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I am also wondering how to remove email with this code. Thanks for the script. I added a wysiwyg editor to this script to send HTML emails. Worked like a charm! Thanks!
I just bought a new battery because I thought my old one wasn't working. When I plugged in the charger it said "plugged in, not charging." I tried the new battery and it says the same thing. The battery doesn't charge it stays at 0% How can I fix this?karansng20@gmail.com
Photoshop Tutorial: Forum Signatures
iGuest replied to Dream1405241490's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
hey I was just having trouble with this too. Just Free Transform the second one on a new layer. Just ended up getting it now. -reply by chris orsogna -
Cheating Runescape Ban Appeals how to get unbanned
iGuest replied to threesix's topic in Computer Gaming
Your account may have been hacked. Mine was and I know how. I had recovery questions and used a complex password, but it was still hacked. Then one day I tried to login and the password was incorrect, I got it reset and back into my account, but noticed more "friends" that I never had. I kept changing my recovery questions, but about every week this hack got into my account. Finally, I was in my account and the hacker started talking to me... I straight out asked how he was getting into my account. He simply said he would find a 100+ level account, get the account locked by saying it was stolen, sent in some bogus "facts" and Jagex would reset the password. Then I would go through the same process with real facts like when the account was paid for, created, etc, etc and Jagex would reset the password for me. I begged and begged for them to look into it, but I don't think any real person read the requests. Finally, the hacker got tired of me in "his" account and logged in one day and dropped 40M and all my stuff. Everything was gone! I gave up for several months then decided I would try again. This time, he got the account banned for language and botting and even got the appeals denied. Of course, they won't show you the evidence for botting, but if anyone looked at the language evidence it was obvious this person wanted to be banned. He just walked around calling everyone a misspelling of the "and" word. If anyone at Jagex actually looked at the evidence, this wouldn't have happened. If anyone at Jagex looked at the unlocking requests, it would have never happened. This person knew nothing about me in the beginning. He just tried to guess a few facts and got the password reset. I'm guessing it's a regular thing. Gather up 100 high level players, get the accounts locked and cut and paste general information and if they even get one account out of 100 reset there is nothing they can do. This was a 6 year old account and he was able to get into it and get it permanently banned in one year. There's no way I'm starting over. Maybe it's time to move on to WoW. I'm more dissapointed in Jagex than this hacker. It's like calling a locksmith andsaying, "hey that's my car and I lost the keys" and he replies, "Can you prove it's your car?" Then the hacker says, sure I can, "it has 4 tires, is blue, oh and look under the seat and you'll find a nickel!" Must be your car! -
Dish Network - Scam Scam Scam! Do Not Trust Them!
iGuest replied to anwiii's topic in General Discussion
Watch my YouTube report about getting screwed by Century Link and Dish Network. Please pass it on to all who have been screwed.Forward the link to everyone you care about.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ your complaints to EJDComlaint@aol.com -
Ok I have done this several times and after searching through 4 or 5 different sites for answers I have written up a step by step process. Hope you guys like it!!!!Removing/Uninstalling Trend Micro Client1) Go to start 2) Open my computer3) Open up the c: drive4) Open up program files folder5) Open up trend micro client folder6) Look for ofcscan.ini file and open it in notepad7) In the file scroll to the following area (INI_CLIENT_SECTION)8) Find Uninstall_Pwd= line and enter # at the front of that line9) Go to the end of the Uninstall_Pwd= line and hit enter to add a new line under that line10) Type Unistall_Pwd=7011) Save the file12) Go to start 13) Click on run14) Type regedit15) In registry go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE16) Go to software section under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE17) The look for trend micro and open it18) Under trend micro look for pc-cillinNTCorp and open it19) Under pc-cillinNTCorp click on current version20) Select MISC. under current version21) On the right pane look for Allow Uninstall (should be 5th from the top)22) Right click on allow uninstall 23) Select modify in popup box24) Change the base from hexadecimal to binary 25) In the value change the 0 to 126) Click ok and close the registry 27) Now you are able to uninstall trend micro office scan client
Good AfternoonKindly advise as to the PHP memory limit on the free web hosting plan offered by Xisto.SincerelyProspective Member.
Broadband Modem Sharing Accessing Internet from 2 computers
iGuest replied to Nik1405241546's topic in Computer Networks
about lan card functioningBroadband Modem SharingI have connected a new lan card in order to share my broad band connection the onboard lan card is not functioning now what might have happend to my onboard lan card -reply by komalvikram -
I use free portable PHP/HTML/CSS/JavaScript editor - Codelobster PHP Edition.
