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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I also have 50 invitations to Gmail, so if you need an invitation, just call me
  2. well the text I mean is the message that you post and the plate I mean is that one were you on have "things that I hate" ......
  3. rename it to the official fnh server, and i might show up no serious, maybe i will join tomorrow, be there
  4. Yeah, plus nero rips better as well... which means it makes it the best combo
  5. I like spybot search and destroy, its reliable, and it gets good reccomendations. Plus its free.
  6. What text? Are you talking about a sig?
  7. o yeah that I didn't think of that...
  8. I finnaly got my new card: Ati Radeon 9250 256MbAnd it works fine. I tried NFSU2 and it's so cool...
  9. well I didn't said it in good english... sorry for that.. but what I mean was that thin that you have under your text..
  10. Oh, cool. Is an official one. Did you buy it from the army?
  11. lol, yeah, I'm postin like god.When I take a vacation, I won't have to worry about it! ::smile::--Z?
  12. yeah, but i don't care, googleAds are the only one's I support
  13. do you got the adblock extension??
  14. Yeah, I use firefox most of the time, but sometimes, java doesnt seem to work with it.
  15. iGuest


    WoW Nazrin! It's so cool... I like it. But... "I'll will be..." shouldn't it be "I'll be..." or "I will be..."
  16. 1) That election was rigged: http://www.bushflash.com/ Who's the Govenor of Florida? 2) There are more stupid people than enlightened/smart in this country if you believe that crap from that bushflash site there must be somthing wrong with you and almost all of the people i know that voted for bush were really smart also i live in ohio a state that bush won so maybe that has somthing to do with me liking him so much what page ads??? i dont see them maybe the firefox adblock thing took them out Ok, I'm not gonna make you my enemy cause of him. *BLEEP* that. lol, so we got our differences, o well. But im using firefox too, i still got the google page adds, o well.
  17. I don't know ...I can just pop loll :oops:
  18. I don't know if this game will go against any rule, so I would like a Mod to watch this and close it if necesary. If I broke any rule, I'm sorry This game consist in saying the name of a song that has a same word of the song named in the previews post. Example: Post #1: Getting bored-> Name of the artist Post #2: Bored of doing nothing -> Name of the artist You MUST also put the name of the artist This game can be quite entertaining. In the http://www.rocktotal.com/ forum it was the best thread, I liked it so much... there were only metal songs... such good... So here we start: Red light in my eyes -> Children Of Bodom
  19. first you have to have firefox then after you get firefox click here and install the extension
  20. Yeah but its beta. I can't create an account.
  21. Ok Ok. You have posted enough for the moment, have a rest plz Here goes mine: Title: Needled 24/7 Artist: Children Of Bodom Lirycs: Since day one I've been crass and far beyond. I couldn't laugh, I couldn't cry ... Before you judge me, take a look at yourself. Condescending, outlivin' in a lie.. Despite all the pain in my heart grinding through, it ain't due that you hate what I hate what you do Despite all the piety you've been consuming thus far, a backstabbing mother*BLEEP*er to the bone is what you are And everyday when the knife in my back starts to twinge n' turn, My eyes are catching fire and my heart starts to burn. A foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven, Then again it's like being needled 24/7 You look down to me to see the scum of the earth to be. *BLEEP* yeah, that's me, vile and obscene. I ain't happy about it but at least I don't judge and decree to be better than another human being. Everyday when the knife in my back starts to twinge n' turn, My eyes are catching fire and my heart starts to burn. A foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven, Then again it's like being needled 24/7 Despite all the piety you've been consuming thus far, Can anyone, somebody tell me what the *BLEEP* is going on? Everyday when the knife in my back starts to twinge n' turn, My eyes are catching fire and my heart starts to burn. A foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven, Then again it's like being needled 24/7
  22. thats some nice art the mardi gras one is awesome
  23. Isnt this like most store mods for message boards? You can buy things, and you get money for posting, which is only added after the store is added. So it didnt matter how much you posted before. You can edit people's points though. So they have as much as they had for earlier posts.
  24. LoL? You're talking about strategic games and you don't even mention the best one, Commandos (I, II and III)? Oh my god! There's no better strategic game than them. And if you haven't played them... TRY THEM! and if you don't like them... you really like strategic games?
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