, display your message to them. Or just create a list of people's birthdays on that day, or upcoming birthdays, the ideas are unlimited. Well hope this script shows some strategies in tackling some of the problems you will encounter along the way. Cheers, MC
  16. I also recieved a level seven on this test.. My scores are as follows: The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell! Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Level | Score Purgatory | Very Low Level 1 - Limbo | Very Low Level 2 | Very High Level 3 | Moderate Level 4 | High Level 5 | High Level 6 - The City of Dis | Very High Level 7 | extreme Level 8- the Malebolge | High Level 9 - Cocytus | Moderate Level descriptions: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-information.html Take the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-test.mv Interesting test...
  17. Hey all, Before I go ahead any further with this specific template design. I wanted your opinions on it.. It's just a capture of the template within my PS program. I'm not too sure about this template which is why I want opinions on it and if need-be, brutally honest opinions before I start scripting for this template... Here's the link to it (It's a rather large image) : Click Here To See The Image Thanks all, -- J.
  18. Actually, that's not a bad idea! While my site is currently under construction I think I will add a 1-minute redirection link back to Xisto. That way my visitors can see that my site is still under construction, getting to see the graphic and read the little bit of info on my main page, and then redirect them to this site... That would work great until my site is fully up and running... I never thought of that until I read this post... Thanks, -- J.
  19. Lol you always dedicate your site to your girlfriend, i think you use the theme of love a bit much Oh yeh a little suggestion, your fonts are a bit blurred man, dunno maybe you should do something about them
  20. I definitely like Gaim; excellent muti IM client for AIM, YIM, MSN, ICQ, and IRC. Also, Linux owns :Pgaim.sourceforge.net for more info
  21. hi!!i think the best mod ever created was counter-strike and tactical ops. the first is a mod for halflife and the second (i like it better) is a mod from Unreal tournament. both games there are now stand-alone versions but in the beginning they were mods. TO (tactical ops) i play now too because its a cool game and u should test it :)greetz nox
  22. lol!!sacred is a bad diablo!! i played diablo and i played sacred and i was very disappointed.the graphics isnt that better and everything is worse than at diablo. I thought sacred will be a sort of warcraft+diablo:) but this wasnt so. so that is what i think:) greetz
  23. hi!!i play warcraft too but not long. i started playing 2months ago:). now i play only footman wars this game is very good and i like it very much . but i hate the imba ones where u can cheat with the ankh and where the items are very cheap.mfg nox
  24. The Twinmos GO2 Music P11 stands as the cheapest MP3 player in this group test. Despite its value pricing, the GO2 Music P11 does have a few tricks up its sleeve.Should you find the player's built in 128MB of memory limiting, the GO2 Music P11 features SD and MMC memory card slots for easy upgradeability. While radio functionality is present with seven programmable presets, the GO2 Music P11 does not allow for either voice or direct FM recording. We were pleased to find however that Twinmos has included a fairly upscale set of headphones despite the player's value pricing. While the player itself features a relatively small LCD, Twinmos has made very good use of the limited screen real estate. The Twinmos GO2 Music P11 proved to be an easy player to live with, as its compact size, good button placement and intuitive interface made navigation and usability a breeze. The only annoyance was shutting down the player as the GO2 Music P11 requires you to hold down the power button for a few seconds before it actually shuts down.
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