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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. read them all, seen all the movies in the cinema and have bought all dvd's
  2. Firefox roxx, especially with this smilie extension
  3. I'm not american, so I do not have an opinion (altough bush licks anus )
  4. iGuest


    if you had read the friggin forum, you'd have known we have problems with the server...
  5. I have about 200 invites to spare so add me to the list (FA.Whizz@gmail.com)
  6. The Knoppix CD has saved our butts more than once because of its bootability. Even if you decide to go with another version of Linux, burn yourself a Knoppix CD because it is very useful at recovery should your computer go kaput.
  7. I need to change my name, therefore, I need 500 fnh$ donations would be helpfull!!
  8. it's a racing game where you ride a flying skateboard and do manovers and you can race other people, win points and inprove your equipment, and its cute and its a small file =) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. iGuest


    im kind of confused.i cant seem to enter the cpaneli got my application acceptedbut i still cant seem to enter the cpanel, do i have to wait a while before i can enter the cpanel?is there a way to tell if its up?Domain: iniquity.vaio-hosting.com
  10. is GT5 allready confirmed?? wow that's fast GT4 isn't even released ans theye are confirming a nother version wow
  11. Yeah, exactly. I won't let this *BLEEP* split me up.If I hated someone because of bush, how am I any better? This is all just for funThat's the best smilely dnl
  12. well if you do that than I will smack you in the face and steal your PS2
  13. If you have a nice family that will even give you money. Maybe I won't give you money, march 11th. Maybe I will just smack you in the face and take away your xbox
  14. Dont Nuke Lambs http://forums.xisto.com/ Artist: Jeff D. Wane Date Finished: Jan 30 2005 Comments:
  15. Yes. But GT 5 is coming. It has been confirmed.Back Ontopic.In 2005, I look out for Timesplitters: Future Perfect, Midnight Club 3, MGS 3 and the PSP
  16. did you mean grand tourismo 5 with GT5?? because GT5 IS GOING TO BE MUCH AND MUCH BETER THAN THAT UGLY NFS! and besides GT4 is coming first so gt5 is a long time waithing
  17. This kind of threads finish in flaming each other and spliting up relationships. That's what happened to me too in my forum a while ago.
  18. Yeah, otherwise it will just look like all the other servers out there.
  19. It does work, its what's called a pyramid scheme. Most people cant get 5 other people to sign up, and so all the email addresses that they get work. Its like if once person collected 1,000$ from two people, then they each collected 2000$, kept 1000$ for themselves and passed the rest up and so on. You make lots of money and theres enough to go around because new people are being born every minute. But say you cant find someone to do it, then your out however much money you paid. Essentially, this is what they bet on, so you give away your email and probably recieve nothing.
  20. all that is is a image you got to use the "http://forums.xisto.com/ tags to put one in there
  21. iGuest


    Open it with Firefox
  22. I didn't played any of the Midnight Club series... but when MC 3 is released I am sure that I am going to buy it
  23. Hmm, this is the tutorials section, => moved to request stuff
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