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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Dude, I'm not even sure what you're looking for. I gave you a link that had 206,000 hits for you to browse through. You should at least explain your request.
  2. Yes I do! If anyone needs mods, I'm the person to contact. :wink:
  3. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Tron and I had a good laugh at this!
  4. I know Vishnu-- I work w/ Vishnu...I told him about this site Mike--Vishnu -- 2 different people -- Mike (NOT Vishnu)I'll take your word for it... as long as your IPs aren't the same :wink:
  5. try reinstalling phpnuke with fantastico, if that doesnt work you may need to make a new account
  6. mirella , parece que vas a tener que ir a un forum en espa?ol , esta gente no te hablan nuestro idioma
  7. Im also currently seem to have problems with mysql. My scripts cannot connect to it, and when i log on to the cpanle and goto mysql database, my dbs are seem to be missing. Also phpmyadmin will not accept my username/password
  8. INVISON vbulliton sucks, i prefer phpbb actually, but invision out of both
  9. u need to reinstall the missing files in the nuke.sql
  10. thanks kyle thats a great hint i had to add ftp://
  11. iGuest

    Sup all

    Hi, Welcome to FNH. Keep active here and refrain from spamming.
  12. iGuest


    Hi, Welcome to FNH. Keep active here and refrain from spamming.
  13. iGuest


    oh man that game is fun, once i plyed with my cuz - its a really good way to kill time, cuz what seemed like 30 min to us was actually 4 hours :?
  14. iGuest


    hey im jsas and i am intrested n gettin a site here
  15. I have had this happen many times and i wanted to know a possible solution. Here is the error message: There seems to be a problem with the MySQL server, sorry for the inconvenience. We should be back shortly. the site URL is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Thanks FNH for all of your help in the past though. (And that was serious, not sarcastically) Cody
  16. Yeah its nothing like it, but its a lot better.
  17. Your new account won't either.Fantastico is temp. not available!
  18. yea i just got mine today it's not there either on mine.
  19. yeah ive never seen a book challenging sooo many of the old well known cosperacies but some stuff i found was funny how they exxagerated the truth..
  20. Any chance of adding a chat room?Run it off the back of an IRC?
  21. I've played and I finished them... ( But something like that I want....
  22. i think this was deffinatly better than the 1st one it was just sooooo sexually dirty and usually thats ok in a movie but not when most of the people bieng diry are 50++
  23. it was a really good movie... especially if you like sports movies its great... ps. i loved the soundtrack!
  24. this is the very best movie ever made its a low budget movie about 2 irish men who had a vision by god that they needed to kill all of the bad men of the world... and they carried out his wishes
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