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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. I'm guessing that by AAO you mean America's Army. That is the only game out of those that I have.Sorry, can't help ya.
  2. It's going to be tough. You're going to need to create an image, with the text you want on it. You're then going to have to upload it and then mod the theme.php file within your template.
  3. my favorite band is fruhstuck! that is poland team with Germans name and Netherlands vocal. someone hear about fruhstuck?
  4. w0w that is a really cool theme, where did u get that from? is it part of invision or what ups with that... but that is a r0x0rs them man good job
  5. redirected to joynic.com is something wrong here? i believe so just my opinion though well id love to see ur site if it works sometime
  6. Yup I plan on going to poland when I got travelling. I also want to visit Russia.
  7. Yep. Here's the basics, if you know the basics of PHP you can modify it for your site. If you don't, I'd be willing to write you a complete script for some FNH$. This script will take the id of the review from a MySQL Database, get the content, and then display it. <?php//Get the review number from the GET var.$reviewid = ($_GET['review']) ? $_GET['review'] : 1;//Connect to the database$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password");mysql_select_db("dbname");$result = mysql_query("SELECT content FROM reviews WHERE id='$reviewid'");$review = mysql_fetch_array($result);echo($content);?>
  8. iGuest


    uhm all i get was a blank page... mayb something wrong with the database idk
  9. Comments welcome. I know its kinda plain, but im not that good with Photoshop CS just yet, but i can make a realy realistic sun....
  10. the animation is amazing but i hope you didnt spend to much time on it.. cuz its not that spectacular but its really cool for ur first good job
  11. lol - well that's not exactly such a big issue, I'm sure the community can wait. :mrgreen:
  12. Sounds like far too much work - I'm going to stick with Windows (I'm too lazy to learn a new OS)
  13. except the smilies aren't working...=) I'll post at announcement when it is ready..
  14. Any chance of getting moved then????Howcome I was put on the wrong server? Strange things have been happening- I got like 4 emails asking for a username and password to create my account but I already had it created...Have proof if you need it
  15. iGuest


    holy crap that thing is frickin awesome man, keep up the good work
  16. I'm from you know where, Texas. My Name is Brian and have run my mom's website for about 6 months now and my main hobby is working on my computer so I know a fair amount about computers.
  17. it doesnt load because its vaio-hosting. all vaio-hosting websites are currently down... freenukehosting is fine... so thats why it wont load for u
  18. really cool site i love online war games myself, keep up the good work.. still think CoD is better
  19. Like I can hold down 2 jobs and a University Degree! lol. What's next, wife and kids?? lol
  20. iGuest


    Naz you sure do put a hell of a lot of your free time into this site - cheers!
  21. No, silly. But there's another hack which allows people to "work", and get paid regularly, which might be set up.
  22. Im sorry to say this but you're wrong... I have paid for plan A hosting and I am on the vaio hosting server that is down, I wouldnt mind waiting if i had a free account! Please help me someone or at least get the story straight- is it just the free accounts- or am i on the wrong server?
  23. I'm pretty sure that post lenght has alot to do with it to.I've noticed that I've had as little as .72 to up to 5. Odd
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