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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. i remember the first time i got this problem..it was with another host...and at the same time i was editing my forum's sql...i though it was me and i messed up everything by deleting my files..and reinstalling time..was a extra week of work!! lol!! well..atleast i learn from that mistake...
  2. I Would Clasify this as spam lol...
  3. Its really amazing how many people just skip over all the posts go to the end of the thread and then post thier message when its been asnswered what 100 200 times Tim :twisted:
  4. w00t. iWork arrived to today. It is somewhat of a transition form the world of MS Office and the OpenOffice clone. but so far I love it. It is easy to use and can do powerful layout and formating.
  5. iGuest


    well it's something to do, click click click, fun for a while but eventually gets boring after you've done almost everything X_X
  6. ahhhhh you idiots are going crazy for no reason just wait till tomorrow and everything will be fine!!!
  7. If they are on a different server, I doubt they are experiencing the same problem. Unless there are a lot of paid accounts here.
  8. phpBB has more mods compare to IPB and vbulletin. GO for phpBB.
  9. I am curious because I may want to go for the pay service instead of the free. Help me decide here on this issue. Do the paid service customers here have the mysql problem?
  10. He is not an admin or a mod, so are you going to trust his words???? j/k He is a long time member. I believe going just for a week will be fine as well. I see members with like 11 posts and they are register back in DEC 2004!!!! Their account should be deleted. But it is not.
  11. Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /home/rgi/public_html/phpBB/db/mysql4.php on line 48Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/rgi/public_html/phpBB/db/mysql4.php on line 330Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/rgi/public_html/phpBB/db/mysql4.php on line 331phpBB : Critical Error Could not connect to the database Data Base Error??
  12. It is lame, knowing nothing because we are told nothing. I can tell why some of you guys are irritated. There should be an official post to tell us the situation.
  13. iGuest

    New Sig

    I really like the 1st one.
  14. No offense, but I agree with Stephan on this. I think you mods and account creators should shut up, since you don't know what happened between Stephen and the admins.How can you go around accusing someone of lying to get a paid account when you don't know what really happened? Even in real life, a criminal is considered innocent until proven guilty.How can you go around suggesting an unhappy PAYING customer needs some time out? Would you be happy if you paid for something but didn't receive it?You guys really need to work on your PR and customer support.
  15. It means this host doesn't have enough active mysql connections. The admins will have to discuss with their server host about increasing the number of mysql connections.This problem arises because of too many accounts on one server.
  16. I'm a male the last time I checked, which was 5 seconds ago. 8)
  17. My name is nagisa. Yeah, it's a Japanese name.I've been searching for a 100% FREE hosting site which supports PHP & MySQL for weeks, and finlly gooooogle leads me here. Now wondering off for 5 posts~
  18. All that really needs to happen is the servers need to be reset my other host has had this problem before... =/ pain in the butt, but i know ;)As soon as the servers are reset then all our MySQL will come back ;)Tim :twisted:
  19. I have a gmail name too, with 50 invites.akaferrisbueller(at)gmail(dot)comEmail me if you want one.
  20. Have the site admins identified this problem? Just wondering because there doesn't seem to be any official FNH posts regarding to the mysql servers being down?!?
  21. woow~~ Does anybody have a screen shot?
  22. iGuest


    Cool name. Does it mean something in Thailand?
  23. I've been using Nero for years. Well I donnt know other burining programs, but with Nero, I always can do a over-burning work~ :wink:
  24. iGuest


    Yes.... I'm from thailand. My name is stop but call me top. OK! get. :wink:
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