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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. Oh, so after failing to answer my latest post, you're resorting to threats now? Fine way to deal with this :DAnyway, Nazrin just pm-ed me to request I stop until he resolves this issue, I will give him face and stop for now for a while.
  2. I already mentioned this thread: http://forums.xisto.com/ I ask again, was that not the truth? I fail to see who I'm insulting with this post: http://forums.xisto.com/ I was only speaking the truth. And I provided the guy with SUPPORT which he should be getting from the admins: http://forums.xisto.com/ I admit I went too far with this: http://forums.xisto.com/ However, I wasn't exactly pinpointing anyone, nor was I dissing any admins here, as you mentioned "dissing the admin right and left". You call this post an insult? Where's the insult?: http://forums.xisto.com/ This thread is basically the same as http://forums.xisto.com/ : http://forums.xisto.com/ I fail to see who I'm insulting in this post: http://forums.xisto.com/ All in all, there's only been ONE post where I agree I should have been punished, or warned, but CERTAINLY not banned. And, And I care? How? I'm already banned, what else can you do to me.
  3. No ones turned me into a lier =/ but when you do to far with your feedback/complaints its enough
  4. As you wish: http://forums.xisto.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/ Those are the only two in which you directly insult an admin. However, you were bad-mounthing FNH in general in several more: http://forums.xisto.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/ And other members of the forum: http://forums.xisto.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/ And if you browse through this topic, you'll see that you were provoking and insulting people right and left. So, you were just generally making the forum an unpleasant place to be. EDIT: And I'm definately getting pissed at you now.
  5. Are you blind? Dago-Serv PAID for his. Think before you post. Or rather open your eyes and read.ps. I'm being sarcastic on purpose until I get a good reason for my ban, from the mysterious guy who did it.
  6. Ahh, I didn't know of that site. Score one for you ps. I'm being sarcastic on purpose until I get a good reason for my ban, from the mysterious guy who did it.
  7. Need some games? I've got over 350 I think in 7 packs Tim :twisted:
  9. I see, I see a lot more clearer now. :roll: Guess you guys don't care about inflation eh? Happy dealing with more spammers. :roll: ps. I'm being sarcastic on purpose until I get a good reason for my ban, from the mysterious guy who did it.
  10. nah..I've install it just now...(I mean Games) =)
  11. Glad to see I was of service. It's my habit of standing up for the guy who does all the REAL work. :DNow everyone knows the RIGHT person to congratulate. :roll: ps. I'm being sarcastic on purpose until I get a good reason for my ban from the mysterious guy who banned me.
  12. That's not a good reason. Show me my posts where I was dissing the admins left and right. Aside from that one post that I posted saying '4) Inactive admins', I don't recall straight out dissing any admins without a good reason.So I'm getting banned for speaking the truth now?ps. I'm being sarcastic on purpose until I get a good reason for my ban from the mysterious guy who banned me.
  13. Yes, they are, but that's because I'm usually modest and let him have all the credit. I wasn't feeling modest since you came back.
  14. Ahh you should have spoken up earlier then. All the posts I've seen on anything relating to the mods are congratulating NAZRIN for the good job done instead of YOU. I would have thought someone should feel ashamed for stealing the credit from someone who actually did the work.ps. I'm being sarcastic on purpose until I get a good reason for my ban from the mysterious guy who banned me.
  15. Okay. Yes, you're right, the admin hasn't made any announcements. In fact, I haven't heard a peep out of him. I have no idea what's going wrong, and neither does anyone else here. He is the only admin. Off-topic, are you sure this: applies to this post? Or were you just in the habit? And I gave you your good reason. :wink:
  16. iGuest

    new sig

    Well, the text is a bit hard to read, especially since there's alot of non-letter characters in there. Also I'm a huge fan of putting a 1px border on every sig.But other than that, it looks great!
  17. It is standard practice for the admins to inform his customers of anything that's going to happen to the site. If you DID read my posts, you'll notice that all I'm asking is ONE announcement, updating HIS customers (so there's only one admin? I thought there were more, *shrug*) about what's happening. I haven't seen a SINGLE announcement from any admin. Sure, you can say this is a free host, but, THIS IS HAPPENING TO THE PAID HOSTEES TOO. :roll: I don't have to be in contact with the admin to know that he's not doing what he's supposed to. And if he is actually doing something, it's his own fault if people think he's doing nothing, because he's ANNOUNCED NOTHING. Is that the way the admin of a 'professional' hosting company should behave?ps. I'm being sarcastic on purpose until I get a good reason for my ban from the mysterious guy who banned me.
  18. Yes I did! Via the shop. I left the sig so people know it's me.
  19. iGuest


    Right to the left of every one of your posts. :wink:You currently have 1.99.
  20. Yes, but if you ask Naz, he'll support me. I'm the reason (no offense Naz, you did a great job) that all the hacks work around here. :wink: You weren't around when they weren't, earlier today.
  21. Wow, glad to see there's actually someone with REAL ability on the staff. Of course, that's just your word on this so far. :shock: ps. I'm being sarcastic on purpose until I get a good reason for my ban from the mysterious guy who banned me.
  22. woah how did you change your name to God??
  23. iGuest


    how so you find ouit how much u have?
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