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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Yeah, nice idea... and i love the idea of the mod
  2. This is a software i want this software full version for use so if anyone can get it for me i'll be very thankful to him.
  3. i got a few questions..... Any specific colors? Any specific design notes? Any image size? Image type?Or is this all up to our imagination?
  4. Sounds OK to me ;)But it might take a lot of attention away from the forums...
  5. Regarding PHPBB and Vbulletin they both dont have a graphical interface as IBP has and IBP is a user friendly board so it is easy for use and you can do any changes within a minute as there are many options to do certain jobs so i prefer IBP is the best
  6. lol, yeah... I definately will call on you some time
  7. Oh my god , my site had that problem too ;)Hope this prob will be fixed soon
  8. O............. K.......... Then............. :roll:
  9. Nobody... I don't even know what Richmond plays... Never heard their stuff :wink:
  10. Don't worry about the back up THIS TIME but you should back up regularly I'm pretty sure the problem is the servers just need a little kick in the butt not really they just need restarted is all Tim :twisted:
  11. *Oh we're from tiger land...* ;)I barrack for them who do u go 4?
  12. lol, no... that's not me. Believe me... I'M NOT HOT! ;)BTW; I'm male
  13. Oh, lol ;)Thanks for telling me... I had no idea! :oops:
  14. My website has been fine, and it's PHP-Nuke Platinum too
  15. :roll: :roll: http://forums.xisto.com/ :roll: :roll: All ya needa know :roll: Tim :twisted:
  16. Database connection error!A connection to the Database could not be established.Please check your username, password, database name and host.Also make sure config.php is rightly configured!Same here... I have no backups
  17. Aww.... it's OKI'm linking you
  18. Bulk isn't that like the spam for Yahoo? If it is then try reporting it to yahoo as NOT spam see if that works if that fails then on ur site make sure that you tell people with yahoo mail to check thier bulk e-mails hope this helps Tim :twisted:
  19. I added u to my MSN buddy list if ur wondering who added u lol
  20. You're probably getting that error because its unable to creat a MySQL data base which most forums need to run I could be wrong though I dunno but my oppinion is that its the MySQL and when the servers are back so will that script you're trying to install ;)Tim :twisted:
  21. if u tell us the error..someone would be able to
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