The Meaning Of Life An philosophy discussion
iGuest replied to hast-webben's topic in General Discussion
Meaning of lifeThe Meaning Of LifeMeaning of life is to live and the effort is to live with happiness, lasting happiness. We try so many methods to be happy. Each one of them teaches us a lesson, and the lesson is that all these enjoyments are shortlived. After several trials and error we start looking for lasting happiness, a happiness that will last forever. This turns us towards God. So it would appear that the meaning of life is to look for God. Happiness is some thing that comes out of overcoming of limitations. An example would be a game of foot ball. The idea of foot ball as we all kmow is to put the ball in the goal post. Now there are so many ways to do this. You can take the ball, run to the goal post and put it in. But then that is too simple. So we go about putting limitations, such as that one cannot touch the ball by hand. One has to negotiate the ball using only our legs and through the opposition position and still score the goal. Then only there is happiness. God's way of playing a game is what is life. He puts limitation and pushes us to transcend it... ASHOK -
Disproving Mormonism A few facts that disprove the mormon faith
iGuest replied to Prox's topic in General Discussion
Becky, It seems that you are incredibly ignorant when it comes to the Mormon faith. First of all, the definition of a Christian is anyone who believes in Christ. That makes Mormons just as Christian as you because the whole religion is centered around The Savior, Jesus Christ. One of the many reasons Mormons worship Jesus Christ is because he died for us and suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane for us. However, our belief is that because he did this, it doesn't mean we just get a free pass to do whatever we want and see know consequences. Think about it, does Hitler just get off the hook for what he did because of Christ's Atonement? NO. That is why we have repentance. There are conditions with the Atonement. We can't just do whatever we want and just say "oh Christ already suffered for this sin, so im good" That would be insane! We are here for a reason. Why would Our Father in Heaven send us down here just to not be held accountable for anything? One of the main principles of the Mormon faith is that we will be forgiven for our sins after we have done all we can do to repent of them and have endured to the end. Then and only then can we be saved by the Grace of God. And let me ask you this, when you were first gaining interest in Christianity, did you read the Bible and pray about it to know that it was the true Word of God? I'm guessing at some point in your life you have, but I am also guessing that you never picked up The Book of Mormon and read and prayed about it. So how would you know if it's true or not. Science or no science, the only one who can tell you whether it's true or not is God, if you pray with real intent. James 1:5-6 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. 6. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. I respect any good Christian, Mormon or not. I suggest next time you decide to make comments about anything you do a little research first. The goal of any Christian is to strive to be as Christ-like as possible even though you know you will fall short and to go off about something you know nothing about and demean someone elses faith is just petty and one of the least Christ-like things I can think of. Why do you worry so much about whether Mormons think they are the source of all good (by the way you got that all wrong, though I will admit that some of us do get a false sense of pride, but nobody is perfect) Isn't the important thing, that the hungry are being fed and the homeless are being sheltered? Who cares who is doing it or who takes credit. That is a very cynical way of looking at things. With all the evil people in the world (murderers, rapists, child molesters, etc etc), do you really want to put any energy into Mormon bashing. Save it for the people who contribute nothing to society. I am glad that you are a good Christian and I hope you will be more open-minded in the future. Bye. And for the guy that wrote the main article on this page, have you ever read the Book of Mormon? It mentions Jerusalem hundreds of times and there are many other cities that there is evidence of. Several in the Arabian Peninsula and in South America. It amazes me every time someone who has never even read the Book of Mormon bashes on it. Do I bash on the Koran? No, Why? Because I haven't read it! -
Mouse And Keyboard Not Responding...
iGuest replied to WeaponX's topic in Websites and Web Designing
my mouse and keyboard are both wireless. The mouse has a red light. They both are connected to the reciever... But.. Neither work ! the cursor doesnt even show up..Helpp...! -reply by help me please -
Pc takes ages to bootPC Takes Ages To BootOh my gosh I nearly have the same problem but no beeps or anything like that. The computer is pretty new, about 2 years old. It does have low memory but its at about 66% memory left (50 gb). Everything runs fine but that the computer takes 2-3hours to load and sometimes auto restarts and at times if you are away from the computer too long the user is half logged out and you end up getting the background screen showing but nothing else and the only way to get out is press the windows picture and letter l as in llama. Sometimes the internet stops working and the page never loads and I have to switch users to be able to use internet again. Sometimes the computer freezes altogether.This has frustrated me so many times when something important like a presentation or communication is unable to be accessed for hours and worries come all the time. If they won't answer their phone, computer is one of the only ways to talk to family.
