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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. uhm... i love UT, but your sight kind of kills it for me... im sorry but you need to find like a uo template or something
  2. The Lord of the Rings has to be one of the best trilogies ever written. I insisted on reading the books before I saw the movies!
  3. i really like ur site, nice layout and all good job keep up the good work
  4. Is there cash available for creating accounts?
  5. yeah awesome tutorials this one is going in the bookmarks
  6. I've missed quick reply so much - really helps when setting up the accounts. Naz you rule
  7. I believe that Naz just changed the number of FNH$ you can get for a post, since I got 5 on my last post. This should make it easier for you to get your 500 FNH$, Whizz. :wink:
  8. yeah i really like the site... keep up the good work... and uhm good luck on selling that phone
  9. Right, I've made this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I feel if we can get users to go there, it will allow them to gain support quicker and will cut down on the ammount of spam. If it is OK with you guys, Naz and Admin, I was wondering if you could incoporate the link somehow into the site. Also, I will need some of the mods here to sign up to be mods in the chat room to. If your intrested, reply here and I'll set ya up. Haz
  10. I didnt look through all the posts, buta game that should be BIG coming out THIS MONTH is GUILD WARSIt is a MMORPG that has NO monthly fees.I had the chance to participate in the open beta test in december. I have to say this is one of the more well put together MMORPG's ive seen...that and the only other reason i want it is cause NO MONTHLY FEES!!!!!yea, well thats one to look out for
  11. No offense, but that's the worst way to do thumbnails. :wink: First of all, the browser has to download the entire picture before re-sizing it, so it would take a really-long time on a 56K modem. Second, you cite JPG as a good way to store images, since they take up less space. This is true, but it's at the expense of quality. If you've ever seen a 1024x768 image compressed with JPG, you'll know it's horrible.
  12. I just wanted to take the opportunity to say hello and introduce myself. I'm from Australia and am keen to learn a lot from these forums as I am just starting out with php and html. I hope to have my site up and running soon and it will be all about me and hopefully include a blog for all my ramblings! Hope to catch u soon in the forums. Cheers
  13. hi my name is geoff i will give gmail invites to people who sign up under my link ( http://www.freeminimacs.com/?r=15864412 ) and then complete an offer and i then will give you 5 gmail invite or more if need be contact me at gsm151515@gmail.com and u can sign up under the folowing link: http://www.freeminimacs.com/?r=15864412
  14. Well, I've started a multi-gaming team if you could not tell by the title. I am looking for people that play the fallowing games:Americas ArmyCall Of DutyMedal Of Honor Allied Assault (Spearhead Expansion if u have it)Unreal Tournament 2004Warcraft 3 ROC (TFT Expansion if u have it)Guild Wars (This game is still in beta testing)Need for Speed Underground 2With all of these games, you could guess i have trouble running them all.I am looking for people to basically be incharge of each game (AAO position is filled already, sorry)If you are interested in joining, let me know, also let me know if you want one of the leader positions.
  15. The admin does know about this problem then ?!?
  16. yeah... that is truth.. football (soccer) is the best !!
  17. The description you described is realy circuit modification. If you change a capacitor or resistor in a timing circuit it will change the length of the time. If this is deployed in an audio circuit say an alarm or siren driver it would alter the pitch and or lenght of sound. If you dont know what you are doing you will destroy components depending on what the device is you are modifiing. The term circuit bending is probably used by people who do not design, manufacture or repair electronic products.If you know what you are doing you can make something completely different from what you started with. If you play with the right part of the circuit you do little damage.Switch mode power supplies will kill people so dont mess with mains stuff!Tom
  18. What are you talking about? Why do you think search engines can't index flash pages? The website in my sig can be found be searching Google. Also, what do you mean "today's internet"? I only personally know one person that has a 56k modem. Most sites I know about nowadays are made for cable or DSL users. Although I suppose even those do usually have some sort of lo-fi version.
  19. Black light -> Fruhstuckgood? i properly understand your game?black light is a title of the song, and fruhstuck is a team, band
  20. I would say windows just because of every thing that is compatible with it. I would then choose linux second because you can do a lot of stuff with it and it comes with like a free office suite. Also it is free. And with the help of programs like wine you can run windows executable files. (.exe) Also Linux is less susceptible to viruses.
  21. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ iProvide
  22. PM me the answer fir this prob...
  23. Kind've a dumb idea to step away for a while with nobody to watch the server.
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