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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. no it wasn't take a look when mySQL comes backthank u
  2. male... btw .. random... the picture in your avatar? is that you???
  3. :shock: Oh yea im hot aren't i. No pics of me.
  4. GDs should be supported. You'll have to install manually though, fantastico has them (when we have it).
  5. i wanted to park a domain in cpanel...n i get a error message.. but i pointed well the dns to the right ip's at my registrar .. :S ..can any1 help me?
  6. Well, I consider DSL broadband so, yea. Only a couple problems, connection fails, and is very prone to spyware. spyware should burn in Hell but ok thats enough.
  7. hmmmm My first E-Mail address I got when I was 9 (I'm 17 now, well on the 20th) it was burnst123456@aol.com(Iewww I hate aol )Tim :twisted:
  8. What would you rather have if you could only choose one?
  9. I use http://ww2.freephotoserver.com/?folio=9POR7JU99 works like a charm and very easy to use.
  10. Santa Barbara, California, USA, World, Solar System, Milkyway, big universe, black darkness of nothingness.......
  11. I am not sure where to ask this to get all the guys attention. I want to know if all the members and everyone know if we have gd for php? I ask because I need that capability. It is for a modification in phpBB. It require for pictures.
  12. I am from CA and it is a PIAN to carry my backpack around all day, including lunch. No wonder my back is always in pain. Gray Davis just had to go and get us in debt, reduce school funds, and leave us with no lockers. Darn granola-sucker.GO BUSH!!!!
  13. Yea, thanks FNH. I don't know how you guys (and gals) do it. Well, keep up the good work.
  14. My first had to be Codycougar91@go.com Gets viruses really easily. Some middle-eastern guy sent me like ten emails, all with virus-filled atachments.
  15. iGuest


    Busca en google ahi encontraras buenos manualesPD: no estes hablando aqui el idioma espanol.. por que este es un foro en ingles
  16. Good point, very good point for that matter. I am.........MALE What do ya know. Maybe a reason for this is that guys are cheaper so they get free hosting while females aren't. Idk. Just a thought
  17. Btw, 2.0.13 is out. Not that it matters, since this forum is still version 11...Oh, and one of the admins needs to update the overall_header.tpl and change the version to 2.0.11. (public_html/forums/templates/subsilver/overall_header.tpl)
  18. I have used the scripts library at other hosts before, and the forum installed perfectly.However, I used the one here and it gives me an error? I don't think this is a cpanel problem, since if it was, it would affect all cpanels, not just the one here.Also, considering the fact that there is no fantastico, and your scripts library isn't working, maybe one of you should make a tutorial on how to install forums manually. If there is already one, I apologize, and hope someone will point it out to me, because I can't find it.
  19. pues lastimosamente aqu? no hay forum en espa?ol
  20. I think the sport is from Thailand. Kinda of like Bad Mitton. But they use there feet, and a ball about the size of softball, and made out of basket type weeve. They do bicycle kicks like every 2 minutes. Super cool.WHats it called?king
  21. Hey, did you ever think about how good fight club was? Well, somebody had to write it. He is a Author named, Chuck Palahniuk. And all his books are just as good as Fight Club. Same inner thought narrative like fight club. Out of all his books, if i had to pick, Survior is proably the best, but they are ALL, really just as good.So check him out...best author of our time.Chuck PalahniukEnjoy-King
  22. iGuest

    Good Day

    WOW sounds like you got a great backbone there Welcome to the site hope you enjoy our little communittee! Tim :twisted:
  23. An extra week bummer dude but hey we all learn from our mistakes First time it happend to me I almost started crying because I had just got PNP up and then I thought It got hacked and everything deleted right after just getting it up ... LMAO As for ameba's Question ... It really doesn't matter wether its paid or not if a servers havin probs its havin probs a simple restart should do it well prolly be back tomorrow like dnljeff said Tim :twisted:[/b]
  24. There is a software out there, called FreeRip. Its basically a shareware CD ripper.BUT, who cares about that. A sub-part of this little beautiful program is it will do Batch Compressions of MP3's down to 1/3 of there regular size. If your mp3 is 20mb, it will come out like 7mb. Save my life once. Free @ download.com. FreeRip 2.931 http://download.cnet.com/windows/?qerip&tg=dl-2001 it will save your life..like it did mine. ENJOY--king
  25. lol well I should have net acesss when im there but just incase I don't I wanted to give a heads up as for them freeloaders ... pfff on you ya da** freeloaders ... hahahah ... JP JP ;)Tim :twisted:
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