Kalki Avataar mention of prophet muhammed(pbuh) in hindu scriptures
iGuest replied to shddgfgc's topic in Health & Fitness
bro just follow this video http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ will acknowledge what is truth -
I'm in the same situation... I have been off and on again with my current boyfriend for 8 years. During a period when me and my current boyfriend was broken I dated this guy for 2 years with whom I was madly in love with and ended up having a child for. When I was three months pregnant my child's father left me and moved to another country. Me and my current boyfriend then got back together and he loves my child like she is his own. Now, my child's father regrets leaving and wants to be with me. He says he still loves me and will wait for me.I still love my child's father but I also love my current boyfriend. I never cheated on my current boyfriend with my child's father but I am still emotionally connected to him. I love both of them but I love them on different levels. I believe I have a more caring and supporting matured love for my current boyfriend but I am in love and emotionally and sexually connected to my child's father although we don't even live in the same country. So I don't know what advice to tell you. If you can be honest with yourself and with them and had both of them in front of you and they asked you to choose, who would you choose? I guess you can look at it from that way.
eragon will need to kill Murtagh cause he has sworn it to the dwarves after Murthag killed king hrothgar.
LOL mccodes/torncityMccodesI used to be an admin on torncity and I can tell you torncity is not mccodes. It dam well used to be though! team ched have completley remove all the origanal codeand replaced it with hip hop new stuff. So ched can say his code is origanal yes but it wasntmany years ago lol -reply by jmrwgaming
How To Make Your Own Counter Strike Source Dedicated Server!
iGuest replied to AbdurahmanL's topic in General Discussion
Hey.. Very good, but there is something wrong with it. The bat file you have set to download, updates cstrike and not "Counter Strike:Source" meaning that it downloads the Counter Strike 1.6 update. You won't be able to host this server online until you update with this promt command: hldsupdatetool -command update -game "Counter Strike Source" -dir C:\HLserver NOT this one, as the .bat file said. hldsupdatetool -command update -game cstrike -dir C:\HLserver -
Disproving Mormonism A few facts that disprove the mormon faith
iGuest replied to Prox's topic in General Discussion
I am a firm believer in Christ and I know that mormonism is a false religion. It makes me so sad that there are so many blind followers. If they opened their eyes and their hearts they would see the truth.One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say it has to be true and christian because it's called "Another testament of Jesus Christ" and "The Church of Jesus Christ". I could easily call my fridge the fridge of Jesus Christ and then get a bunch of followers who will believe it. But it doesn't make it true.""IF OTHER CHURCHES WERE TRUE AND THEY DO HAVE THE BIBLE...WHY DO THEY SMOKE AND DRINK??? WHEREAS I DONT COZ OF THE TEACHINGS I HAVE RECEIVED?..""This is also something that bothers me. Mormons think that they are the reason for abstinance and all the good in the world. No. It started with Christians. The reason Christians do things like that even though they might be encouraged not to, is because they know they will be forgiven, whereas Mormons do not think that Jesus dying for them is good enough. And Mormons have a false belief that they will become Gods when they go to heaven, even though the Bible CLEARLY states SEVERAL times that there has and only ever will be one God. Him. So yes, Christians sin more than Mormons, but that does not make them right. -
How Do Violent Video Games Affect Children?
iGuest replied to FreedomOverdose's topic in General Discussion
Hello, I found this information useful. It had helped my understand what positives and negatives games could have on children.I am writing an essay, which is an assignment from our teacher, which has to be about positive and negatives about something.Thanks. -
I think the main problem is the benefits system has become a way of life to some people. In every other country in the world, if you dont have a job youre given reasonable time to find one then youre screwed. In this country it doesnt really matter if you have a job or not.The difference is between the chavs and real gangsters is in America, for example a lot of people join gangs to survive,Thats why in a america gangs are Gangs!.In this country, gangs are people that got nothing better to do.And its all down to a soft benefits system in my opinion, its become a way of life to many.When they clamp down on benefits, even though the number of chavs will decrease sharply, the few that are remaining will become much worse because they'll be commiting crime to put food on their plate.Look out Britain, guns are on the way....
3ds Max Tutorial. Introduction to reactor.
iGuest replied to nakulgupta's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
Sphere 3ds Max Tutorial.Should the ball(sphere) hit the texts ? Or it would be big boundary around the texts ? -reply by maxreac -
As par the law of relativity, if any substance go with or more than the speed of rays then the time require for that journey is equal to zero. so we can say that the time is null.so my opinion is that there may be a whole to the sky which connect one milky way to another which boost up the speed and nullify the time. i feel that whatever lost from earth from that triangle is still alive faruk